Agustin Pane 63193d2429
(Fix) [Contract Interaction] boolean fields (#976)
* Replaces checkbox component with safe apps components

* Refactor input params to use checkbox component for boolean types

* Remove "anys"
Fix boolean values display on review tx

* Remove any

* Fix ts issues

* Exports boolean fn to util function

* Extract input component rendering to another component

* Fixs imports
Add types

* Remove old checkbox component

* Add types

* Add types

* fix `data` string not being updated after modifying a reviewed tx

* fixes required for typescript 3.9.3 upgrade

* bump typescript version

* add travis_wait for build command

* add cache for yarn

* travis wait fix

* remove travis_wait

* Revert "fix `data` string not being updated after modifying a reviewed tx"

This reverts commit 49356054cd93726b058073d3cd2e7a0244fd5914.

* Revert "Revert "fix `data` string not being updated after modifying a reviewed tx""

This reverts commit f2572e68dc59c01d8e4b1eccf975faf4006cd7a7.

Co-authored-by: Mikhail Mikheev <>
2020-06-04 10:56:55 -03:00

241 lines
6.6 KiB

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