import {Link} from "react-router-dom"; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import React, {Component} from 'react'; import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography' import SNT from 'Embark/contracts/SNT'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom' import PollManager from 'Embark/contracts/PollManager'; class ConnectYourWallet extends Component { connectWallet = async () => { const {history, polls, updateBalances} = this.props; // TODO: web3.currentProvider.isStatus = true; const poll = polls[0]; const idPoll = 0; const tknVotes = await PollManager.methods.getVote(idPoll, web3.eth.defaultAccount).call(); const votes = => Math.sqrt(parseInt(web3.utils.fromWei(x, "ether")))); if(window.ethereum) await ethereum.enable(); if(web3.currentProvider.isStatus){ const tokenBalance = await SNT.methods.balanceOfAt(web3.eth.defaultAccount, poll._startBlock).call(); const ethBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.defaultAccount); updateBalances(0, tokenBalance, ethBalance, votes); history.push('/votingCredits'); } else { window.location.href = "" + location.href.replace(/^http(s?):\/\//, ''); } } render(){ return
Connect your wallet To start voting, connect to a wallet where you hold your SNT assets.
; } } export default withRouter(ConnectYourWallet);