import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import web3 from "Embark/web3" import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS'; import PollManager from 'Embark/contracts/PollManager'; import AdminView from './components/AdminView'; import Voting from './components/Voting'; import SNT from 'Embark/contracts/SNT'; import { VotingContext } from './context'; import Web3Render from './components/standard/Web3Render'; import fetchIdeas from './utils/fetchIdeas'; import { getPolls, omitPolls } from './utils/polls'; window['Token'] = SNT; import './dapp.css'; const MAINNET = 1; const TESTNET = 3; class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } state = { admin: false, pollOrder: 'NEWEST_ADDED', web3Provider: true, loading: true, symbol: "SNT" }; componentDidMount(){ EmbarkJS.onReady((err) => { if (err) this.setState({ web3Provider: false }); else { this._getPolls(); this._setAccounts(); SNT.methods.symbol().call().then((symbol) => { this.setState({symbol}); }) }, netId) => { // TODO: check the environment here if (netId !== MAINNET && netId !== TESTNET && netId < 5) this.setState({ web3Provider: false}) }) fetchIdeas().then(ideaSites => { this.setState({ ideaSites })}); }) } setAccount(_account){ this.setState({account: _account}); } _getPolls = async () => { this.setState({ loading: true }) const { nPolls, poll } = PollManager.methods; const polls = await nPolls().call(); if (polls) getPolls(polls, poll).then(omitPolls).then(rawPolls => { this.setState({ rawPolls, loading: false })}); else this.setState({ rawPolls: [], loading: false }); } _setAccounts() { const { fromWei } = web3.utils; web3.eth.getAccounts(async (err, [address]) => { const balance = await SNT.methods.balanceOf(address).call(); this.setState({ snt: { balance: fromWei(balance) }}); }) } updatePoll = async (idPoll) => { const { poll, nPolls } = PollManager.methods; const { rawPolls } = this.state; const npolls = await nPolls().call(); // This check needs to be done because of a bug in web3 if (npolls !== rawPolls.length) return this._getPolls(); const newPolls = [...rawPolls]; const updatedPoll = await poll(idPoll).call(); newPolls[idPoll] = { ...updatedPoll }; this.setState({ rawPolls: newPolls }); } appendToPoll = (idPoll, data) => { const { rawPolls } = this.state; const newPolls = [...rawPolls]; newPolls[idPoll] = { ...newPolls[idPoll], } this.setState({ rawPolls: newPolls }); } setPollOrder = pollOrder => { this.setState({ pollOrder }) } _renderStatus(title, available) { let className = available ? 'pull-right status-online' : 'pull-right status-offline'; return {title} ; } render(){ const { admin, web3Provider } = this.state; const { _getPolls, updatePoll, setPollOrder, appendToPoll } = this; const toggleAdmin = () => this.setState({ admin: true }); const votingContext = { getPolls: _getPolls, toggleAdmin, updatePoll, appendToPoll, setPollOrder, ...this.state }; return ( {admin ? : } ); } } ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('app'));