Fernando 5359794e21
(Feature) erc721 feature implementation (#570)
* Add Assets sections

* (add) collectibles tab

* (add) criptokitty items

* (add) collectible items, definitive edition

* (fix) collectibles were overlapping with bottom banner

* (fix) wording

* (fix) responsive issues

* Install `async-sema` dependency

* Create collectible source classes

- source from mocked data and opensea, it's extendable to import information from other sources

* Update `Collectible` implementation to use new data source

* Create constants file to better handle env variables and default values

* Add description to item's cards

- also added a mocked class with real data

* Fix `saveTxToHistory`, remove hardcoded `CALL`

* Fix after merge development

* Set background color for collectible based on data info

- Changed `withStyles` in favor of a hook-like approach with `makeStyles`

* Enhance collectible card info and group title

* Use current safeAddress to query for collectibles information

- also migrated from `withStyles` to `makeStyles`

* Use proper key values for lists and set more significant names

* update yarn.lock after merge

* Fix linting error

* Move ethAsToken verification outside loop

* Use absolute route for `SendModal` import

* Move Collectibles into redux store

* Update yarn.lock file

* Selectable NFTs

* Divide the `collectible` store into `nftAssets` and `nftTokens`

- Also updated components to retain functionality
- Created a `textShortener` function for better presentation

* Update `yarn.lock`

* Update `yarn.lock`

* Fix item background color

* Clears the tokenID select field when the collectible selected changes

* Open Send modal from the assets section

* Use token name for the token selection dropdown

* Add openZeppelin contracts dependency

* Create ERC721 getter

* Fix types, default values and clean code

* Fix: properly refresh list of collectibles when switching safes

* Add ReviewCollectible step in send NFT

* Change items shadow

* Give option to choose what to send by clicking 'Send' button in AddressBook

* Disable [Send] button for Collectibles if not owner

* Set Coins as default option in assets tab

- also fixed styles for `Coins` option

* Use collectible icon in send modal

* Set default message when no assets available

- removed pagination feature

* Create SafeVersionProvider to better handle version-related tasks

- current and latest versions,
- a boolean indicating a need for update,
- an upgradeSafe callback to trigger upgrade from any place,
- a list of enabled features, depending on the current version
  - the latter needs a refactor like extract features outside the provider
   and define constants for the features.

* Force build

* Update `yarn.lock`

* Disable Manage list for NFTs

* Fix container shadow

- Also fixes tables shadow, thanks to @gabitoesmiapodo

* Enable nested routes for balances (assets) tab

* Default to `/balance` if invalid nested path

* Disable [Send Collectible] button, if not supported by safe

* Change sub-menu buttons to clickable text

* Replace Paragraph with Link

* Fix invalid props errors for Link component

* Fallback to `transferFrom` if `safeTransferFrom` is not implemented

* Use `transfer` as fallback to ERC-721's `safeTransferFrom`

- need to identify ERC721 token using `transfer` and `name` methods

* Display failed transactions

* Use react.lazy for collectibles' modals

* Identify ERC-721 token transaction

* Fix Send Collectibles modal layout/behavior

- disable dropdown list if there's no item to pick
- fix placeholder for tokens list
- fix dropdown list styles

* Set default `isSuccessful` flag to `true`

* Save version related values into store

- each safe has its `currentVersion`, `needsUpdate` and `featuresEnabled`
- and safes store has the `latestMasterContractVersion`

* Migrate Balance to use store-provided values

* Migrate Settings to use store-provided values

* Migrate ChooseTxType to use store-provided values

* Remove SafeVersionProvider

Co-authored-by: Gabriel Rodriguez Alsina <>
Co-authored-by: apane <>
2020-03-18 17:24:24 -03:00

169 lines
5.7 KiB

"name": "safe-react",
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"description": "Allowing crypto users manage funds in a safer way",
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