# - Try to find the libsnore library # Once done this will define # # LIBSNORE_FOUND - system has the LIBSNORE library # LIBSNORE_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use LIBSNORE # LIBSNORE_INCLUDE_DIRS - The includes needed to use LIBSNORE # Copyright 2013-2014 Patrick von Reth find_path(LIBSNORE_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES snore/core/snore.h PATHS ${KDE4_INCLUDE_DIR} ) find_library(LIBSNORE_LIBRARY NAMES libsnore@SNORE_SUFFIX@ snore@SNORE_SUFFIX@ PATHS ${KDE4_LIB_DIR} ) set(LIBSNORE_LIBRARIES ${LIBSNORE_LIBRARY}) set(LIBSNORE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBSNORE_INCLUDE_DIR}) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(LIBSNORE DEFAULT_MSG LIBSNORE_LIBRARIES LIBSNORE_INCLUDE_DIRS) mark_as_advanced(LIBSNORE_LIBRARIES LIBSNORE_INCLUDE_DIRS)