ID's are represented as `uint256` and are incremental from `0` to total number of sticker packs in contract, which we received on previous step. To get a sticker pack we should call `getPackData(sticker-pack-id)`, the return type is `["bytes4[]" "address" "bool" "uint256" "uint256" "bytes"]` which represents the following fields: `[category owner mintable timestamp price contenthash]`.
To get owned packs, we should get all owned tokens for the current account address. To do that we should call `balanceOf(address)` where address is the address for current account. This method returns a `uint256` representing the count of available tokens. Using `tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address,uint256)` method, with the address of the user and ID in form of a `uint256` which is an incremented int from 0 to total number of tokens, we will get token id. To get sticker pack id from token we call`tokenPackId(uint256)` where `uint256` is the token id. This method will return an `uint256` which is the id of the owned sticker pack.
To buy a sticker pack we should call `approveAndCall(address,uint256,bytes)` where `address` is the address of buyer,`uint256` is the price and third parameters `bytes` is the callback called if approved. In callback we call `buyToken(uint256,address,uint256)`, first parameter is sticker pack id, second buyers address, and the last is the price.
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