- An ECDSA (secp256k1 curve) public/private keypair MUST be generated via a [BIP43](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0043.mediawiki) derived path from a [BIP39](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki) mnemonic seed phrase.
- Status follows the X3DH prekey bundle scheme that [Open Whisper Systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_Messenger#2013%E2%80%932018:_Open_Whisper_Systems) (not to be confused with the Whisper sub-protocol) outlines [in their documentation](https://signal.org/docs/specifications/x3dh/#the-x3dh-protocol) with the following exceptions:
- Status does not publish one-time keys `OPK` or perform DH including them, because there are no central servers in the Status implementation.
- A client SHOULD regenerate a new X3DH prekey bundle every 24 hours. This MAY be done in a lazy way, such that a client that does not come online past this time period does not regenerate or broadcast bundles.
- The current bundle SHOULD be broadcast on a Whisper/Waku topic specific to his Identity Key, `{IK}-contact-code`, intermittently. This MAY be done every 6 hours.
- A user MAY register a public username on the Ethereum Name System (ENS). This username is a user-chosen subdomain of the `stateofus.eth` ENS registration that maps to their Whisper/Waku identity key (`IK`).
- An account MAY edit the `IK` generated identicon with a chosen picture. This picture will become part of the publicly broadcast profile of the account. -->
- Public group channels in Status are a broadcast/subscription system. All public messages are encrypted with a symmetric key derived from the channel name, `K_{pub,sym}`, which is publicly known.
- A public group channel's symmetric key MUST creation must follow the [web3 API](https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/1.0/web3-shh.html#generatesymkeyfrompassword)'s `web3.ssh.generateSymKeyFromPassword` function
- In order to listen to a public group channel, a client must subscribe to the channel name. The sender of a message is derived from the message's signature.
- Discovery of channel names is not currently part of the protocol, and is typically done out of band. If a channel name is used that has not been used, it will be created.
- A client MUST sign the message otherwise it will be discarded by the recipients.
- a bundle SHOULD be distributed on the contact code channel. This is the Whisper and Waku topic `{IK}-contact-code`, where `IK` is the hex encoded public key of the user, prefixed with `0x`. The node encrypts the channel in the same way it encrypted public chats.
A low-poly identicon is deterministically generated from the Whisper/Waku chat public key. This can be compared out of band to ensure the receiver's public key is the one stored locally.
#### 3 word pseudonym / Whisper/Waku key fingerprint
Status generates a deterministic 3-word random pseudonym from the Whisper/Waku chat public key. This pseudonym acts as a human readable fingerprint to the Whisper/Waku chat public key. This name also shows when viewing a contact's public profile and in the chat UI.
Status offers the ability to register a mapping of a human readable subdomain of `stateofus.eth` to their Whisper/Waku chat public key. The user purchases this registration (currently by staking 10 SNT) and the node stores it on the Ethereum mainnet blockchain for public lookup.
Idiomatically known as "public key compression" and "public key decompression".
The node SHOULD provide functionality for the serialization and deserialization of public / chat keys.
For maximum flexibility, when implementing this functionality, the node MUST support public keys encoded in a range of encoding formats, detailed below.
### Basic Serialization Example
In the example of a typical hexadecimal encoded elliptical curve (EC) public key (such as a secp256k1 pk),
EC serialization and compact encoding produces a much smaller string representation of the original key.
### Public Key "Compression" Rationale
Serialized and compactly encoded ("compressed") public keys have a number of UI / UX advantages over non-serialized less densely encoded public keys.
Compressed public keys are smaller, and users may perceive them as less intimidating and less unnecessarily large. Compare the "compressed" and "uncompressed" version of the same public key from above example:
The user can transmit and share the same data, but at one third of the original size. 136 characters uncompressed vs 49 characters compressed, giving a significant character length reduction of 64%.
The user client app MAY use the compressed public keys throughout the user interface. For example in the `status-mobile` implementation of the user interface the following places could take advantage of a significantly smaller public key:
When implementing the pk de/serialization functionality, the node MUST use the [multiformats/multibase](https://github.com/multiformats/multibase) encoding protocol to interpret incoming key data and to return key data in a desired encoding.
The node SHOULD support the following `multibase` encoding formats.
encoding, code, description, status
identity, 0x00, 8-bit binary (encoder and decoder keeps data unmodified), default
base32hexpad, t, rfc4648 case-insensitive - with padding, candidate
base32hexpadupper, T, rfc4648 case-insensitive - with padding, candidate
base32, b, rfc4648 case-insensitive - no padding, default
base32upper, B, rfc4648 case-insensitive - no padding, default
base32pad, c, rfc4648 case-insensitive - with padding, candidate
base32padupper, C, rfc4648 case-insensitive - with padding, candidate
base32z, h, z-base-32 (used by Tahoe-LAFS), draft
base36, k, base36 [0-9a-z] case-insensitive - no padding, draft
base36upper, K, base36 [0-9a-z] case-insensitive - no padding, draft
base58btc, z, base58 bitcoin, default
base58flickr, Z, base58 flicker, candidate
base64, m, rfc4648 no padding, default
base64pad, M, rfc4648 with padding - MIME encoding, candidate
base64url, u, rfc4648 no padding, default
base64urlpad, U, rfc4648 with padding, default
**Note** this specification RECOMMENDs that implementations extend the standard `multibase` protocol to parse strings prepended with `0x` as `f` hexadecimal encoded bytes.
Implementing this recommendation will allow the node to correctly interpret traditionally identified hexadecimal strings (e.g. `0x1337c0de`).
This specification RECOMMENDs that the consuming service of the node uses a compact encoding type, such as base64 or base58 to allow for as short representations of the key as possible.
### Public Key Types
When implementing the pk de/serialization functionality, The node MUST support the [multiformats/multicodec](https://github.com/multiformats/multicodec) key type identifiers for the following public key type.
For a public key to be identifiable to the node the public key data MUST be prepended with the relevant [multiformats/unsigned-varint](https://github.com/multiformats/unsigned-varint) formatted code.
Below is a representation of an deserialized secp256k1 public key.
26 | 1c | 55 | 67 | 5e | 55 | ff | 25
ed | b5 | 0b | 34 | 5c | fb | 3a | 3f
35 | f6 | 07 | 12 | d2 | 51 | cb | aa
ab | 97 | bd | 50 | 05 | 4c | 6e | bc
3c | d4 | e2 | 22 | 00 | c6 | 8d | af
74 | 93 | e1 | f8 | da | 6a | 19 | 0a
68 | a6 | 71 | e2 | d3 | 97 | 78 | 09
61 | 24 | 24 | c7 | c3 | 88 | 8b | c6
The `multicodec` code for a secp256k1 public key is `0xe7`.
After parsing the code `0xe7` as a `multiformats/uvarint`, the byte value is `0xe7 0x01`, prepending this to the public key results in the below representation.
e7 | 01 | 04
26 | 1c | 55 | 67 | 5e | 55 | ff | 25
ed | b5 | 0b | 34 | 5c | fb | 3a | 3f
35 | f6 | 07 | 12 | d2 | 51 | cb | aa
ab | 97 | bd | 50 | 05 | 4c | 6e | bc
3c | d4 | e2 | 22 | 00 | c6 | 8d | af
74 | 93 | e1 | f8 | da | 6a | 19 | 0a
68 | a6 | 71 | e2 | d3 | 97 | 78 | 09
61 | 24 | 24 | c7 | c3 | 88 | 8b | c6
### De/Serialization Process Flow
When implementing the pk de/serialization functionality, the node MUST be passed a `multicodec` identified public key, of the above supported types, encoded with a valid `multibase` identifier.
This specification RECOMMENDs that the node also accept an encoding type parameter to encode the output data. This provides for the case where the user requires the de/serialization key to be in a different encoding to the encoding of the given key.
#### Serialization Example
A hexadecimal encoded secp256k1 public chat key typically is represented as below:
To be properly interpreted by the node for serialization the public key MUST be prepended with the `multicodec``uvarint` code `0xea 0x01` and encoded with a valid `multibase` encoding, therefore giving the following:
If adhering to the specification recommendation to provide the user with an output encoding parameter, the above string would be passed to the node with the following `multibase` encoding identifier.
In this example the output encoding is defined as `base58 bitcoin`.
The return value in this case would be
Which after `multibase` decoding can be represented in bytes as below:
e7 | 01 | 02
26 | 1c | 55 | 67 | 5e | 55 | ff | 25
ed | b5 | 0b | 34 | 5c | fb | 3a | 3f
35 | f6 | 07 | 12 | d2 | 51 | cb | aa
ab | 97 | bd | 50 | 05 | 4c | 6e | bc
#### Deserialization Example
For the user, the deserialization process is exactly the same as serialization with the exception that the user MUST provide a serialized public key for deserialization. Else the deserialization algorithm will fail.
For further guidance on the implementation of public key de/serialization consult the [`status-go` implementation and tests](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/blob/c9772325f2dca76b3504191c53313663ca2efbe5/api/utils_test.go).