# Network Configuration ## Network configuration structure We have currently this structure for the network configuration: - This is the main configuration that you need to provide in order to add a new network. ```typescript export interface NetworkConfig { network: NetworkSettings disabledFeatures?: SafeFeatures disabledWallets?: Wallets environment: SafeEnvironments } ``` #### NetworkSettings - It contains the Ethereum compatible network id, the network name, information about the native coin of that network and a boolean to indicate if the network is a testnet or a production network. ```typescript export type NetworkSettings = { id: ETHEREUM_NETWORK, backgroundColor: string, textColor: string, label: string, isTestNet: boolean, nativeCoin: Token, } ``` - Currently supported Ethereum compatible networks: ```typescript export enum ETHEREUM_NETWORK { MAINNET = 1, MORDEN = 2, ROPSTEN = 3, RINKEBY = 4, GOERLI = 5, KOVAN = 42, XDAI = 100, ENERGY_WEB_CHAIN = 246, VOLTA = 73799, UNKNOWN = 0, LOCAL = 4447, } ``` - This is the structure to define the native coin: ```typescript type Token = { address: string name: string symbol: string decimals: number logoUri?: string } ``` #### SafeFeatures It's an array that contains a list of features that should be disabled for the network. It's empty by default. ```typescript export type SafeFeatures = FEATURES[] export enum FEATURES { ERC721 = 'ERC721', ERC1155 = 'ERC1155', SAFE_APPS = 'SAFE_APPS', CONTRACT_INTERACTION = 'CONTRACT_INTERACTION', DOMAIN_LOOKUP = 'DOMAIN_LOOKUP' } ``` #### Wallets It's an array that contains a list of wallets that will be disabled for the network. It's empty by default. ```typescript export type Wallets = WALLETS[] ``` ```typescript export enum WALLETS { METAMASK = 'metamask', WALLET_CONNECT = 'walletConnect', TREZOR = 'trezor', LEDGER = 'ledger', TRUST = 'trust', FORTMATIC = 'fortmatic', PORTIS = 'portis', AUTHEREUM = 'authereum', TORUS = 'torus', COINBASE = 'coinbase', WALLET_LINK = 'walletLink', OPERA = 'opera', OPERA_TOUCH = 'operaTouch' } ``` #### SafeEnviroments If the network has different enviroments, you can add them here, otherwise you should only add production settings ```typescript type SafeEnvironments = { dev?: EnvironmentSettings staging?: EnvironmentSettings production: EnvironmentSettings } ``` We use a transaction service (**txServiceUrl**) to fetch transactions and balances of each safe and also to POST messages with the created transactions, this should be provided by Gnosis. The **networkExplorer** parameters are used to provide information related to the networkExplorer used for the given network (Blockscout for xDai, Etherscan for mainnet, etc). This is used for link transaction hashes and addresses to the given network explorer. ```typescript export type EnvironmentSettings = GasPrice & { txServiceUrl: string relayApiUrl?: string safeAppsUrl: string rpcServiceUrl: string networkExplorerName: string networkExplorerUrl: string networkExplorerApiUrl: string } ``` The **gasPrice** is used to indicate a fixed amount for some networks (like xDai), otherwise you can provide an oracle we can use to fetch the current gas price. ```typescript type GasPrice = { gasPrice: number gasPriceOracle?: GasPriceOracle } | { gasPrice?: number // for infura there's a REST API Token required stored in: `REACT_APP_INFURA_TOKEN` gasPriceOracle: GasPriceOracle } ``` ```typescript export type GasPriceOracle = { url: string // Different gas api providers can use a different name to reflect different gas levels based on tx speed // For example in ethGasStation for ETHEREUM_MAINNET = safeLow | average | fast gasParameter: string } ``` ### Enviroment variables: - **REACT_APP_NETWORK**: name of the used network (ex: xDai, mainnet, rinkeby) - **REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS**: Used for enabling google analytics - **REACT_APP_PORTIS_ID**: Portis ID for enabling it on given network - **REACT_APP_FORTMATIC_KEY**: Formatic yey for given network --- ## How to add a network 1) In case that it is not already supported, add the network on the **ETHEREUM_NETWORK** enum in [`src/config/networks/network.d.ts`](/src/config/networks/network.d.ts) ```typescript export enum ETHEREUM_NETWORK { MAINNET = 1, MORDEN = 2, ROPSTEN = 3, RINKEBY = 4, GOERLI = 5, KOVAN = 42, XDAI = 100, ENERGY_WEB_CHAIN = 246, VOLTA = 73799, UNKNOWN = 0, LOCAL = 4447, } ``` 2) Add **env variables**: * REACT_APP_NETWORK * REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS * REACT_APP_PORTIS_ID * REACT_APP_FORTMATIC_KEY 3) Add the **NetworkSettings** in [`src/config/networks`](/src/config/networks) as `.ts`: ```typescript import { EnvironmentSettings, ETHEREUM_NETWORK, NetworkConfig } from 'src/config/networks/network.d' const baseConfig: EnvironmentSettings = { txServiceUrl: '', safeAppsUrl: '', gasPriceOracleUrl: '', gasPriceOracle: { url: '', gasParameter: '', }, rpcServiceUrl: '', networkExplorerName: '', networkExplorerUrl: '', networkExplorerApiUrl: '', } const rinkeby: NetworkConfig = { environment: { dev: { ...baseConfig, }, staging: { ...baseConfig, safeAppsUrl: '', }, production: { ...baseConfig, txServiceUrl: '', safeAppsUrl: '', }, }, network: { id: ETHEREUM_NETWORK., backgroundColor: '', textColor: '', label: '', isTestNet: true/false, nativeCoin: { address: '', name: '', symbol: '', decimals: 0, logoUri: '', }, }, disabledFeatures: [], disabledWallets: [] } export default ``` ## Configuration example (xDai) - fixed gas price 1) **ETHEREUM_NETWORK** ```typescript export enum ETHEREUM_NETWORK { MAINNET = 1, MORDEN = 2, ROPSTEN = 3, RINKEBY = 4, GOERLI = 5, KOVAN = 42, XDAI = 100, -> ADDED XDAI ENERGY_WEB_CHAIN = 246, VOLTA = 73799, UNKNOWN = 0, LOCAL = 4447, } ``` 2) **Network file** [xdai](/src/config/networks/xdai.ts) ```typescript import { ETHEREUM_NETWORK, NetworkConfig } from 'src/config/networks/network.d' const xDai: NetworkConfig = { environment: { production: { txServiceUrl: 'https://safe-transaction.xdai.gnosis.io/api/v1', safeAppsUrl: 'https://safe-apps-xdai.staging.gnosisdev.com', gasPrice: 1e9, rpcServiceUrl: 'https://dai.poa.network/', networkExplorerName: 'Blockscout', networkExplorerUrl: 'https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai', networkExplorerApiUrl: 'https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/api', }, }, network: { id: ETHEREUM_NETWORK.XDAI, backgroundColor: '#48A8A6', textColor: '#ffffff', label: 'xDai', isTestNet: false, nativeCoin: { address: '0x000', name: 'xDai', symbol: 'xDai', decimals: 18, logoUri: xDaiLogo, }, }, disabledWallets:[ WALLETS.TREZOR, WALLETS.LEDGER ] } export default xDai ``` ## Configuration example (Mainnet) - gas price retrieven by oracle **Network file** [mainnet](/src/config/networks/mainnet.ts) ```typescript const baseConfig: EnvironmentSettings = { txServiceUrl: 'https://safe-transaction.mainnet.staging.gnosisdev.com/api/v1', safeAppsUrl: 'https://safe-apps.dev.gnosisdev.com', gasPriceOracle: { url: 'https://ethgasstation.info/json/ethgasAPI.json', gasParameter: 'average', }, rpcServiceUrl: 'https://mainnet.infura.io:443/v3', networkExplorerName: 'Etherscan', networkExplorerUrl: 'https://etherscan.io', networkExplorerApiUrl: 'https://api.etherscan.io/api', } const mainnet: NetworkConfig = { environment: { dev: { ...baseConfig, }, staging: { ...baseConfig, safeAppsUrl: 'https://safe-apps.staging.gnosisdev.com', }, production: { ...baseConfig, txServiceUrl: 'https://safe-transaction.mainnet.gnosis.io/api/v1', safeAppsUrl: 'https://apps.gnosis-safe.io', }, }, network: { id: ETHEREUM_NETWORK.MAINNET, backgroundColor: '#E8E7E6', textColor: '#001428', label: 'Mainnet', isTestNet: false, nativeCoin: { address: '0x000', name: 'Ether', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18, logoUri: EtherLogo, }, } } export default mainnet ```