Daniel Sanchez 4f9fd13285
Release v3.1.0 (#1953)
* Added help center article link to step 2

* Removed deprecated wallets (#1922)

* Bump new onboardjs version

* Fix notification re-appears (#1925)

* (Fix) - #1775 Nonce of cancel transaction calculation (#1886)

* Fix how the nonce of the cancel transaction is calculated

* make use useState to handle nonce state

* fix to prevent "0" being treated as undefined

* (Fix) - #1707 Cannot use larger numbers in contract interaction (#1863)

* Remove withStyles from TextAreaField and fix name

* Remove any type in handleSubmit from contractInteraction review

* Parses the bignumber value to string

* Added link to docs for custom app modal

* Fix styles to match design

* Fix nonce 0 check (#1941)

* Use tooltip from SRC (#1888)

* Upgrade safe-react-components to latest version

* fix New Transaction button

* Increase the date/time tooltip size

* Feature: Add Mushrooms finance app (#1893)

* add mushrooms finance app

* Migrate to GitHub actions (#1924)

* Add Github action for each network environment

* Move deploy scripts to new folder

* Adapt deploy scripts to Github actions

* Run coveralls only if tests succeed

* Upload sentry source map

* Add Production flag for tagged builds

* Use coveralls Github Action

* Add debug steps to all networks for first release test

* Avoid to remove the current loaded safe data if the batch request fail (#1847)

* Fix gas estimation (#1944)

* Fix gas estimation for threshold > 4

* Update gas estimation to be more precise

* Add threshold gas costs on transaction creation estimation

Co-authored-by: Daniel Sanchez <>

* update ipfs hash for wc app (#1954)

* Update endpoint to use new name (#1955)

* (Fix) Transactions infinite scroll (#1931)

* install `react-intersection-observer` dependency

- also, remove `react-infinite-scroll-component`

* refactor `InfiniteScroll` to be used with `react-intersection-observer`

* build an infinite scroll wrapper for transactions based on `InfiniteScroll`

* recover `TxsInfiniteScrollContext` information to identify the last item in a list

- a new component was created for History transactions: `HistoryTransactions` as a wrapper

* refactor lists to use `TxsInfiniteScrollContext` and identify the last item in the list

* allow to pass config to the InfiniteScroll component

 - also changed default bottom margin so the txs loading starts a bit earlier

* fix memory consumption issue based on nft retrieval/update data

* delay `lastItemId` set to next tick, to prevent multiple updates during the same render phase

* Set triggerOnce to infinitescroll

* Fix gas estimation (#1959)

* Fix type of fetchSafeCollectibles (#1971)

* Fix transaction list infinite loading (#1973)

* Check transaction list before trying to assing guard element to infinite scroll in pending list (#1972)

* Fix execute if collected signs is > to threshold (#1968)

* Feature: Add lido finance app (#1960)

* Add pooltogether safe app (#1946)

* fix isExecute in useEstimateTransactionGas (#1981)

* Set V3.1.0

Co-authored-by: Mati Dastugue <>
Co-authored-by: Mati Dastugue <>
Co-authored-by: nicolas <>
Co-authored-by: Agustin Pane <>
Co-authored-by: Fernando <>
Co-authored-by: Agustín Longoni <>
Co-authored-by: Mikhail Mikheev <>
Co-authored-by: nicosampler <>
2021-03-03 10:17:40 +01:00

283 lines
8.7 KiB

"name": "safe-react",
"version": "3.1.0",
"description": "Allowing crypto users manage funds in a safer way",
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"generate-types:spendingLimit": "cross-env typechain --target=web3-v1 --outDir './src/types/contracts' ./src/logic/contracts/artifacts/*.json",
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