import React, {Component} from 'react'; import StatusGasRelayer, {Contracts, Functions} from '../status-gas-relayer'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import Card from '@material-ui/core/Card'; import CardActions from '@material-ui/core/CardActions'; import CardContent from '@material-ui/core/CardContent'; import CardHeader from '@material-ui/core/CardHeader'; import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS'; import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid'; import MySnackbarContentWrapper from './snackbar'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import STT from 'Embark/contracts/STT'; import TestContract from 'Embark/contracts/TestContract'; import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField'; import config from '../config'; import web3 from 'Embark/web3'; import {withStyles} from '@material-ui/core/styles'; const styles = theme => ({ root: { width: '100%', backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.paper }, card: { marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit * 3 } }); window.TestContract = TestContract; class ApproveAndCallGasRelayed extends Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { topic: '0x4964656e', to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', value: 0, data: '0x00', baseToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", gasPrice: 0, gasMinimal: 0, signature: '', relayer: '', transactionError: '', messagingError: '', submitting: false }; } componentDidMount(){ EmbarkJS.onReady(() => { this.setState({ baseToken: STT.options.address }); }); } handleChange = name => event => { if(name == 'relayer'){ this.props.updateRelayer(; } this.setState({ [name]: }); }; sign = async (event) => { if(event) event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ msgSent: false, transactionError: '' }); try { const s = new StatusGasRelayer.Identity(this.props.identityAddress, web3.eth.defaultAccount) .setContractFunction(Functions.Identity.approveAndCall) .setTransaction(, this.state.value, .setBaseToken(this.state.baseToken) .setGasToken(STT.options.address) .setGas(this.state.gasPrice, this.state.gasMinimal); const signature = await s.sign(web3); this.setState({signature}); } catch(error){ this.setState({transactionError: error.message}); } } obtainRelayers = async event => { event.preventDefault(); const {web3, kid, skid} = this.props; this.setState({ messagingError: '', submitting: true }); this.props.clearMessages(); try { const s = new StatusGasRelayer.AvailableRelayers(Contracts.Identity, this.props.identityAddress, web3.eth.defaultAccount) .setRelayersSymKeyID(skid) .setAsymmetricKeyID(kid) .setGasToken(STT.options.address) .setGas(this.state.gasPrice); await; console.log("Message sent"); this.setState({submitting: false}); } catch(error){ this.setState({messagingError: error.message, submitting: false}); } } sendTransaction = async event => { event.preventDefault(); const {web3, kid} = this.props; let relayer = this.state.relayer; let relayers = []; for (var key in this.props.relayers) { if (this.props.relayers.hasOwnProperty(key)) relayers.push(key); } if(relayer == '' && relayers.length >= 1){ relayer = relayers[0]; } this.setState({ messagingError: '', submitting: true }); this.props.clearMessages(); try { console.log(web3.eth.defaultAccount); const s = new StatusGasRelayer.Identity(this.props.identityAddress, web3.eth.defaultAccount) .setContractFunction(Functions.Identity.approveAndCall) .setTransaction(, this.state.value, .setBaseToken(this.state.baseToken) .setGasToken(STT.options.address) .setGas(this.state.gasPrice, this.state.gasMinimal) .setRelayer(relayer) .setAsymmetricKeyID(kid); await, web3); this.setState({submitting: false}); console.log("Message sent"); } catch(error){ this.setState({messagingError: error.message, submitting: false}); } } testContractDataSend = () => { let jsonAbi = TestContract._jsonInterface.filter(x => == "sentSTT")[0]; let funCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall(jsonAbi, [10]); this.setState({data: funCall, value: 10, to: TestContract.options.address}); } testContractDataCall = () => { STT.methods.balanceOf(TestContract.options.address).call() .then(value => console.log({message: "STT Balance of TestContract: " + value})); } render(){ const {classes} = this.props; let relayers = []; for (var key in this.props.relayers) { if (this.props.relayers.hasOwnProperty(key)) relayers.push(key); } return
This functionality is used when a Identity will invoke a contract function that requires a transfer of Tokens { this.state.transactionError && }
{ this.state.messagingError && } { relayers.length > 0 ?, i) => ) : }
; } } ApproveAndCallGasRelayed.propTypes = { classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, nonce: PropTypes.string.isRequired, identityAddress: PropTypes.string, web3: PropTypes.object, kid: PropTypes.string, skid: PropTypes.string, clearMessages: PropTypes.func, updateRelayer: PropTypes.func, relayers: PropTypes.object.isRequired }; export default withStyles(styles)(ApproveAndCallGasRelayed);