- Updated logic on Identity.sol to reflect changes on EIPs

- Added migration to deploy Identity contract
- Updated existing test cases to reflect changes on contract interface
This commit is contained in:
Richard Ramos 2018-02-21 17:17:38 -04:00
parent 12d3a4d8a9
commit 3448401247
4 changed files with 356 additions and 307 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract ERC725 {
@ -7,18 +7,23 @@ contract ERC725 {
uint256 constant CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY = 3;
uint256 constant ENCRYPTION_KEY = 4;
event KeyAdded(address indexed key, uint256 indexed keyType);
event KeyRemoved(address indexed key, uint256 indexed keyType);
event KeyReplaced(address indexed oldKey, address indexed newKey, uint256 indexed keyType);
event ExecutionRequested(bytes32 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
event Executed(bytes32 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
event Approved(bytes32 indexed executionId, bool approved);
event KeyAdded(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
event KeyRemoved(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
event ExecutionRequested(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
event Executed(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
event Approved(uint256 indexed executionId, bool approved);
function getKeyType(address _key) public constant returns(uint256 keyType);
function getKeysByType(uint256 _type) public constant returns(address[]);
function addKey(address _key, uint256 _type) public returns (bool success);
function removeKey(address _key) public returns (bool success);
function replaceKey(address _oldKey, address _newKey) public returns (bool success);
function execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data) public returns (bytes32 executionId);
function approve(bytes32 _id, bool _approve) public returns (bool success);
struct Key {
uint256 purpose; //e.g., MANAGEMENT_KEY = 1, ACTION_KEY = 2, etc.
uint256 keyType; // e.g. 1 = ECDSA, 2 = RSA, etc.
bytes32 key;
function getKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) public constant returns(uint256 purpose, uint256 keyType, bytes32 key);
function getKeyPurpose(bytes32 _key) public constant returns(uint256[] purpose);
function getKeysByPurpose(uint256 _purpose) public constant returns(bytes32[] keys);
function addKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _keyType) public returns (bool success);
function removeKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) returns (bool success);
function execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data) public returns (uint256 executionId);
function approve(uint256 _id, bool _approve) public returns (bool success);

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract ERC735 {
event ClaimRequested(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, address indexed issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes signature, bytes claim, string uri);
event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, address indexed issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes signature, bytes claim, string uri);
event ClaimRemoved(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, address indexed issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes signature, bytes claim, string uri);
event ClaimChanged(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, address indexed issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes signature, bytes claim, string uri);
event ClaimRequested(bytes32 indexed claimRequestId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimRemoved(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimChanged(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
struct Claim {
uint256 claimType;
uint256 scheme;
address issuer; // msg.sender
uint256 signatureType; // The type of signature
bytes signature; // this.address + claimType + claim
bytes claim;
bytes signature; // this.address + claimType + data
bytes data;
string uri;
function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public constant returns(uint256 claimType, address issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes signature, bytes claim, string uri);
function getClaimsIdByType(uint256 _claimType) public constant returns(bytes32[]);
function addClaim(uint256 _claimType, address issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes _signature, bytes _claim, string _uri) public returns (bytes32 claimId);
function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public constant returns(uint256 claimType, uint256 scheme, address issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
function getClaimIdsByType(uint256 _claimType) public constant returns(bytes32[] claimIds);
function addClaim(uint256 _claimType, uint256 _scheme, address _issuer, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri) public returns (bytes32 claimRequestId);
function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public returns (bool success);

View File

@ -1,214 +1,281 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
import "./ERC725.sol";
import "./ERC735.sol";
contract Identity is ERC725, ERC735 {
mapping (address => uint256) keys;
mapping (bytes32 => Claim) claims;
mapping (uint256 => address[]) keysByType;
mapping (uint256 => bytes32[]) claimsByType;
mapping (bytes32 => uint256) indexes;
mapping (bytes32 => Transaction) txx;
uint nonce = 0;
struct Transaction {
address to;
uint value;
bytes data;
uint nonce;
import "./ERC725.sol";
import "./ERC735.sol";
modifier managerOnly {
require(keys[msg.sender] == MANAGEMENT_KEY);
contract Identity is ERC725, ERC735 {
modifier managerOrSelf {
require(keys[msg.sender] == MANAGEMENT_KEY || msg.sender == address(this));
modifier actorOnly {
require(keys[msg.sender] == ACTION_KEY);
modifier claimSignerOnly {
require(keys[msg.sender] == CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY);
mapping (bytes32 => Key) keys;
mapping (bytes32 => Claim) claims;
mapping (uint256 => bytes32[]) keysByPurpose;
mapping (uint256 => bytes32[]) claimsByType;
mapping (bytes32 => uint256) indexes;
mapping (uint => Transaction) txx;
mapping (uint256 => uint8) minimumApprovalsByKeyType;
bytes32[] pendingTransactions;
function Identity() public {
_addKey(msg.sender, MANAGEMENT_KEY);
uint nonce = 0;
struct Transaction {
address to;
uint value;
bytes data;
uint nonce;
function addKey(address _key, uint256 _type) public managerOrSelf returns (bool success) {
_addKey(_key, _type);
uint approverCount;
mapping(uint256 => uint8) approvalsByKeyType;
mapping(bytes32 => bool) approvals;
modifier managerOnly {
require(keys[keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), MANAGEMENT_KEY)].purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY);
function removeKey(address _key) public managerOrSelf returns (bool success) {
modifier managerOrSelf {
require(keys[keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), MANAGEMENT_KEY)].purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY || msg.sender == address(this));
modifier actorOnly {
require(keys[keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), ACTION_KEY)].purpose == ACTION_KEY);
function replaceKey(address _oldKey, address _newKey) public managerOrSelf returns (bool success) {
_addKey(_newKey, getKeyType(_oldKey));
return true;
modifier claimSignerOnly {
require(keys[keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY)].purpose == CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY);
modifier managerOrActor {
require(keys[keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), MANAGEMENT_KEY)].purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY
|| keys[keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), ACTION_KEY)].purpose == ACTION_KEY
|| msg.sender == address(this));
function Identity() public {
_addKey(bytes32(msg.sender), MANAGEMENT_KEY, 1);
minimumApprovalsByKeyType[MANAGEMENT_KEY] = 1;
function execute(
address _to,
uint256 _value,
bytes _data
returns (bytes32 executionId)
uint256 senderKey = keys[msg.sender];
require(senderKey == MANAGEMENT_KEY || senderKey == ACTION_KEY);
executionId = keccak256(_to, _value, _data, nonce);
ExecutionRequested(executionId, _to, _value, _data);
txx[executionId] = Transaction (
to: _to,
value: _value,
data: _data,
nonce: nonce
if (senderKey == MANAGEMENT_KEY) {
approve(executionId, true);
function addKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _type) public managerOrSelf returns (bool success) {
_addKey(_key, _purpose, _type);
return true;
function removeKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) public managerOrSelf returns (bool success) {
_removeKey(_key, _purpose);
return true;
function execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data)
returns (uint256 executionId)
executionId = nonce;
ExecutionRequested(executionId, _to, _value, _data);
txx[executionId] = Transaction(
to: _to,
value: _value,
data: _data,
nonce: nonce,
approverCount: 0
function approve(uint256 _id, bool _approve)
returns (bool success)
Transaction storage trx = txx[_id];
bytes32 managerKeyHash = keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), MANAGEMENT_KEY);
bytes32 actorKeyHash = keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), ACTION_KEY);
uint8 approvalCount;
uint256 requiredKeyType;
if (trx.to == address(this)) {
requiredKeyType = MANAGEMENT_KEY;
if (keys[managerKeyHash].purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY) {
approvalCount = _calculateApprovals(managerKeyHash, MANAGEMENT_KEY, _approve, trx);
} else {
requiredKeyType = ACTION_KEY;
if (keys[managerKeyHash].purpose == ACTION_KEY) {
approvalCount = _calculateApprovals(actorKeyHash, ACTION_KEY, _approve, trx);
function approve(
bytes32 _id,
bool _approve
returns (bool success)
require(txx[_id].nonce == nonce);
if (_approve) {
success = txx[_id].to.call.value(txx[_id].value)(txx[_id].data);
function addClaim(
uint256 _claimType,
address _issuer,
uint256 _signatureType,
bytes _signature,
bytes _claim,
string _uri
returns (bytes32 claimId)
claimId = keccak256(_issuer, _claimType);
claims[claimId] = Claim(
claimType: _claimType,
issuer: _issuer,
signatureType: _signatureType,
signature: _signature,
claim: _claim,
uri: _uri
indexes[keccak256(_issuer, _claimType)] = claimsByType[_claimType].length;
function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public returns (bool success) {
Claim memory c = claims[_claimId];
require(msg.sender == c.issuer || keys[msg.sender] == MANAGEMENT_KEY || msg.sender == address(this));
uint claimIdTypePos = indexes[_claimId];
delete indexes[_claimId];
bytes32[] storage claimsTypeArr = claimsByType[c.claimType];
bytes32 replacer = claimsTypeArr[claimsTypeArr.length-1];
claimsTypeArr[claimIdTypePos] = replacer;
indexes[replacer] = claimIdTypePos;
delete claims[_claimId];
return true;
function _addKey(address _key, uint256 _type) private {
require(keys[_key] == 0);
KeyAdded(_key, _type);
keys[_key] = _type;
indexes[keccak256(_key, _type)] = keysByType[_type].length;
function _removeKey(address _key) private {
uint256 kType = keys[_key];
KeyRemoved(_key, kType);
address[] storage keyArr = keysByType[kType];
if (msg.sender != address(this) && kType == MANAGEMENT_KEY && keyArr.length == 1) {
bytes32 oldIndex = keccak256(_key, kType);
uint index = indexes[oldIndex];
delete indexes[oldIndex];
address replacer = keyArr[keyArr.length-1];
keyArr[index] = replacer;
indexes[keccak256(replacer, keys[replacer])] = index;
delete keys[_key];
function getKeyType(address _key) public constant returns(uint256 keyType) {
return keys[_key];
function getKeysByType(uint256 _type) public constant returns(address[]) {
return keysByType[_type];
function getClaim(
bytes32 _claimId
(uint256 claimType,
address issuer,
uint256 signatureType,
bytes signature,
bytes claim,
string uri)
Claim memory _claim = claims[_claimId];
return (_claim.claimType, _claim.issuer, _claim.signatureType, _claim.signature, _claim.claim, _claim.uri);
function getClaimsIdByType(uint256 _claimType) public constant returns(bytes32[]) {
return claimsByType[_claimType];
if (approvalCount >= minimumApprovalsByKeyType[requiredKeyType])
success = trx.to.call.value(txx[_id].value)(txx[_id].data);
function setMiminumApprovalsByKeyType(uint256 _type, uint8 _minimumApprovals) public managerOrSelf {
minimumApprovalsByKeyType[_type] = _minimumApprovals;
function _calculateApprovals(bytes32 _keyHash, uint256 _keyType, bool _approve, Transaction storage trx)
returns (uint8 approvalCount)
if (trx.approvals[_keyHash] == false && _approve){
} else if (trx.approvals[_keyHash] == true && !_approve && trx.approverCount > 0) {
trx.approvals[_keyHash] = _approve;
return trx.approvalsByKeyType[_keyType];
function addClaim(uint256 _claimType, uint256 _scheme, address _issuer, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri)
returns (bytes32 claimRequestId)
bytes32 claimHash = keccak256(_issuer, _claimType);
claimRequestId = claimHash;
if (claims[claimHash].claimType > 0) {
// Claim existed
ClaimChanged(claimRequestId, _claimType, _scheme, _issuer, _signature, _data, _uri);
} else {
// TODO Triggers if the claim is new Event and approval process exists: ClaimRequested
ClaimRequested(claimRequestId, _claimType, _scheme, _issuer, _signature, _data, _uri);
claims[claimHash] = Claim(
claimType: _claimType,
scheme: _scheme,
issuer: _issuer,
signature: _signature,
data: _data,
uri: _uri
indexes[claimHash] = claimsByType[_claimType].length;
// TODO This SHOULD create a pending claim, which SHOULD to be approved or rejected by n of m approve calls from keys of purpose 1.
function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public returns (bool success) {
Claim memory c = claims[_claimId];
require(msg.sender == c.issuer
|| msg.sender == address(this)
|| keys[keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), MANAGEMENT_KEY)].purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY);
// MUST only be done by the issuer of the claim, or KEYS OF PURPOSE 1, or the identity itself.
// TODO If its the identity itself, the approval process will determine its approval.
uint claimIdTypePos = indexes[_claimId];
delete indexes[_claimId];
bytes32[] storage claimsTypeArr = claimsByType[c.claimType];
bytes32 replacer = claimsTypeArr[claimsTypeArr.length-1];
claimsTypeArr[claimIdTypePos] = replacer;
indexes[replacer] = claimIdTypePos;
delete claims[_claimId];
return true;
function _addKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _type) private {
bytes32 keyHash = keccak256(_key, _purpose);
require(keys[keyHash].purpose == 0);
require(_purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY || _purpose == ACTION_KEY
|| _purpose == CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY || _purpose == ENCRYPTION_KEY);
KeyAdded(_key, _purpose, _type);
keys[keyHash] = Key(_purpose, _type, _key);
indexes[keyHash] = keysByPurpose[_purpose].push(_key) - 1;
function _removeKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) private {
bytes32 keyHash = keccak256(_key, _purpose);
Key storage myKey = keys[keyHash];
KeyRemoved(myKey.key, myKey.purpose, myKey.keyType);
uint index = indexes[keyHash];
delete indexes[keyHash];
bytes32 replacer = keysByPurpose[_purpose][keysByPurpose[_purpose].length - 1];
keysByPurpose[_purpose][index] = replacer;
indexes[ keccak256(replacer, _purpose)] = index;
if (_purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY) {
require(keysByPurpose[MANAGEMENT_KEY].length >= 1);
delete keys[keyHash];
// MUST only be done by keys of purpose 1, or the identity itself.
// TODO If its the identity itself, the approval process will determine its approval.
function getKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) public constant returns(uint256 purpose, uint256 keyType, bytes32 key) {
Key storage myKey = keys[keccak256(_key, _purpose)];
return (myKey.purpose, myKey.keyType, myKey.key);
function getKeyPurpose(bytes32 _key) public constant returns(uint256[] purpose) {
uint256[] memory purposeHolder = new uint256[](4);
uint8 counter = 0;
if (keys[keccak256(_key, MANAGEMENT_KEY)].purpose == MANAGEMENT_KEY) {
purposeHolder[counter] = MANAGEMENT_KEY;
if (keys[keccak256(_key, ACTION_KEY)].purpose == ACTION_KEY) {
purposeHolder[counter] = ACTION_KEY;
if (keys[keccak256(_key, CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY)].purpose == CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY) {
purposeHolder[counter] = CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY;
if (keys[keccak256(_key, ENCRYPTION_KEY)].purpose == ENCRYPTION_KEY) {
purposeHolder[counter] = ENCRYPTION_KEY;
uint256[] memory result = new uint256[](counter);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < counter; i++)
result[i] = purposeHolder[i];
return result;
function getKeysByPurpose(uint256 _purpose) public constant returns(bytes32[] keys) {
return keysByPurpose[_purpose];
function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public constant returns(uint256 claimType, uint256 scheme, address issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri) {
Claim memory _claim = claims[_claimId];
return (_claim.claimType, _claim.scheme, _claim.issuer, _claim.signature, _claim.data, _claim.uri);
function getClaimIdsByType(uint256 _claimType) public constant returns(bytes32[] claimIds) {
return claimsByType[_claimType];

View File

@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ const Identity = artifacts.require("./identity/Identity.sol");
contract('Identity', function(accounts) {
let identity;
beforeEach(async () => {
identity = await Identity.new({from: accounts[0]})
describe("Identity()", () => {
it("initialize with msg.sender as management key", async () => {
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[0]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[0]+") is not MANAGEMENT_KEY")
identity.address + ".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[0]+") is not MANAGEMENT_KEY")
@ -24,33 +24,33 @@ contract('Identity', function(accounts) {
describe("addKey(address _key, uint256 _type)", () => {
it("MANAGEMENT_KEY add a new address as ACTION_KEY", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 2, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not ACTION_KEY")
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not ACTION_KEY")
it("should not add key by non manager", async () => {
try {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 1, {from: accounts[2]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 1, 1, {from: accounts[2]})
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
it("should not add key type 1 by actor", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[2], 2, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[2]), 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
try {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 1, {from: accounts[2]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 1, 1, {from: accounts[2]})
} catch(e){
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ contract('Identity', function(accounts) {
it("fire KeyAdded(address indexed key, uint256 indexed type)", async () => {
identity.addKey(accounts[1], 2, {from: accounts[0]})
identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
const keyAdded = await TestUtils.listenForEvent(identity.KeyAdded())
assert(keyAdded.key, accounts[1], "Key is not correct")
assert(keyAdded.key, TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), "Key is not correct")
assert(keyAdded.keyType, 2, "Type is not correct")
@ -70,95 +70,96 @@ contract('Identity', function(accounts) {
describe("removeKey(address _key, uint256 _type)", () => {
it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should removes a key", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.removeKey(accounts[0], {from: accounts[1]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 1, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.removeKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0]), 1, {from: accounts[1]})
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[0]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[0]+") is not 0")
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[0]+") is not 0")
it("other key should not removes a key", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 1, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
try {
await identity.removeKey(accounts[1], {from: accounts[2]})
await identity.removeKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 1, {from: accounts[2]})
}catch (e) {
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not 0")
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not 0")
it("actor key should not remove key", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 2, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(accounts[2], 2, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[2]), 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
try {
await identity.removeKey(accounts[1], {from: accounts[2]})
await identity.removeKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 1, {from: accounts[2]})
}catch (e) {
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not 0")
it("MANAGEMENT_KEY should not remove itself MANAGEMENT_KEY when there is no other MANAGEMENT_KEY", async () => {
try {
await identity.removeKey(accounts[0], {from: accounts[0]})
} catch(e) {
let assertJump = (error) => {
assert.isAbove(error.message.search('revert'), -1, 'Revert should happen');
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[0]),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[0]+") is not MANAGEMENT_KEY")
try {
await identity.removeKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0]), 1, {from: accounts[0]});
assert.fail('should have reverted before');
} catch(error) {
it("fire KeyRemoved(address indexed key, uint256 indexed type)", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 2, {from: accounts[0]})
identity.removeKey(accounts[1], {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 2, 1,{from: accounts[0]})
identity.removeKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 2, {from: accounts[0]})
const keyRemoved = await TestUtils.listenForEvent(identity.KeyRemoved())
assert(keyRemoved.key, accounts[1], "Key is not correct")
assert(keyRemoved.key, TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), "Key is not correct")
assert(keyRemoved.keyType, 2, "Type is not correct")
describe("getKeyType(address _key)", () => {
describe("getKeyPurpose(address _key)", () => {
it("should start only with initializer as only key", async () => {
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[0]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[0])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[0]+") is not correct")
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[0]+") is not correct")
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
it("should get type 2 after addKey type 2", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 2, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 2, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
it("should get type 999 after addKey type 999", async () => {
await identity.addKey(accounts[1], 999, {from: accounts[0]})
it("should get type 3 after addKey type 3", async () => {
await identity.addKey(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1]), 3, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
await identity.getKeyType(accounts[1]),
identity.address+".getKeyType("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
await identity.getKeyPurpose(TestUtils.addressToBytes32(accounts[1])),
identity.address+".getKeyPurpose("+accounts[1]+") is not correct")
@ -185,30 +186,6 @@ contract('Identity', function(accounts) {
describe("replaceKey(address _oldKey, address _newKey)", () => {
it("MANAGEMENT_KEY replace itself (alone)", async () => {
it("MANAGEMENT_KEY replace a key between others", async () => {
it("MANAGEMENT_KEY replace the first key", async () => {
it("MANAGEMENT_KEY replace the last key", async () => {
it("fire KeyReplaced(address indexed oldKey, address indexed newKey, uint256 indexed type)", async () => {
describe("execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data)", () => {