We strongly recommend updating to 0.3.1 if you use or plan to use Clang >=14 to compile libsecp256k1, e.g., Xcode >=14 on macOS has Clang >=14. When in doubt, check the Clang version using `clang -v`.
- Fix "constant-timeness" issue with Clang >=14 that could leave applications using libsecp256k1 vulnerable to a timing side-channel attack. The fix avoids secret-dependent control flow and secret-dependent memory accesses in conditional moves of memory objects when libsecp256k1 is compiled with Clang >=14.
#### Added
- Added tests against [Project Wycheproof's](https://github.com/google/wycheproof/) set of ECDSA test vectors (Bitcoin "low-S" variant), a fixed set of test cases designed to trigger various edge cases.
#### Changed
- Increased minimum required CMake version to 3.13. CMake builds remain experimental.
- Tests: Added a new test binary `noverify_tests`. This binary runs the tests without some additional checks present in the ordinary `tests` binary and is thereby closer to production binaries. The `noverify_tests` binary is automatically run as part of the `make check` target.
- Fixed declarations of API variables for MSVC (`__declspec(dllimport)`). This fixes MSVC builds of programs which link against a libsecp256k1 DLL dynamically and use API variables (and not only API functions). Unfortunately, the MSVC linker now will emit warning `LNK4217` when trying to link against libsecp256k1 statically. Pass `/ignore:4217` to the linker to suppress this warning.
- Forbade cloning or destroying `secp256k1_context_static`. Create a new context instead of cloning the static context. (If this change breaks your code, your code is probably wrong.)
- Forbade randomizing (copies of) `secp256k1_context_static`. Randomizing a copy of `secp256k1_context_static` did not have any effect and did not provide defense-in-depth protection against side-channel attacks. Create a new context if you want to benefit from randomization.
- Removed the configuration header `src/libsecp256k1-config.h`. We recommend passing flags to `./configure` or `cmake` to set configuration options (see `./configure --help` or `cmake -LH`). If you cannot or do not want to use one of the supported build systems, pass configuration flags such as `-DSECP256K1_ENABLE_MODULE_SCHNORRSIG` manually to the compiler (see the file `configure.ac` for supported flags).
- The `secp256k1_nonce_function_rfc6979` nonce function, used by default by `secp256k1_ecdsa_sign`, now reduces the message hash modulo the group order to match the specification. This only affects improper use of ECDSA signing API.