const assert = require('assert'); const Embark = require('embark'); let EmbarkSpec = Embark.initTests(); let web3 = EmbarkSpec.web3; const identityJson = require('../dist/contracts/Identity.json'); const updatedIdentityKernelJson = require('../dist/contracts/UpdatedIdentityKernel.json'); const TestUtils = require("../utils/testUtils.js") const idUtils = require("../utils/identityUtils.js") describe('IdentityFactory', function(accounts) { let identityFactory; let identity; let updatedIdentity; let updatedIdentityKernel; before( function(done) { this.timeout(0); EmbarkSpec = Embark.initTests(); web3 = EmbarkSpec.web3; EmbarkSpec.deployAll({ "IdentityFactory": { args: ["0xaaaa"], gas: 5000000 }, "Identity": {}, "UpdatedIdentityKernel": {} }, (_accounts) => { accounts = _accounts; done(); }); }); it("Creates a new identity", async () => { let tx = await IdentityFactory.methods.createIdentity().send({from: accounts[0]}); const logEntry =; assert(logEntry !== undefined, "IdentityCreated was not triggered"); let identity = new web3.eth.Contract(identityJson.abi, logEntry.returnValues.instance, {from: accounts[0]}); assert.equal( await identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])).call(), idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, identity.address + ".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[0]+") is not MANAGEMENT_KEY") }); it("Registers a updated identity contract", async() => { const infoHash = "0xbbbb"; let receipt = await IdentityFactory.methods.setKernel(UpdatedIdentityKernel.address, infoHash).send({from: accounts[0]}); const newKernel = TestUtils.eventValues(receipt, "NewKernel"); assert(newKernel.infohash, infoHash, "Infohash is not correct"); }); it("Creates a new identity using latest version", async() => { let tx = await IdentityFactory.methods.createIdentity().send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.notEqual(, undefined, "IdentityCreated wasn't triggered"); const contractAddress =; let updatedIdentity = new web3.eth.Contract(updatedIdentityKernelJson.abi, contractAddress, {from: accounts[0]}); tx = await updatedIdentity.methods.test().send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.notEqual(, undefined, "TestFunctionExecuted wasn't triggered"); // Test if it still executes identity functions as expected let baseIdentity = new web3.eth.Contract(identityJson.abi, contractAddress, {from: accounts[0]}); assert.equal( await baseIdentity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])).call(), 1, baseIdentity.address + ".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[0]+") is not MANAGEMENT_KEY") }); it("Updates an identity to the latest version", async() => { let tx1 = await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.updateRequestUpdatableInstance(UpdatedIdentityKernel.address)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.notEqual(, undefined, "Executed wasn't triggered"); // Updating EVM timestamp to test delay const plus31days = 60 * 60 * 24 * 31; /* // @rramos - The following code is supposed to increase by 31 days the evm date, // and mine one block. It is commented because it seems to not be working on web3 1.0. // Also, sendAsync is supposed to be named send in this version, yet it shows an error // that it does not support synchronous executions. (?) // TODO: figure it out! web3.currentProvider.send({jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "evm_increaseTime", params: [plus31days], id: 0}, function(){console.log(1);}); web3.currentProvider.send({jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "evm_mine", params: [], id: 0}, function(){console.log(2);}) // Confirm update let tx2 = await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.updateConfirmUpdatableInstance(UpdatedIdentityKernel.address)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.notEqual(, undefined, "Executed wasn't triggered"); let updatedIdentity1 = new web3.eth.Contract(updatedIdentityKernelJson.abi, Identity.address, {from: accounts[0]}); // Calling let tx3 = await updatedIdentity1.methods.test().send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.notEqual(, undefined, "TestFunctionExecuted wasn't triggered"); assert.equal(, 1, Identity.address + " wasn't updated to last version"); */ }) });