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synced 2025-02-10 19:46:34 +00:00
Add documentation to the Graph module (#1025)
* Add documentation to the Graph module This commit adds a module-level docstring that gives an overview of the Graph class and its importance to SourceCred, as well as adding docstrings to specific methods. Test plan: In addition to review by the SourceCred maintainers, this should be reviewed by at least one person who is not familiar with the codebase, so that we can verify that it's actually working as documentation. :) * Incorporate @wchargin's many suggestions. Test plan: Human review.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,85 @@ import {makeAddressModule, type AddressModule} from "./address";
import {toCompat, fromCompat, type Compatible} from "../util/compat";
import * as NullUtil from "../util/null";
* This module contains the Graph, which is one of the most fundamental pieces
* of SourceCred. SourceCred uses this graph to model all of the contributions
* that make up a project, and the relationships between those contributions.
* If you aren't familiar with computer science graphs, now would be a good
* time to refresh. See [this StackOverflow answer][1] for an introduction, and
* [Wikipedia][2] for a more thorough overview. This Graph is used by
* SourceCred as a "Contribution Graph", where every node is a contribution or
* contributor (e.g. a pull request, or a GitHub user identity) and every edge
* represents a connection between contributions or contributors (e.g. a pull
* request contains a comment, or a comment is authored by a user).
* [1]: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/168058/what-are-graphs-in-laymens-terms#168067
* [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_(abstract_data_type)
* The Graph serves a simple function: it keeps track of which Nodes exist, and
* what Edges join those nodes to each other. Nodes and Edges are both identified
* by Addresses; specifically, `NodeAddressT`s and `EdgeAddressT`s.
* In both cases, addresses are modeled as arrays of strings. For example,
* you might want to give an address to your favorite node. You can do so as
* follows:
* const myAddress: NodeAddressT = NodeAddress.fromParts(["my", "favorite"])
* Edge Addresses are quite similar, except you use the EdgeAddress module.
* We model addresses as arrays of strings so that plugins can apply
* hierarchical namespacing for the address. In general, for any address, the
* first piece should be the name of the organization that owns the plugin, and
* the second piece should be the name of the plugin. Pieces thereafter are
* namespaced by the plugin's internal logic. For example, SourceCred has a
* Git plugin, and that plugin produces addresses like
* ["sourcecred", "git", "commit", "9cba0e9e212a287ce26e8d7c2d273e1025c9f9bf"].
* This enables "prefix matching" for finding only certain types of nodes. For
* example, if we wanted to find every Git commit in the graph, we
* could use the following code:
* const commitPrefix = NodeAddress.fromParts(["sourcecred", "git", "commit"]);
* const commitNodes = graph.nodes({prefix: commitPrefix});
* In the case of a node, the address is all the graph knows about. If you have
* any other metadata you want to store about the node—like its commit message
* or its favorite color—you can store that in another database. The Graph is
* just a graph, not a key value store.
* Edges need a little more data, since the graph needs to know what nodes the
* edge connects. Each edge is an object with `src` and `dst` fields. These
* fields represent the "source" of the edge and the "destination" of the edge
* respectively, and both fields contain `NodeAddressT`s. The edge also has
* its own address, which is an `EdgeAddressT`.
* Here's a toy example:
* const pr = NodeAddress.fromParts(["pull_request", "1"]);
* const me = NodeAddress.fromParts(["user", "decentralion"]);
* const authored = EdgeAddress.fromParts(["authored", "pull_request", "1"]);
* const edge = {src: me, dst: pr, address: authored};
* Creating a graph is as simple as invoking the constructor and adding nodes and edges:
* const g = new Graph();
* g.addNode(pr);
* g.addNode(me);
* g.addEdge(edge);
* Graph has a number of accessor methods:
* - `hasNode` to check if a node is in the Graph
* - `nodes` to iterate over the nodes in the graph
* - `hasEdge` to check if an edge address is in the Graph
* - `edge` to retrieve an edge by its address
* - `edges` to iterate over the edges in the graph
* - `neighbors` to find all the edges and nodes adjacent to a node
* (also supports filtering by direction, by node prefix, or edge prefix)
* The Graph also has a few other convenience methods, like toJSON/fromJSON
* for serialization, and `Graph.merge` for combining multiple graphs.
export opaque type NodeAddressT: string = string;
export opaque type EdgeAddressT: string = string;
export const NodeAddress: AddressModule<NodeAddressT> = (makeAddressModule({
@ -20,6 +99,9 @@ export const EdgeAddress: AddressModule<EdgeAddressT> = (makeAddressModule({
otherNonces: new Map().set("N", "NodeAddress"),
}): AddressModule<string>);
* An edge between two nodes.
export type Edge = {|
+address: EdgeAddressT,
+src: NodeAddressT,
@ -122,6 +204,14 @@ export class Graph {
* Adds a new node to the graph.
* If the node already exists in the graph, no action is taken and no error
* is thrown. (This operation is idempotent).
* Returns `this` for chaining.
addNode(a: NodeAddressT): this {
if (!this._nodes.has(a)) {
@ -134,6 +224,18 @@ export class Graph {
return this;
* Remove a node from the graph.
* If the node does not exist in the graph, no action is taken and no error
* is thrown. (This operation is idempotent.)
* If the node is incident to any edges, those edges must be removed
* before removing the node. Attempting to remove a node that is incident
* to some edges will throw an error.
* Returns `this` for chaining.
removeNode(a: NodeAddressT): this {
const existingInEdges = this._inEdges.get(a) || [];
@ -156,6 +258,9 @@ export class Graph {
return this;
* Test whether a given node is present in the graph.
hasNode(a: NodeAddressT): boolean {
const result = this._nodes.has(a);
@ -163,6 +268,19 @@ export class Graph {
return result;
* Returns an iterator over all of the nodes in the graph.
* Optionally, the caller can provide a node prefix. If
* provided, the iterator will only contain nodes matching that
* prefix. See semantics of [Address.hasPrefix][1] for details.
* Clients must not modify the graph during iteration. If they do so, an
* error may be thrown at the iteration call site. The iteration order is
* undefined.
* [1]: https://github.com/sourcecred/sourcecred/blob/7c7fa2d83d4fd5ba38efb2b2f4e0244235ac1312/src/core/address.js#L74
nodes(options?: {|+prefix: NodeAddressT|}): Iterator<NodeAddressT> {
const prefix = options != null ? options.prefix : NodeAddress.empty;
if (prefix == null) {
@ -188,6 +306,21 @@ export class Graph {
* Add an edge to the graph.
* It is an error to add an edge whose source and destination nodes
* are not already present in the graph.
* It is an error to add an edge if a distinct edge with the same address
* already exists in the graph (i.e., if the source or destination are
* different).
* Adding an edge that already exists to the graph is a no-op. (This
* operation is idempotent.)
* Returns `this` for chaining.
addEdge(edge: Edge): this {
NodeAddress.assertValid(edge.src, "edge.src");
NodeAddress.assertValid(edge.dst, "edge.dst");
@ -225,6 +358,14 @@ export class Graph {
return this;
* Remove an edge from the graph.
* Calling removeEdge on an address that does not correspond to any edge in
* the graph is a no-op. (This method is idempotent.)
* Returns `this` for chaining.
removeEdge(address: EdgeAddressT): this {
const edge = this._edges.get(address);
@ -251,6 +392,9 @@ export class Graph {
return this;
* Test whether the graph contains an edge with the given address.
hasEdge(address: EdgeAddressT): boolean {
const result = this._edges.has(address);
@ -258,6 +402,10 @@ export class Graph {
return result;
* Returns the Edge matching a given EdgeAddressT, if such an edge exists, or
* null otherwise.
edge(address: EdgeAddressT): ?Edge {
const result = this._edges.get(address);
@ -265,6 +413,29 @@ export class Graph {
return result;
* Returns an iterator over edges in the graph, optionally filtered by edge
* address prefix, source address prefix, and/or destination address prefix.
* The caller may pass optional arguments to filter by the
* address prefixes for the edge address, the edge src, or the edge dst.
* Suppose that you want to find every edge that represents authorship by a
* user. If all authorship edges have the `AUTHORS_EDGE_PREFIX` prefix, and
* all user nodes have the `USER_NODE_PREFIX` prefix, then you could call:
* graph.edges({
* addressPrefix: AUTHORS_EDGE_PREFIX,
* srcPrefix: USER_NODE_PREFIX,
* dstPrefix: NodeAddress.empty,
* });
* Note that `NodeAddress.empty` is a prefix of every node address.
* Clients must not modify the graph during iteration. If they do so, an
* error may be thrown at the iteration call site. The iteration order is
* undefined.
edges(options?: EdgesOptions): Iterator<Edge> {
if (options == null) {
options = {
@ -308,6 +479,45 @@ export class Graph {
* Find the `Neighbors` that are incident to a chosen root node.
* A `Neighbor` contains an edge that is incident to the root,
* and the node at the other endpoint of the edge. This may be
* either the source or destination of the edge, depending on whether the
* edge is an in-edge or an out-edge from the perspective of the root. For
* convenience, a `Neighbor` is thus an object that includes both the edge
* and the adjacent node.
* Every edge incident to the root corresponds to exactly one neighbor, but
* note that multiple neighbors may have the same `node` in the case that
* there are multiple edges with the same source and destination.
* Callers to `neighbors` must provide `NeighborsOptions` as follows:
* - direction: one of Direction.IN, direction.OUT, or Direction.ANY.
* - Direction.IN finds neigbhors where root is the destination of the
* edge.
* - Direction.OUT finds neigbhors where root is the source of the edge.
* - Direction.ANY finds neigbhors where root is the source or destination
* of the edge.
* - nodePrefix: A NodeAddressT to use as a prefix filter for the adjacent node.
* If you want all nodes, use `NodeAddress`.empty.
* - edgePrefix: An EdgeAddressT to use as a prefix filter for the edge.
* If you want all edges, use `EdgeAddress`.empty.
* Calling `neighbors` on a node that is not present in the graph is an error.
* If the root node has an edge for which it is both the source and the
* destination (a loop edge), there will be one `Neighbor` with the root node
* and the loop edge.
* Clients must not modify the graph during iteration. If they do so, an
* error may be thrown at the iteration call site. The iteration order is
* undefined.
neighbors(node: NodeAddressT, options: NeighborsOptions): Iterator<Neighbor> {
if (!this.hasNode(node)) {
throw new Error(`Node does not exist: ${NodeAddress.toString(node)}`);
@ -354,6 +564,15 @@ export class Graph {
* Checks whether this graph is equal to another graph.
* Two Graphs are considered equal if they have identical sets of nodes
* and edges. Insertion order is irrelevant.
* Runs in time `O(n + e)`, where `n` is the number of nodes and `e` is the
* number of edges.
equals(that: Graph): boolean {
if (!(that instanceof Graph)) {
throw new Error(`Expected Graph, got ${String(that)}`);
@ -365,12 +584,24 @@ export class Graph {
return result;
* Produce a copy of this graph.
* The copy is equal to the original, but distinct, so that they may be
* modified independently.
copy(): Graph {
const result = Graph.merge([this]);
return result;
* Serialize a Graph into a plain JavaScript object.
* Runs in time `O(n log n + e)`, where `n` is the number of nodes and `e` is
* the number of edges.
toJSON(): GraphJSON {
const sortedNodes = Array.from(this.nodes()).sort();
const nodeToSortedIndex = new Map();
@ -392,6 +623,9 @@ export class Graph {
return result;
* Deserializes a GraphJSON into a new Graph.
static fromJSON(json: GraphJSON): Graph {
const {nodes: nodesJSON, edges} = fromCompat(COMPAT_INFO, json);
const result = new Graph();
@ -405,6 +639,28 @@ export class Graph {
return result;
* Compute the union of the given graphs. The result is a new graph that has
* all of the nodes and all of the edges from all the provided graphs.
* If two of the given graphs have edges with the same address, the edges
* must be equal (i.e. must have the same source and destination in each
* graph). If this is not the case, an error will be thrown.
* Example usage:
* const g1 = new Graph().addNode(a).addNode(b).addEdge(e);
* const g2 = new Graph().addNode(b).addNode(c).addEdge(f);
* const g3 = Graph.merge([g1, g2]);
* Array.from(g3.nodes()).length; // 3
* Array.from(g3.edges()).length; // 2
* const g1 = new Graph().addNode(a).addNode(b).addEdge(x);
* const g2 = new Graph().addNode(c);
* const g3 = Graph.merge([g1, g2]);
* The newly created graph is a separate instance from any of the input graphs,
* and may be mutated independently.
static merge(graphs: Iterable<Graph>): Graph {
const result = new Graph();
for (const graph of graphs) {
@ -589,6 +845,11 @@ export class Graph {
* Convert an edge into a human readable string.
* The precise behavior is an implementation detail and subject to change.
export function edgeToString(edge: Edge): string {
const address = EdgeAddress.toString(edge.address);
const src = NodeAddress.toString(edge.src);
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