const assert = require('assert'); const Embark = require('embark'); const EmbarkSpec = Embark.initTests(); const web3 = EmbarkSpec.web3; const TestUtils = require("../utils/testUtils.js"); const web3EthAbi = require("web3-eth-abi"); const idUtils = require('../utils/identityUtils.js'); describe("Identity", function() { this.timeout(0); let accounts; beforeEach( function(done) { this.timeout(0); EmbarkSpec.deployAll({ "Identity": {}}, (_accounts) => { accounts = _accounts; done(); }); }); describe("Identity()", () => { it("initialize with msg.sender as management key", async () => { assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])).call(), idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, Identity.address + ".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[0]+") is not MANAGEMENT_KEY"); }); }); describe("addKey(address _key, uint256 _type)", () => { it("MANAGEMENT_KEY add a new address as ACTION_KEY", async () => { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS) ).send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])).call(), idUtils.purposes.ACTION, Identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not ACTION_KEY"); }); it("should not add key by non manager", async () => { try { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[2]});'should have reverted before'); } catch(error) { TestUtils.assertJump(error); } assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])).call(), idUtils.purposes.NONE, Identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct"); }); it("should not add key type 1 by actor", async () => { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[2], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); try { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[2]});'should have reverted before'); } catch(error) { TestUtils.assertJump(error); } assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])).call(), idUtils.purposes.NONE, Identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not correct"); }); it("fire KeyAdded(address indexed key, uint256 indexed type)", async () => { let receipt = await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); const keyAdded = TestUtils.eventValues(receipt, "KeyAdded"); assert(keyAdded.key, TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), "Key is not correct") assert(keyAdded.keyType, idUtils.types.ADDRESS, "Type is not correct") }); }); describe("removeKey(address _key, uint256 _type)", () => { it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should remove a key", async () => { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.removeKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])).call(), idUtils.purposes.NONE, Identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not 0") }); it("other key should not remove a key", async () => { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); try { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.removeKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT)) .send({from: accounts[2]});'should have reverted before'); } catch(error) { TestUtils.assertJump(error); } assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])).call(), idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, Identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not 0") }); it("actor key should not remove key", async () => { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[2], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); try { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.removeKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION)) .send({from: accounts[2]});'should have reverted before'); } catch(error) { TestUtils.assertJump(error); } assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])).call(), idUtils.purposes.ACTION, Identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not 0") }); it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should not remove itself MANAGEMENT_KEY when there is no other MANAGEMENT_KEY", async () => { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.removeKey(accounts[0], idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); assert.equal( await Identity.methods.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])).call(), idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, Identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[0]+") is not 1") }); it("fire KeyRemoved(address indexed key, uint256 indexed type)", async () => { await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); let receipt = await Identity.methods.execute( Identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.removeKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION)) .send({from: accounts[0]}); const keyRemoved = await TestUtils.eventValues(receipt, "KeyRemoved"); assert(keyRemoved.key, TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), "Key is not correct"); assert(keyRemoved.keyType, idUtils.types.ADDRESS, "Type is not correct"); }); }); /* describe("getKeyPurpose(address _key)", () => { it("should start only with initializer as only key", async () => { assert.equal( await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])), idUtils.purposes.MANAGEMENT, identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[0]+") is not correct") assert.equal( await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])), idUtils.purposes.NONE, identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct") }); it("should get type 2 after addKey type 2", async () => { await identity.execute( identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS), {from: accounts[0]} ); assert.equal( await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])), idUtils.purposes.ACTION, identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct") }); it("should get type 3 after addKey type 3", async () => { await identity.execute( identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.CLAIM_SIGNER, idUtils.types.ADDRESS), {from: accounts[0]} ); assert.equal( await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])), idUtils.purposes.CLAIM_SIGNER, identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct") }); }); /* describe("getKeysByType(uint256 _type)", () => { it("at initialization", async () => { }); it("after addKey", async () => { }); it("after removeKey", async () => { }); }); */ /* describe("execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data)", () => { let testContractInstance; let functionPayload; it("Identity should receive ether", async() => { const amountToSend = web3.toWei(0.05, "ether"); let idBalance0 = web3.eth.getBalance(identity.address); await web3.eth.sendTransaction({from:accounts[0], to:identity.address, value: amountToSend}) let idBalance1 = web3.eth.getBalance(identity.address); assert.equal(idBalance0.toNumber() + amountToSend, idBalance1.toNumber(), identity.address + " did not receive ether"); }); it("ACTOR_KEY execute arbitrary transaction", async () => { await identity.execute( identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS), {from: accounts[0]} ); testContractInstance = await{from: accounts[0]}); functionPayload = web3EthAbi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'test', type: 'function', inputs: [] }, []); await identity.execute( testContractInstance.address, 0, functionPayload, {from: accounts[1]} ); assert.notEqual( await TestUtils.listenForEvent(testContractInstance.TestFunctionExecuted()), undefined, "Test function was not executed"); }); it("MANAGEMENT_KEY cannot execute arbitrary transaction", async () => { try { await identity.execute( testContractInstance.address, 0, functionPayload, {from: accounts[0]} ); } catch(error) { TestUtils.assertJump(error); } }); it("Other keys NOT execute arbitrary transaction", async () => { try { await identity.execute( testContractInstance.address, 0, functionPayload, {from: accounts[3]} );'should have reverted before'); } catch(error) { TestUtils.assertJump(error); } }); it("ACTION_KEY should send ether from contract", async () => { await identity.execute( identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS), {from: accounts[0]} ); // Adding funds to contract await web3.eth.sendTransaction({from:accounts[0], to:identity.address, value: web3.toWei(0.05, "ether")}) const amountToSend = web3.toWei(0.01, "ether"); let idBalance0 = web3.eth.getBalance(identity.address); let a2Balance0 = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2]); await identity.execute( accounts[2], amountToSend, '', {from: accounts[1]} ); let idBalance1 = web3.eth.getBalance(identity.address); let a2Balance1 = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2]); assert(idBalance1.toNumber, idBalance0.toNumber - amountToSend, "Contract did not send ether"); assert(a2Balance1.toNumber, a2Balance0.toNumber + amountToSend, accounts[2] + " did not receive ether"); }); it("fire ExecutionRequested(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data)", async () => { await identity.execute( identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS), {from: accounts[0]} ); await identity.execute( testContractInstance.address, 0, functionPayload, {from: accounts[1]} ); const executionRequested = await TestUtils.listenForEvent(identity.ExecutionRequested()); assert(, testContractInstance.address, "To is not correct"); assert(executionRequested.value, 0, "Value is not correct"); assert(, functionPayload, "Data is not correct"); }); it("fire Executed(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data)", async () => { await identity.execute( identity.address, 0, idUtils.encode.addKey(accounts[1], idUtils.purposes.ACTION, idUtils.types.ADDRESS), {from: accounts[0]} ); await identity.execute( testContractInstance.address, 0, functionPayload, {from: accounts[1]} ); const executed = await TestUtils.listenForEvent(identity.Executed()); assert(, testContractInstance.address, "To is not correct"); assert(executed.value, 0, "Value is not correct"); assert(, functionPayload, "Data is not correct"); }); }); /* describe("setMinimumApprovalsByKeyPurpose(uint256 _type, uint8 _minimumApprovals)", () => { it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should set minimum approvals for MANAGEMENT_KEYs", async () => { }); it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should set minimum approvals for ACTION_KEYs", async () => { }); it("ACTION_KEY should not be able to set minimum approvals", async () => { }); it("Other keys should not be able to set minimum approvals", async () => { }); }); describe("approve(bytes32 _id, bool _approve)", () => { it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should approve a claim", async () => { }); it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should approve a transaction", async () => { }); it("2 out of 3 MANAGEMENT_KEY should approve a transaction and execute it", async () => { }); it("fire Approved(uint256 indexed executionId, bool approved)", async () => { }); }); describe("getClaim(bytes32 _claimId)", () => { it("Returns a claim by ID.", async () => { }); }); describe("getClaimIdsByType(uint256 _claimType)", () => { it("Returns an array of claim IDs by type.", async () => { }); }); describe("addClaim(uint256 _claimType, address issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri)", () => { it("Requests the ADDITION of a claim from an issuer", async () => { }); it("Requests the CHANGE of a claim from an issuer", async () => { }); }); describe("removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId)", () => { it("Requests the DELETION of a claim from an issuer", async () => { }); it("Requests the DELETION of a claim from identity", async () => { }); }); */ });