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synced 2025-02-02 21:03:28 +00:00
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// @flow
import * as React from 'react'
import { type Store } from 'redux'
import TestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'react-router-redux'
import { DEPLOYED_COMPONENT_ID } from '~/routes/open/components/FormConfirmation'
import Open from '~/routes/open/container/Open'
import { aNewStore, history, type GlobalState } from '~/store'
import { sleep } from '~/utils/timer'
import { getProviderInfo, getWeb3 } from '~/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
import addProvider from '~/logic/wallets/store/actions/addProvider'
import { makeProvider } from '~/logic/wallets/store/model/provider'
import { promisify } from '~/utils/promisify'
const fillOpenSafeForm = async (localStore: Store<GlobalState>) => {
const provider = await getProviderInfo()
const walletRecord = makeProvider(provider)
return (
<Provider store={localStore}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<Open />
const deploySafe = async (safe: React$Component<{}>, dailyLimit: string, threshold: number, numOwners: number) => {
const inputs = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(safe, 'input')
const fieldName = inputs[0]
const fieldOwners = inputs[1]
const fieldConfirmations = inputs[2]
const fieldDailyLimit = inputs[3]
const web3 = getWeb3()
const accounts = await promisify(cb => web3.eth.getAccounts(cb))
TestUtils.Simulate.change(fieldOwners, { target: { value: `${numOwners}` } })
await sleep(1500)
const inputsExpanded = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(safe, 'input')
expect(inputsExpanded.length).toBe((numOwners * 2) + 4) // 2 per owner + name, dailyLimit, confirmations, numOwners
for (let i = 0; i < numOwners; i += 1) {
const nameIndex = (i * 2) + 2
const addressIndex = (i * 2) + 3
const ownerName = inputsExpanded[nameIndex]
const account = inputsExpanded[addressIndex]
TestUtils.Simulate.change(ownerName, { target: { value: `Adolfo ${i + 1} Eth Account` } })
TestUtils.Simulate.change(account, { target: { value: accounts[i] } })
TestUtils.Simulate.change(fieldName, { target: { value: 'Adolfo Safe' } })
TestUtils.Simulate.change(fieldConfirmations, { target: { value: `${threshold}` } })
TestUtils.Simulate.change(fieldDailyLimit, { target: { value: dailyLimit } })
const form = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(safe, 'form')
TestUtils.Simulate.submit(form) // fill the form
TestUtils.Simulate.submit(form) // confirming data
TestUtils.Simulate.submit(form) // Executing transaction
// giving some time to the component for updating its state with safe
// before destroying its context
await sleep(12000)
const deployed = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(safe, DEPLOYED_COMPONENT_ID)
if (!deployed) {
throw new Error()
const transactionHash = JSON.parse(deployed.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].innerHTML)
delete transactionHash.receipt.logsBloom
return transactionHash
const aDeployedSafe = async (
specificStore: Store<GlobalState>,
dailyLimit?: number = 0.5,
threshold?: number = 1,
numOwners?: number = 1,
) => {
const safe: React$Component<{}> = await fillOpenSafeForm(specificStore)
const deployedSafe = await deploySafe(safe, `${dailyLimit}`, threshold, numOwners)
return deployedSafe.logs[1].args.proxy
describe('DOM > Feature > CREATE a safe', () => {
it('fills correctly the safe form with 4 owners, 4 threshold and 5 ETH as daily limit', async () => {
const owners = 4
const threshold = 4
const dailyLimit = 5
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aDeployedSafe(store, dailyLimit, threshold, owners)