Default Alert Default FreedesktopFrontend Failed to register dbus object. Failed to register dbus service. GrowlBackend is not running. GrowlSettings Host: Password: NotifyMyAndroidSettings Api Key: PushoverSettings User Key: Sound: Devices: Email Address: Password: Device Name: Status If you don't have an accout yet please register at <a href=""></a> Log out Logged in. Log in Logged out. SettingsDialog Settings General Primary Backend: Timeout: s Disable Notification Sound: Error: Primary Backends Secondary Bckends Frontends Plugins Display Test Notification SettingsWindow Snore Settings Application SnarlBackend is not running. SnarlNetworkFrontend The port is already used by a different application. SnarlSettings Password: Snore::PluginSettingsWidget Enabled: Snore::SnoreCore This is Everything is awesome! Hello There! Awesome Action! SnoreNotifierSettings TopLeftCorner TopRightCorner BottomLeftCorner BottomRightCorner Position: SnoreToast needs at least Windows 8 to run. SoundSettings Volume: Audio file: Select a audio file All Audio files ToastySettings Device ID: TrayIcon Display Test Notification Settings Exit