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synced 2025-03-02 21:20:38 +00:00
This commit changes `api/load` and downstream consumers to use WeightedGraphs instead of regular Graphs. In addition to `api/load`, we also modify the frontends and the timeline cred calculation module. However, we don't yet _use_ the weights from the WeightedGraph. So as to make this commit easier to review, it only changes the data type being passed around; however in practice the consumers ignore the weights and simply use the underlying graph. A followon commit will modify the consumers so that they properly retrieve weights from within the WeightedGraph. This is a major step towards #1557. Test plan: `yarn test --full` passes; manual testing verifies that the frontend still displays cred properly, and that modifying the weights and re-calculating shows that the weights are being used properly.
250 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File
250 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File
# Disable these lint rules globally:
# 2034 = unused variable (used by sharness)
# 2016 = parameter expansion in single quotes
# 1004 = backslash-newline in single quotes
# shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2016,SC1004
test_description='tests for scripts/build_static_site.sh'
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
. ./sharness.sh
run() (
set -eu
toplevel="$(git -C "$(dirname "$0")" rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
"${toplevel}"/scripts/build_static_site.sh "$@"
# Start by checking a bunch of easy cases related to the argument
# parser, mostly about rejecting various ill-formed invocations.
test_expect_success "should print a help message" '
run --help >msg 2>err &&
test_must_be_empty err &&
test_path_is_file msg &&
grep -qF "usage: build_static_site.sh" msg
test_expect_success "should fail with no target" '
test_must_fail run 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target directory not specified" err
test_expect_success "should fail with missing target value" '
test_must_fail run --target 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --target" err
test_expect_success "should fail with multiple targets" '
mkdir one two &&
test_must_fail run --target one --target two 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "--target specified multiple times" err
test_expect_success "should fail with a file as target" '
printf "important\nstuff" >important_data &&
test_must_fail run --target important_data 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target is not a directory" err &&
printf "important\nstuff" | test_cmp - important_data
test_expect_success "should fail with a target under a file" '
printf "important\nstuff" >important_data &&
test_must_fail run --target important_data/something 2>err &&
grep -q -- "cannot create directory.*Not a directory" err &&
printf "important\nstuff" | test_cmp - important_data
test_expect_success "should fail with a nonempty directory as target" '
mkdir important_dir &&
printf "redacted\n" >important_dir/.wallet.dat &&
test_must_fail run --target important_dir 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target directory is nonempty: important_dir" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
mkdir putative_output
test_expect_success "should fail with missing project value" '
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --project 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --project" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
test_expect_success "should fail with missing cname value" '
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --cname 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --cname" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
test_expect_success "should fail with empty cname" '
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --cname "" 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "empty value for --cname" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
test_expect_success "should fail with multiple cname values" '
test_must_fail run --target putative_output \
--cname a.com --cname b.com 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "--cname specified multiple times" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
# Now, actually generate output in two cases: one with projects, and
# one with no projects. We can only do this if we have a token.
if [ -n "${SOURCECRED_GITHUB_TOKEN:-}" ]; then
test_set_prereq HAVE_GITHUB_TOKEN
# Build the site with the given FLAGS, and create a prereq PREREQ_NAME
# to be used in any tests that depend on this build. The build will
# itself have the EXPENSIVE prereq.
run_build() {
prereq_name="$1"; shift
description="$1"; shift
for arg in "${output_dir}" "$@"; do
unusual_chars="$(printf '%s' "$arg" | sed -e 's#[A-Za-z0-9:/_.-]##g')"
if [ -n "${unusual_chars}" ]; then
flags="--target $output_dir $*" # only used if ! [ -n "${unsafe_arg}" ]
test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,HAVE_GITHUB_TOKEN \
"${prereq_name}: ${description}" '
if [ -n "${unsafe_arg}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: potentially unsafe argument: %s\n" "${arg}" &&
fi &&
run '"${flags}"' >out 2>err &&
test_must_fail grep -vF \
-e "Removing contents of build directory: " \
-e "info: loading project" \
-e "DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated." \
err &&
test_path_is_dir "${output_dir}" &&
test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}" &&
test_set_prereq "${prereq_name}"
test_expect_success "${prereq_name}" \
"${prereq_name}: should have no cache" '
test_must_fail test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}/cache"
test_expect_success "${prereq_name}" \
"${prereq_name}: should have a bundle" '
js_bundle_path= &&
js_bundle_path_glob="${output_dir}"/static/js/main.*.js &&
for main_js in ${js_bundle_path_glob}; do
if ! [ -e "${main_js}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: no main bundle found\n" &&
return 1
elif [ -n "${js_bundle_path}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: multiple main bundles found:\n" &&
printf >&2 " %s\n" ${js_bundle_path_glob} &&
return 1
# test_pages PREREQ_NAME
# Test that the PREREQ_NAME build output includes a valid home page, a
# valid prototype page, and a valid Discord invite page (which should be
# a redirect).
test_pages() {
test_expect_success "${prereq}" "${prereq}: should have a favicon" '
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/favicon.png" &&
file -b --mime-type "${output_dir}/favicon.png" >./favicon_filetype &&
printf "image/png\n" | test_cmp - ./favicon_filetype &&
rm ./favicon_filetype
test_expect_success "${prereq}" \
"${prereq}: should have a home page and a prototype" '
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html"
test_expect_success "${prereq}" \
"${prereq}: should have a discord-invite with redirect" '
file="${output_dir}/discord-invite/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${file}" &&
test_must_fail grep -qF "<script src=" "${file}" &&
url="https://discord.gg/tsBTgc9" &&
needle="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\" />" &&
grep -qxF "${needle}" "${file}"
run_build TWO_PROJECTS \
"should build the site with two projects and a CNAME" \
--no-backend \
--cname sourcecred.example.com \
--project sourcecred-test/example-git \
--project sourcecred-test/example-github \
test_pages TWO_PROJECTS
test_expect_success TWO_PROJECTS \
"TWO_PROJECTS: should have project ids loaded into env" '
grep -F "PROJECT_IDS" out &&
grep -xF "PROJECT_IDS: [\"sourcecred-test/example-git\",\"sourcecred-test/example-github\"]" out
test_expect_success TWO_PROJECTS \
"TWO_PROJECTS: should have data for the two projects" '
# encoded ids for sourcecred-test/example-git and sourcecred-test/example-github
for id in c291cmNlY3JlZC10ZXN0L2V4YW1wbGUtZ2l0aHVi c291cmNlY3JlZC10ZXN0L2V4YW1wbGUtZ2l0; do
test -s "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/cred.json" &&
test -s "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/weightedGraph.json" ||
test_expect_success TWO_PROJECTS "TWO_PROJECTS: should have a correct CNAME record" '
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/CNAME" &&
printf "sourcecred.example.com" | test_cmp - "${output_dir}/CNAME"
test_pages NO_PROJECTS
test_expect_success NO_PROJECTS \
"NO_REPOS: should have empty list of project ids loaded into env" '
grep -F "PROJECT_IDS" out &&
grep -xF "PROJECT_IDS: []" out
test_expect_success NO_REPOS \
"NO_REPOS: should not have repository data" '
for id in c291cmNlY3JlZC9leGFtcGxlLWdpdA== c291cmNlY3JlZC9leGFtcGxlLWdpdGh1Yg==; do
for file in weightedGraph.json cred.json; do
test_must_fail test -f "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/${file}" || return
test_expect_success NO_REPOS "NO_REPOS: should have no CNAME record" '
test_must_fail test -e "${output_dir}/CNAME"
# vim: ft=sh