Gnosis Safe – The most trusted platform to store digital assets on Ethereum
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apanizo e65cdf3866 Travis modifications 2018-08-09 11:38:43 +02:00
.storybook WA-232 Fix storybook deploys 2018-07-16 16:52:27 +02:00
config Add AWS deployments and PR dynamic environments 2018-08-01 15:37:54 +02:00
flow-typed/npm [WA-229] Feature - Create safe (#10) 2018-03-29 11:05:42 +02:00
public Adding dev and build scripts 2018-03-06 09:52:55 +01:00
safe-contracts/build/contracts WA-232 Adding ERC20 tokens contracts without human readable properties like synmbol or name 2018-07-17 13:30:55 +02:00
scripts Landing Page (#9) 2018-03-15 11:14:20 +01:00
src WA-521 Fix tests to make them to work with Tx History Service 2018-08-09 10:30:59 +02:00
.babelrc WA-234 Fix gas calculation when removing owners (#41) 2018-06-20 10:09:14 +02:00
.eslintrc [WA-229] Feature - Create safe (#10) 2018-03-29 11:05:42 +02:00
.flowconfig WA-238 Added contracts after migrated to Kovan and Rinkeby 2018-05-04 12:50:24 +02:00
.gitignore WA-238 Added contracts after migrated to Kovan and Rinkeby 2018-05-04 12:50:24 +02:00
.travis.yml Travis modifications 2018-08-09 11:38:43 +02:00
Dockerfile Initial Docker configuration 2018-08-09 11:35:46 +02:00 Adding README and LICENSE (#7) 2018-03-12 11:26:53 +01:00
docker-compose.yml Initial Docker configuration 2018-08-09 11:35:46 +02:00
jsconfig.json WA-238 Added contracts after migrated to Kovan and Rinkeby 2018-05-04 12:50:24 +02:00
package.json Avoid CORS problem running docker project 2018-08-08 17:21:05 +02:00 [WA-229] Feature - Create safe (#10) 2018-03-29 11:05:42 +02:00 WA-238 Added contracts after migrated to Kovan and Rinkeby 2018-05-04 12:50:24 +02:00
truffle.js Initial commit with files 2018-03-01 09:05:56 +01:00
yarn.lock WA-232 Update final-form libraries 2018-07-17 13:29:42 +02:00

Gnosis Team Safe

Allowing crypto users manage funds in a safer way

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

npm install truffle // recommended usage of -g flag
npm install ganache-cli // recommended usage of -g flag
npm install flow-type // recommended usage of -g flag
git clone


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

Run ganache in one terminal

ganache-cli -b 3

Start the project in the other one

cd safe-contracts && truffle compile && truffle migrate && cd ..
npm install
npm start

Running the tests

npm test

Break down into end to end tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example

And coding style tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Thanks for Gnosis Team for providing the Safe contracts.