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synced 2025-01-28 15:15:09 +00:00
- Reorganizing javascript files used in tests - Cleaned up unit tests - Created identityUtils.js to encode function calls sent in execute();
65 lines
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65 lines
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const TestUtils = require("../utils/testUtils.js")
var ethUtils = require('ethereumjs-util')
const Identity = artifacts.require("./identity/Identity.sol");
contract('Identity - Extended Functionality', function(accounts) {
let identity;
beforeEach(async () => {
identity = await Identity.new({from: accounts[0]});
describe("Identity()", () => {
let privateKey = new Buffer('61bffea9215f65164ad18b45aff1436c0c165d0d5dd2087ef61b4232ba6d2c1a', 'hex')
let publicKey = ethUtils.privateToPublic(privateKey);
let pkSha = web3.sha3(publicKey.toString('hex'), {encoding: 'hex'});
it("Add ECDSA Management Key", async () => {
await identity.addKey(pkSha, 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addPublicKey(pkSha, '0x' + publicKey.toString('hex'), {from: accounts[0]});
await identity.getPublicKey(pkSha, {from: accounts[0]}),
'0x' + publicKey.toString('hex'),
identity.address+".getPublicKey("+pkSha+") is not correct");
it("Test Execution", async () => {
let to = accounts[1];
let value = 100;
let data = '';
let message = ethUtils.toBuffer("SignedMessage");
let msgHash = ethUtils.hashPersonalMessage(message);
let sig = ethUtils.ecsign(msgHash, privateKey);
let r = '0x' + sig.r.toString('hex');
let s = '0x' + sig.s.toString('hex');
let v = sig.v;
await identity.addKey(pkSha, 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addPublicKey(pkSha, '0x' + publicKey.toString('hex'), {from: accounts[0]});
let tx = await identity.executeECDSA(to, value, data, pkSha, '0x' + msgHash.toString('hex'), v, r, s, {from: accounts[0]});
// TODO Assert ExecutionRequested Event