diff --git a/app/components/simple-voting/AddPoll.js b/app/components/simple-voting/AddPoll.js
index 9528898..a8699c0 100644
--- a/app/components/simple-voting/AddPoll.js
+++ b/app/components/simple-voting/AddPoll.js
@@ -91,6 +91,47 @@ const InnerForm = ({
{!isSubmitting ?
@@ -102,37 +143,82 @@ const InnerForm = ({
const StyledForm = withStyles(styles)(InnerForm);
const AddPoll = withFormik({
- mapPropsToValues: props => ({ title: '', ballots: ''}),
+ mapPropsToValues: props => ({ title: '', ballots: '', startBlock: '', endBlock: ''}),
validate(values, props){
- const errors = {};
- const { title, ballots } = values;
- const ballotOptions = ballots.toString().split("|")
- if(title.toString().trim() === "") {
- errors.title = "Required";
- }
- if(ballotOptions.filter(n => n).length == 1) {
- errors.ballots = "A minimum of 2 options is required if using multiple options";
- }
- return errors;
+ return web3.eth.getBlockNumber()
+ .then(currentBlock => {
+ console.log(currentBlock);
+ const errors = {};
+ const { title, ballots, startBlock, endBlock } = values;
+ const ballotOptions = ballots.toString().split("|")
+ if(title.toString().trim() === "") {
+ errors.title = "Required";
+ }
+ if(ballotOptions.filter(n => n).length == 1) {
+ errors.ballots = "A minimum of 2 options is required if using multiple options";
+ }
+ let sBlock;
+ if(startBlock != ""){
+ var parsed = parseInt(startBlock, 10);
+ if (isNaN(parsed)) {
+ errors.startBlock = "Invalid Start Block"
+ } else {
+ sBlock = parsed;
+ if(sBlock < currentBlock){
+ errors.startBlock = "Block number is in the past. Recommended: " + (currentBlock + 60) + " (will be mined in ~10min)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let eBlock;
+ if(endBlock != ""){
+ var parsed = parseInt(endBlock, 10);
+ if (isNaN(parsed)) {
+ errors.endBlock = "Invalid End Block"
+ } else {
+ eBlock = parsed;
+ }
+ if(eBlock < sBlock){
+ errors.endBlock = "End block must occur after start block"
+ }
+ }
+ if (Object.keys(errors).length) {
+ throw errors;
+ }
+ });
async handleSubmit(values, { setSubmitting, setErrors, props, resetForm }) {
- const { title, ballots } = values;
+ const { title, ballots, startBlock, endBlock } = values;
const { eth: { getBlockNumber } } = window.web3;
- const addPoll = PollManager.methods["addPoll(uint256,bytes,uint8)"];
+ const addPollCustomBlock = PollManager.methods["addPoll(uint256,uint256,bytes,uint8)"];
+ const addPollOnlyEndBlock = PollManager.methods["addPoll(uint256,bytes,uint8)"];
const currentBlock = await getBlockNumber();
- const endTime = currentBlock + (oneDayinBlocks * 90);
+ const endTime = endBlock ? endBlock : ((startBlock ? startBlock : currentBlock) + (oneDayinBlocks * 90));
const options = ballots.split("|");
const encodedDesc = "0x" + rlp.encode([title, options]).toString('hex');
- const toSend = addPoll(endTime, encodedDesc, options.length || 0);
+ let toSend;
+ if(startBlock){
+ toSend = addPollCustomBlock(startBlock, endTime, encodedDesc, options.length || 0);
+ } else {
+ toSend = addPollOnlyEndBlock(endTime, encodedDesc, options.length || 0);
+ }
.then(gasEstimated => {
- console.log("addPoll gas estimated: "+gasEstimated);
+ console.log("addPoll gas estimated: "+ gasEstimated);
return toSend.send({gas: gasEstimated + 100000});
.then(res => {
diff --git a/app/components/simple-voting/PollsList.js b/app/components/simple-voting/PollsList.js
index 58928ae..02d1e3d 100644
--- a/app/components/simple-voting/PollsList.js
+++ b/app/components/simple-voting/PollsList.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress';
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { VotingContext } from '../../context';
import rlp from 'rlp';
-window.PollManager = PollManager;
const styles = {
card: {
display: 'flex',
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class Poll extends PureComponent {
{cantVote &&
{balance == 0 && Voting disabled for proposals made when there was no SNT in the account}
- {balance != 0 && cantVote && Voting is not enabled for this poll}
+ {balance != 0 && cantVote && Voting is disabled for this poll}