@ -16,26 +16,29 @@
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
import re
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from .. import operators
from ..specs.Simple import Simple
from ..specs.WorkflowSpec import WorkflowSpec
from ..exceptions import StorageException
from ..exceptions import SpiffWorkflowException
from .base import Serializer, spec_map, op_map
# Create a list of tag names out of the spec names.
_spec_map = spec_map()
_op_map = op_map()
_exc = StorageException
class XMLParserExcetion(SpiffWorkflowException):
class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
"""Parses XML into a WorkflowSpec object."""
Parses XML into a WorkflowSpec object.
# Note: This is not a serializer. It is a parser for Spiff's XML format
# However, it is too disruptive to rename everything that uses it.
def raise_parser_exception(self, message):
raise XMLParserExcetion(message)
def deserialize_assign(self, workflow, start_node):
@ -43,17 +46,18 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
start_node -- the xml node (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
name = start_node.getAttribute('name')
attrib = start_node.getAttribute('field')
value = start_node.getAttribute('value')
name = start_node.attrib.get('name')
attrib = start_node.attrib.get('field')
value = start_node.attrib.get('value')
kwargs = {}
if name == '':
_exc('name attribute required')
if attrib != '' and value != '':
_exc('Both, field and right-value attributes found')
elif attrib == '' and value == '':
_exc('field or value attribute required')
elif value != '':
self.raise_parser_exception('name attribute required')
if attrib is not None and value is not None:
self.raise_parser_exception('Both, field and right-value attributes found')
elif attrib is None and value is None:
self.raise_parser_exception('field or value attribute required')
elif value is not None:
kwargs['right'] = value
kwargs['right_attribute'] = attrib
@ -65,8 +69,8 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
start_node -- the xml node (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
name = start_node.getAttribute('name')
value = start_node.getAttribute('value')
name = start_node.attrib.get('name')
value = start_node.attrib.get('value')
return name, value
def deserialize_assign_list(self, workflow, start_node):
@ -78,13 +82,13 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
# Collect all information.
assignments = []
for node in start_node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.nodeName.lower() == 'assign':
for node in start_node.getchildren():
if not isinstance(start_node.tag, str):
elif node.tag.lower() == 'assign':
assignments.append(self.deserialize_assign(workflow, node))
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % node.nodeName)
self.raise_parser_exception('Unknown node: %s' % node.tag)
return assignments
def deserialize_logical(self, node):
@ -93,26 +97,26 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
node -- the xml node (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
term1_attrib = node.getAttribute('left-field')
term1_value = node.getAttribute('left-value')
op = node.nodeName.lower()
term2_attrib = node.getAttribute('right-field')
term2_value = node.getAttribute('right-value')
term1_attrib = node.attrib.get('left-field')
term1_value = node.attrib.get('left-value')
op = node.tag.lower()
term2_attrib = node.attrib.get('right-field')
term2_value = node.attrib.get('right-value')
if op not in _op_map:
_exc('Invalid operator')
if term1_attrib != '' and term1_value != '':
_exc('Both, left-field and left-value attributes found')
elif term1_attrib == '' and term1_value == '':
_exc('left-field or left-value attribute required')
elif term1_value != '':
self.raise_parser_exception('Invalid operator')
if term1_attrib is not None and term1_value is not None:
self.raise_parser_exception('Both, left-field and left-value attributes found')
elif term1_attrib is None and term1_value is None:
self.raise_parser_exception('left-field or left-value attribute required')
elif term1_value is not None:
left = term1_value
left = operators.Attrib(term1_attrib)
if term2_attrib != '' and term2_value != '':
_exc('Both, right-field and right-value attributes found')
elif term2_attrib == '' and term2_value == '':
_exc('right-field or right-value attribute required')
elif term2_value != '':
if term2_attrib is not None and term2_value is not None:
self.raise_parser_exception('Both, right-field and right-value attributes found')
elif term2_attrib is None and term2_value is None:
self.raise_parser_exception('right-field or right-value attribute required')
elif term2_value is not None:
right = term2_value
right = operators.Attrib(term2_attrib)
@ -128,26 +132,26 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
# Collect all information.
condition = None
spec_name = None
for node in start_node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.nodeName.lower() == 'successor':
for node in start_node.getchildren():
if not isinstance(node.tag, str):
elif node.tag.lower() == 'successor':
if spec_name is not None:
_exc('Duplicate task name %s' % spec_name)
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Successor tag without a task name')
spec_name = node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif node.nodeName.lower() in _op_map:
self.raise_parser_exception('Duplicate task name %s' % spec_name)
if node.text is None:
self.raise_parser_exception('Successor tag without a task name')
spec_name = node.text
elif node.tag.lower() in _op_map:
if condition is not None:
_exc('Multiple conditions are not yet supported')
self.raise_parser_exception('Multiple conditions are not yet supported')
condition = self.deserialize_logical(node)
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % node.nodeName)
self.raise_parser_exception('Unknown node: %s' % node.tag)
if condition is None:
_exc('Missing condition in conditional statement')
self.raise_parser_exception('Missing condition in conditional statement')
if spec_name is None:
_exc('A %s has no task specified' % start_node.nodeName)
self.raise_parser_exception('A %s has no task specified' % start_node.tag)
return condition, spec_name
def deserialize_task_spec(self, workflow, start_node, read_specs):
@ -160,31 +164,31 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
start_node -- the xml structure (xml.dom.minidom.Node)
# Extract attributes from the node.
nodetype = start_node.nodeName.lower()
name = start_node.getAttribute('name').lower()
context = start_node.getAttribute('context').lower()
mutex = start_node.getAttribute('mutex').lower()
cancel = start_node.getAttribute('cancel').lower()
success = start_node.getAttribute('success').lower()
times = start_node.getAttribute('times').lower()
times_field = start_node.getAttribute('times-field').lower()
threshold = start_node.getAttribute('threshold').lower()
threshold_field = start_node.getAttribute('threshold-field').lower()
file_name = start_node.getAttribute('file').lower()
file_field = start_node.getAttribute('file-field').lower()
nodetype = start_node.tag.lower()
name = start_node.attrib.get('name', '').lower()
context = start_node.attrib.get('context', '').lower()
mutex = start_node.attrib.get('mutex', '').lower()
cancel = start_node.attrib.get('cancel', '').lower()
success = start_node.attrib.get('success', '').lower()
times = start_node.attrib.get('times', '').lower()
times_field = start_node.attrib.get('times-field', '').lower()
threshold = start_node.attrib.get('threshold', '').lower()
threshold_field = start_node.attrib.get('threshold-field', '').lower()
file_name = start_node.attrib.get('file', '').lower()
file_field = start_node.attrib.get('file-field', '').lower()
kwargs = {'lock': [],
'data': {},
'defines': {},
'pre_assign': [],
'post_assign': []}
if nodetype not in _spec_map:
_exc('Invalid task type "%s"' % nodetype)
self.raise_parser_exception('Invalid task type "%s"' % nodetype)
if nodetype == 'start-task':
name = 'start'
if name == '':
_exc('Invalid task name "%s"' % name)
self.raise_parser_exception('Invalid task name "%s"' % name)
if name in read_specs:
_exc('Duplicate task name "%s"' % name)
self.raise_parser_exception('Duplicate task name "%s"' % name)
if cancel != '' and cancel != '0':
kwargs['cancel'] = True
if success != '' and success != '0':
@ -210,55 +214,55 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
# Walk through the children of the node.
successors = []
for node in start_node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.nodeName == 'description':
kwargs['description'] = node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif node.nodeName == 'successor' \
or node.nodeName == 'default-successor':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
successors.append((None, node.firstChild.nodeValue))
elif node.nodeName == 'conditional-successor':
for node in start_node.getchildren():
if not isinstance(node.tag, str):
elif node.tag == 'description':
kwargs['description'] = node.text
elif node.tag == 'successor' \
or node.tag == 'default-successor':
if not node.text:
self.raise_parser_exception('Empty %s tag' % node.tag)
successors.append((None, node.text))
elif node.tag == 'conditional-successor':
successors.append(self.deserialize_condition(workflow, node))
elif node.nodeName == 'define':
elif node.tag == 'define':
key, value = self.deserialize_data(workflow, node)
kwargs['defines'][key] = value
# "property" tag exists for backward compatibility.
elif node.nodeName == 'data' or node.nodeName == 'property':
elif node.tag == 'data' or node.tag == 'property':
key, value = self.deserialize_data(workflow, node)
kwargs['data'][key] = value
elif node.nodeName == 'pre-assign':
elif node.tag == 'pre-assign':
self.deserialize_assign(workflow, node))
elif node.nodeName == 'post-assign':
elif node.tag == 'post-assign':
self.deserialize_assign(workflow, node))
elif node.nodeName == 'in':
elif node.tag == 'in':
kwargs['in_assign'] = self.deserialize_assign_list(
workflow, node)
elif node.nodeName == 'out':
elif node.tag == 'out':
kwargs['out_assign'] = self.deserialize_assign_list(
workflow, node)
elif node.nodeName == 'cancel':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
elif node.tag == 'cancel':
if not node.text:
self.raise_parser_exception('Empty %s tag' % node.tag)
if context == '':
context = []
elif not isinstance(context, list):
context = [context]
elif node.nodeName == 'lock':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
elif node.nodeName == 'pick':
if node.firstChild is None:
_exc('Empty %s tag' % node.nodeName)
elif node.tag == 'lock':
if not node.text:
self.raise_parser_exception('Empty %s tag' % node.tag)
elif node.tag == 'pick':
if not node.text:
self.raise_parser_exception('Empty %s tag' % node.tag)
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % node.nodeName)
self.raise_parser_exception('Unknown node: %s' % node.tag)
# Create a new instance of the task spec.
module = _spec_map[nodetype]
@ -266,9 +270,9 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
spec = module(workflow, **kwargs)
elif nodetype == 'multi-instance' or nodetype == 'thread-split':
if times == '' and times_field == '':
_exc('Missing "times" or "times-field" in "%s"' % name)
self.raise_parser_exception('Missing "times" or "times-field" in "%s"' % name)
elif times != '' and times_field != '':
_exc('Both, "times" and "times-field" in "%s"' % name)
self.raise_parser_exception('Both, "times" and "times-field" in "%s"' % name)
spec = module(workflow, name, **kwargs)
elif context == '':
spec = module(workflow, name, **kwargs)
@ -277,34 +281,31 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
read_specs[name] = spec, successors
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, filename=None):
def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, root_node, filename=None):
Reads the workflow from the given XML structure and returns a
WorkflowSpec instance.
dom = minidom.parseString(s_state)
node = dom.getElementsByTagName('process-definition')[0]
name = node.getAttribute('name')
name = root_node.attrib.get('name')
if name == '':
_exc('%s without a name attribute' % node.nodeName)
self.raise_parser_exception('%s without a name attribute' % root_node.tag)
# Read all task specs and create a list of successors.
workflow_spec = WorkflowSpec(name, filename)
del workflow_spec.task_specs['Start']
end = Simple(workflow_spec, 'End'), []
read_specs = dict(end=end)
for child_node in node.childNodes:
if child_node.nodeType != minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if child_node.nodeName == 'name':
workflow_spec.name = child_node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif child_node.nodeName == 'description':
workflow_spec.description = child_node.firstChild.nodeValue
elif child_node.nodeName.lower() in _spec_map:
workflow_spec, child_node, read_specs)
for child_node in root_node.getchildren():
if not isinstance(child_node.tag, str):
elif child_node.tag == 'name':
workflow_spec.name = child_node.text
elif child_node.tag == 'description':
workflow_spec.description = child_node.text
elif child_node.tag.lower() in _spec_map:
self.deserialize_task_spec(workflow_spec, child_node, read_specs)
_exc('Unknown node: %s' % child_node.nodeName)
self.raise_parser_exception('Unknown node: %s' % child_node.tag)
# Remove the default start-task from the workflow.
workflow_spec.start = read_specs['start'][0]
@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ class XmlSerializer(Serializer):
spec, successors = read_specs[name]
for condition, successor_name in successors:
if successor_name not in read_specs:
_exc('Unknown successor: "%s"' % successor_name)
self.raise_parser_exception('Unknown successor: "%s"' % successor_name)
successor, foo = read_specs[successor_name]
if condition is None: