Summary: This tool grabs all the information that we think will be relevant for a first-pass implementation of the SourceCred project graph. It includes a tool to save the results to disk so that we avoid needlessly hitting the GitHub API over and over. Paired with @dandelionmane. Test Plan: The API doesn’t have tests, because we didn’t think that they would provide much marginal value. But here’s how you invoke it: node bin/fetchAndPrintGitHubRepo.js sourcecred sourcecred "${TOKEN}" >/tmp/out to crawl the repository `sourcecred/sourcecred` with the given API token. wchargin-branch: grab-github-data
The open-source community provides an enormous amount of value to the world. However, open-source contributors go largely unrewarded and unrecognized. SourceCred aims to help that situation, by building tools that enable quantitatively measuring the value that open-source contributors provide to individual projects, and to the community as a whole.
SourceCred will create a "Cred Graph", which is a graph that shows how the contributions that compose open-source projects are related to and derive value from each other. From this, we'll be able to assign "cred" to users based on how valuable their contributions are. Cred will be assigned based on a mixture of objective data (e.g. references between GitHub pull requests) and subjective feedback (e.g. projects' own judgments on how important different contributions were).
If you'd like to contribute, please join our slack.