updated snarl interface

This commit is contained in:
Patrick von Reth 2013-07-07 12:55:57 +02:00
parent 68621627e3
commit 8745c966f5
4 changed files with 751 additions and 693 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if(WIN32)
add_library(snarl MODULE ${SNARL_SRC} )
target_link_libraries(snarl snorecore ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} )
set_target_properties(snarl PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-conversion-null")
set_target_properties(snarl PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-conversion-null -Wno-unused")

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@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
/// </summary>
/// <VersionHistory>
/// 2011-07-31 : General update to match VB6 SVN rev. 232
/// : Added AppFlags and MessagePriority enums.
/// 2011-07-12 : MingW64 fixes by Patrick von Reth
/// 2011-07-07 : Some changes to compile under VS2008
/// - Changed vector iterators to begin/end instead of cbegin/cend
/// - Removed const in PairType
@ -93,13 +96,17 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::DoRequest(LPCSTR request, UINT replyTimeout)
// Send message
if (SendMessageTimeout(hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)GetCurrentProcessId(), (LPARAM)&cds, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG | SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG, replyTimeout, &nResult) == 0)
// Handle error
DWORD nError = GetLastError();
LONG32 errorResult = 0;
if (nError == ERROR_TIMEOUT)
nResult = -SnarlEnums::ErrorTimedOut;
errorResult = -SnarlEnums::ErrorTimedOut;
nResult = -SnarlEnums::ErrorFailed;
errorResult = -SnarlEnums::ErrorFailed;
return errorResult;
return (LONG32)nResult;
@ -119,7 +126,6 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::DoRequest(LPCWSTR request, UINT replyTimeout)
return nResult;
std::basic_string<char>& SnarlInterface::Escape(std::basic_string<char>& str)
std::basic_string<char>::size_type strLength = str.length();
@ -186,7 +192,8 @@ LPCTSTR SnarlInterface::GetIconsPath()
return NULL;
size_t nLen = 0;
if (nLen = _tcsnlen(szPath, MAX_PATH))
nLen = _tcsnlen(szPath, MAX_PATH);
if (nLen > 0)
nLen += 10 + 1; // etc\\icons\\ + NULL
szIconPath = AllocateString(nLen);
@ -356,14 +363,12 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::IsVisible(LONG32 msgToken)
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCSTR classId, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCSTR iconPath, LPCSTR iconBase64, LONG32 priority, LPCSTR ack, LPCSTR callback, LPCSTR value)
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCSTR classId, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCSTR iconPath, LPCSTR iconBase64, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority, LPCSTR uid, LPCSTR callback, LPCSTR value)
// notify?[app-sig=<signature>|token=<application token>][&password=<password>][&id=<class identifier>]
// [&title=<title>][&text=<text>][&timeout=<timeout>][&icon=<icon path>][&icon-base64=<MIME data>][&callback=<default callback>]
// [&priority=<priority>][&uid=<notification uid>][&value=<value>]
// LPCSTR iconData
SnarlParameterList<char> spl(12);
spl.Add("token", appToken);
spl.Add("password", szPasswordA);
@ -373,11 +378,11 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCSTR classId, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32
spl.Add("text", text);
spl.Add("icon", iconPath);
spl.Add("icon-base64", iconBase64);
spl.Add("ack", ack);
spl.Add("uid", uid);
spl.Add("callback", callback);
spl.Add("value", value);
if (timeout != -1) spl.Add("timeout", timeout);
if (priority != -2) spl.Add("priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
if (priority != SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined) spl.Add("priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
LONG32 request = DoRequest(Requests::NotifyA(), spl);
lastMsgToken = (request > 0) ? request : 0;
@ -385,7 +390,7 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCSTR classId, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32
return request;
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCWSTR classId, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCWSTR iconPath, LPCWSTR iconBase64, LONG32 priority, LPCWSTR ack, LPCWSTR callback, LPCWSTR value)
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCWSTR classId, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCWSTR iconPath, LPCWSTR iconBase64, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority, LPCWSTR uid, LPCWSTR callback, LPCWSTR value)
SnarlParameterList<wchar_t> spl(12);
spl.Add(L"token", appToken);
@ -396,11 +401,11 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCWSTR classId, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG
spl.Add(L"text", text);
spl.Add(L"icon", iconPath);
spl.Add(L"icon-base64", iconBase64);
spl.Add(L"ack", ack);
spl.Add(L"uid", uid);
spl.Add(L"callback", callback);
spl.Add(L"value", value);
if (timeout != -1) spl.Add(L"timeout", timeout);
if (priority != -2) spl.Add(L"priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
if (priority != SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined) spl.Add(L"priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
LONG32 request = DoRequest(Requests::NotifyW(), spl);
lastMsgToken = (request > 0) ? request : 0;
@ -409,7 +414,7 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCWSTR classId, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Register(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, LPCSTR password, HWND hWndReplyTo, LONG32 msgReply)
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Register(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, LPCSTR password, HWND hWndReplyTo, LONG32 msgReply, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags)
// register?app-sig=<signature>&title=<title>[&icon=<icon>][&password=<password>][&reply-to=<reply window>][&reply=<reply message>]
@ -420,6 +425,7 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Register(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, LPC
spl.Add("password", password);
spl.Add("reply-to", hWndReplyTo);
spl.Add("reply", msgReply);
spl.Add("flags", flags);
// If password was given, save and use in all other functions requiring password
if (password != NULL && strlen(password) > 0)
@ -432,7 +438,7 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Register(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, LPC
return request;
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Register(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR icon, LPCWSTR password, HWND hWndReplyTo, LONG32 msgReply)
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Register(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR icon, LPCWSTR password, HWND hWndReplyTo, LONG32 msgReply, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags)
SnarlParameterList<wchar_t> spl(7);
spl.Add(L"app-sig", signature);
@ -441,6 +447,7 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Register(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR icon, L
spl.Add(L"password", password);
spl.Add(L"reply-to", hWndReplyTo);
spl.Add(L"reply", msgReply);
spl.Add(L"flags", flags);
// If password was given, save and use in all other functions requiring password
if (password != NULL && wcslen(password) > 0)
@ -508,10 +515,10 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Unregister(LPCWSTR signature)
return DoRequest(Requests::UnregisterW(), spl);
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR classId, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCSTR iconPath, LPCSTR iconBase64, LONG32 priority, LPCSTR ack, LPCSTR callback, LPCSTR value)
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR classId, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCSTR iconPath, LPCSTR iconBase64, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority, LPCSTR callback, LPCSTR value)
// Made from best guess - no documentation available yet
SnarlParameterList<char> spl(12);
SnarlParameterList<char> spl(11);
spl.Add("token", msgToken);
spl.Add("password", szPasswordA);
@ -520,19 +527,18 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR classId, LPCSTR title, LPC
spl.Add("text", text);
spl.Add("icon", iconPath);
spl.Add("icon-base64", iconBase64);
spl.Add("ack", ack);
spl.Add("callback", callback);
spl.Add("value", value);
if (timeout != -1) spl.Add("timeout", timeout);
if (priority != -2) spl.Add("priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
if (priority != SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined) spl.Add("priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
return DoRequest(Requests::UpdateA(), spl);
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR classId, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCWSTR iconPath, LPCWSTR iconBase64, LONG32 priority, LPCWSTR ack, LPCWSTR callback, LPCWSTR value)
LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR classId, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout, LPCWSTR iconPath, LPCWSTR iconBase64, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority, LPCWSTR callback, LPCWSTR value)
// Made from best guess - no documentation available yet
SnarlParameterList<wchar_t> spl(12);
SnarlParameterList<wchar_t> spl(11);
spl.Add(L"token", msgToken);
spl.Add(L"password", szPasswordW);
@ -541,11 +547,10 @@ LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR classId, LPCWSTR title, L
spl.Add(L"text", text);
spl.Add(L"icon", iconPath);
spl.Add(L"icon-base64", iconBase64);
spl.Add(L"ack", ack);
spl.Add(L"callback", callback);
spl.Add(L"value", value);
if (timeout != -1) spl.Add(L"timeout", timeout);
if (priority != -2) spl.Add(L"priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
if (priority != SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined) spl.Add(L"priority", priority); // -1 is a legal priority
return DoRequest(Requests::UpdateW(), spl);
@ -645,7 +650,7 @@ LPSTR SnarlInterface::WideToUTF8(LPCWSTR szWideStr)
if (szWideStr == NULL)
return NULL;
int nSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideStr, -1, NULL,0, NULL, NULL);
int nSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
LPSTR szUTF8 = new char[nSize];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideStr, -1, szUTF8, nSize, NULL, NULL);
@ -698,3 +703,4 @@ void SnarlInterface::ClearPassword()
}} // namespace Snarl::V42

View File

@ -16,46 +16,51 @@
namespace Snarl {
namespace V42 {
static const LPCTSTR SnarlWindowClass = _T("w>Snarl");
static const LPCTSTR SnarlWindowTitle = _T("Snarl");
static LPCTSTR SnarlWindowClass = _T("w>Snarl");
static LPCTSTR SnarlWindowTitle = _T("Snarl");
static const LPCTSTR SnarlGlobalMsg = _T("SnarlGlobalEvent");
static const LPCTSTR SnarlAppMsg = _T("SnarlAppMessage");
static LPCTSTR SnarlGlobalMsg = _T("SnarlGlobalEvent");
static LPCTSTR SnarlAppMsg = _T("SnarlAppMessage");
static const DWORD WM_SNARLTEST = WM_USER + 237;
/// <summary>Application requests - these values appear in wParam.<para>Application should launch its settings UI</para></summary>
static const WPARAM AppDoPrefs = 1;
/// <summary>Application requests - these values appear in wParam.<para>Application should show its About... dialog</para></summary>
static const WPARAM AppDoAbout = 2;
// Enums put in own namespace, because ANSI C++ doesn't decorate enums with tagname :(
namespace SnarlEnums {
/// <summary>
/// Global event identifiers.
/// Identifiers marked with a '*' are sent by Snarl in two ways:
/// 1. As a broadcast message (uMsg = 'SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG')
/// 2. To the window registered in snRegisterConfig() or snRegisterConfig2()
/// (uMsg = reply message specified at the time of registering)
/// In both cases these values appear in wParam.
/// Identifiers not marked are not broadcast; they are simply sent to the application's registered window.
/// Global event identifiers - sent as Windows broadcast messages.
/// These values appear in wParam of the message.
/// </summary>
enum GlobalEvent
SnarlLaunched = 1, // Snarl has just started running*
SnarlQuit = 2, // Snarl is about to stop running*
SnarlStopped = 3, // sent when stopped by user
SnarlStarted = 4, // sent when started by user
// R2.4 Beta3
SnarlUserAway, // away mode was enabled
SnarlUserBack, // away mode was disabled
SnarlLaunched = 1, // Snarl has just started running
SnarlQuit = 2, // Snarl is about to stop running
SnarlGlobalStopped = 3, // Sent when stopped by user - Also sent to registered window
SnarlGlobalStarted = 4, // Sent when started by user - Also sent to registered window
enum SnarlStatus
Success = 0,
// Snarl-Stopped/Started/UserAway/UserBack is defined in the GlobalEvent struct in VB6 code,
// but are sent directly to a registered window, so in C# they are defined here instead.
// Implemented as of Snarl R2.4 Beta3
SnarlStopped = 3, // Sent when stopped by user - Also sent as broadcast message
SnarlStarted, // Sent when started by user - Also sent as broadcast message
SnarlUserAway, // Away mode was enabled
SnarlUserBack, // Away mode was disabled
// Win32 callbacks (renamed under V42)
@ -64,7 +69,6 @@ namespace Snarl {
CallbackMiddleClick, // Deprecated as of V42
// critical errors
ErrorFailed = 101, // miscellaneous failure
ErrorUnknownCommand, // specified command not recognised
@ -73,11 +77,16 @@ namespace Snarl {
//105 gen critical #5
ErrorBadSocket = 106, // invalid socket (or some other socket-related error)
ErrorBadPacket = 107, // badly formed request
//108 net critical #3
ErrorInvalidArg = 108, // arg supplied was invalid (Added in v42.56)
ErrorArgMissing = 109, // required argument missing
ErrorSystem, // internal system error
//120 libsnarl critical block
ErrorAccessDenied = 121, // libsnarl only
//130 SNP/3.0-specific
ErrorUnsupportedVersion = 131, // requested SNP version is not supported
ErrorNoActionsProvided, // empty request
ErrorUnsupportedEncryption, // requested encryption type is not supported
ErrorUnsupportedHashing, // requested message hashing type is not supported
// warnings
ErrorNotRunning = 201, // Snarl handling window not found
@ -91,11 +100,16 @@ namespace Snarl {
ErrorDoNotDisturb, // DnD mode is in effect was not logged as missed
ErrorCouldNotDisplay, // not enough space on-screen to display notification
ErrorAuthFailure, // password mismatch
// Release 2.4.2
ErrorDiscarded, // discarded for some reason, e.g. foreground app match
ErrorNotSubscribed, // subscriber not found
// informational
// code 250 reserved for future use
WasMerged = 251, // notification was merged, returned token is the one we merged with
// callbacks
// code 300 reserved for future use
NotifyGone = 301, // reserved for future use
// The following are currently specific to SNP 2.0 and are effectively the
@ -106,7 +120,7 @@ namespace Snarl {
NotifyInvoked = 304, // note this was "ACK" in a previous life
NotifyMenu, // indicates an item was selected from user-defined menu (deprecated as of V42)
// SNARL_NOTIFY_EX_CLICK // user clicked the middle mouse button (deprecated as of V42)
// SNARL_NOTIFY_CLOSED // user clicked the notification's close gadget
NotifyClosed = 307, // // user clicked the notification's close gadget (GNTP only)
// the following is generic to SNP and the Win32 API
NotifyAction = 308, // user picked an action from the list, the data value will indicate which one
@ -116,6 +130,29 @@ namespace Snarl {
ErrorCppInterface = 1001
/// <summary>
/// The priority of messages.
/// See <cref>http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/snarlwin/index.php?title=Generic_API#notify</cref>
/// </summary>
enum MessagePriority
PriorityUndefined = -2,
PriorityLow = -1,
PriorityNormal = 0,
PriorityHigh = 1
/// <summary>
/// Application flags - features this app supports.
/// </summary>
enum AppFlags
AppFlagNone = 0,
AppHasPrefs = 1,
AppHasAbout = 2,
AppIsWindowless = 0x8000
} // namespace SnarlEnums
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -312,28 +349,28 @@ namespace Snarl {
/// <summary>Hide a Snarl notification.</summary>
LONG32 Hide(LONG32 msgToken);
/// <summary>Test if a Snarl notification is visible.</summary>
/// <summary>Test if a Snarl notification is visible. If the message is visible the function returns SnarlEnums::Success.</summary>
LONG32 IsVisible(LONG32 msgToken);
/// <summary>Show a Snarl notification.</summary>
/// <returns>Returns the notification token or negative on failure.</returns>
/// <remarks>You can use <see cref="GetLastMsgToken()" /> to get the last token.</remarks>
LONG32 Notify(LPCSTR classId = NULL, LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCSTR iconBase64 = NULL, LONG32 priority = -2, LPCSTR ack = NULL, LPCSTR callback = NULL, LPCSTR value = NULL);
LONG32 Notify(LPCWSTR classId = NULL, LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCWSTR iconBase64 = NULL, LONG32 priority = -2, LPCWSTR ack = NULL, LPCWSTR callback = NULL, LPCWSTR value = NULL);
LONG32 Notify(LPCSTR classId = NULL, LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCSTR iconBase64 = NULL, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority = SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined, LPCSTR uid = NULL, LPCSTR callback = NULL, LPCSTR value = NULL);
LONG32 Notify(LPCWSTR classId = NULL, LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCWSTR iconBase64 = NULL, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority = SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined, LPCWSTR uid = NULL, LPCWSTR callback = NULL, LPCWSTR value = NULL);
/// <summary>Register application with Snarl.</summary>
/// <returns>The application token or negative on failure.</returns>
/// <remarks>The application token is saved in SnarlInterface member variable, so just use return value to check for error.</remarks>
LONG32 Register(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon = NULL, LPCSTR password = NULL, HWND hWndReplyTo = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0);
LONG32 Register(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR icon = NULL, LPCWSTR password = NULL, HWND hWndReplyTo = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0);
LONG32 Register(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon = NULL, LPCSTR password = NULL, HWND hWndReplyTo = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags = SnarlEnums::AppFlagNone);
LONG32 Register(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR icon = NULL, LPCWSTR password = NULL, HWND hWndReplyTo = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags = SnarlEnums::AppFlagNone);
/// <summary>Remove a notification class added with AddClass().</summary>
LONG32 RemoveClass(LPCSTR classId);
LONG32 RemoveClass(LPCWSTR classId);
/// <summary>Update the text or other parameters of a visible Snarl notification.</summary>
LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR classId = NULL, LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCSTR iconBase64 = NULL, LONG32 priority = -2, LPCSTR ack = NULL, LPCSTR callback = NULL, LPCSTR value = NULL);
LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR classId = NULL, LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCWSTR iconBase64 = NULL, LONG32 priority = -2, LPCWSTR ack = NULL, LPCWSTR callback = NULL, LPCWSTR value = NULL);
LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR classId = NULL, LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCSTR iconBase64 = NULL, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority = SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined, LPCSTR callback = NULL, LPCSTR value = NULL);
LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR classId = NULL, LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR iconPath = NULL, LPCWSTR iconBase64 = NULL, SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority = SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined, LPCWSTR callback = NULL, LPCWSTR value = NULL);
/// <summary>Unregister application with Snarl when application is closing.</summary>
LONG32 Unregister(LPCSTR signature);
@ -368,3 +405,4 @@ namespace Snarl {
} // namespace Snarl

View File

@ -175,6 +175,20 @@ void SnarlBackend::slotNotify(Notification notification){
snarlInterface = m_defautSnarlinetrface;
Snarl::V42::SnarlEnums::MessagePriority priority = Snarl::V42::SnarlEnums::PriorityUndefined;
case NotificationEnums::Prioritys::LOW:
priority = Snarl::V42::SnarlEnums::PriorityLow;
case NotificationEnums::Prioritys::NORMAL:
priority = Snarl::V42::SnarlEnums::PriorityNormal;
case NotificationEnums::Prioritys::HIGH:
priority = Snarl::V42::SnarlEnums::PriorityHigh;
ULONG32 id = snarlInterface->Notify(notification.alert().toUtf8().constData(),
@ -182,7 +196,7 @@ void SnarlBackend::slotNotify(Notification notification){
foreach(const Notification::Action *a, notification.actions()){
@ -198,7 +212,7 @@ void SnarlBackend::slotNotify(Notification notification){