// @flow const chalk = require("chalk"); const child_process = require("child_process"); /*:: type TaskId = string; type Task = {| +id: TaskId, +cmd: $ReadOnlyArray, +deps: $ReadOnlyArray, |}; type TaskResult = {| +id: TaskId, +success: boolean, +status: number, +stdout: string, +stderr: string, |}; */ function main() { const mode = process.env["TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE"] === "cron" || process.argv.includes("--full") ? "FULL" : "BASIC"; processAll(makeTasks(mode)); } main(); async function processAll(tasks /*: $ReadOnlyArray */) { const tasksById /*: {[TaskId]: Task} */ = {}; tasks.forEach((task) => { if (tasksById[task.id] !== undefined) { throw new Error("Duplicate tasks with ID: " + task.id); } tasksById[task.id] = task; }); const completedTasks /*: Map */ = new Map(); const tasksInProgress /*: Map> */ = new Map(); const remainingTasks /*: Set */ = new Set(Object.keys(tasksById)); function spawnTasksWhoseDependenciesHaveCompleted() { for (const task of tasks) { if (!remainingTasks.has(task.id)) { continue; } if (incompleteDependencies(task).length > 0) { continue; } // Ready to spawn! remainingTasks.delete(task.id); console.log(chalk.bgBlue.bold.white(" GO ") + " " + task.id); tasksInProgress.set(task.id, processOne(task)); } } function incompleteDependencies(task /*: Task */) /*: TaskId[] */ { return task.deps.filter((dep) => { const result = completedTasks.get(dep); return !(result && result.success); }); } async function awaitAnyTask() { if (tasksInProgress.size === 0) { throw new Error("Invariant violation: No tasks to wait for."); } const result /*: TaskResult */ = await Promise.race( Array.from(tasksInProgress.values()) ); tasksInProgress.delete(result.id); completedTasks.set(result.id, result); displayResult(result.id, result, "OVERVIEW"); } function displayResult( id /*: TaskId */, result /*: ?TaskResult */, mode /*: "OVERVIEW" | "FULL" */ ) { const success = result && result.success; const badge = success ? chalk.bgGreen.bold.white(" PASS ") : chalk.bgRed.bold.white(" FAIL "); console.log(`${badge} ${id}`); if (mode === "OVERVIEW" && success) { return; } let loggedAnything = false; function log(...args) { console.log(...args); loggedAnything = true; } if (!result) { log(`Did not run. Missing dependencies:`); incompleteDependencies(tasksById[id]).forEach((dep) => { log(` - ${dep}`); }); log(); return; } if (result.status !== 0) { log("Exit code: " + result.status); } if (result.stdout.length > 0) { log("Contents of stdout:"); displayOutputStream(result.stdout); } if (result.stderr.length > 0) { log("Contents of stderr:"); displayOutputStream(result.stderr); } if (loggedAnything) { console.log(); } } function displayOutputStream(streamContents /*: string */) { streamContents.split("\n").forEach((line, index, array) => { if (line === "" && index === array.length - 1) { return; } else { console.log(" " + line); } }); } function printSection(name /*: string */) { console.log("\n" + chalk.bold(name)); } printSection("Starting tasks"); spawnTasksWhoseDependenciesHaveCompleted(); while (tasksInProgress.size > 0) { await awaitAnyTask(); spawnTasksWhoseDependenciesHaveCompleted(); } if (remainingTasks.size > 0) { printSection("Unreachable tasks"); Array.from(remainingTasks.values()).forEach((line) => { console.log(` - ${line}`); }); } printSection("Full results"); for (const task of tasks) { const result = completedTasks.get(task.id); displayResult(task.id, result, "FULL"); } printSection("Overview"); const failedTasks = tasks.map((t) => t.id).filter((id) => { const result = completedTasks.get(id); return !result || !result.success; }); if (failedTasks.length > 0) { console.log("Failed tasks:"); failedTasks.forEach((line) => { console.log(` - ${line}`); }); } const overallSuccess /*: boolean */ = failedTasks.length === 0; const overallBadge = overallSuccess ? chalk.bgGreen.bold.white(" SUCCESS ") : chalk.bgRed.bold.white(" FAILURE "); console.log("Final result: " + overallBadge); process.exitCode = overallSuccess ? 0 : 1; } function processOne(task /*: Task */) /*: Promise */ { if (task.cmd.length === 0) { throw new Error("Empty command for task: " + task.id); } const file = task.cmd[0]; const args = task.cmd.slice(1); return new Promise((resolve, _unused_reject) => { child_process.execFile(file, args, (error, stdout, stderr) => { resolve({ id: task.id, success: !error, status: error ? error.code : 0, stdout: stdout.toString(), stderr: stderr.toString(), }); }); }); } function makeTasks(mode /*: "BASIC" | "FULL" */) { const basicTasks = [ { id: "check-pretty", cmd: ["npm", "run", "--silent", "check-pretty"], deps: [], }, { id: "lint", cmd: ["npm", "run", "--silent", "lint"], deps: [], }, { id: "flow", cmd: ["npm", "run", "--silent", "flow"], deps: [], }, { id: "ci-test", cmd: ["npm", "run", "--silent", "ci-test"], deps: [], }, ]; const extraTasks = [ { id: "backend", cmd: ["npm", "run", "--silent", "backend"], deps: [], }, { id: "fetchGithubRepoTest", cmd: ["./src/plugins/github/fetchGithubRepoTest.sh", "--no-build"], deps: ["backend"], }, { id: "loadRepositoryTest", cmd: ["./src/plugins/git/loadRepositoryTest.sh", "--no-build"], deps: ["backend"], }, ]; switch (mode) { case "BASIC": return basicTasks; case "FULL": return [].concat(basicTasks, extraTasks); default: /*:: (mode: empty); */ throw new Error(mode); } }