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This is not necessarily a Safe owner and needs to be \n /// verified in case only Safe owners are allowed.\n /// @param to Destination address.\n /// @param value Ether value.\n /// @param data Data payload.\n /// @param operation Operation type.\n /// @return Returns if transaction can be executed.\n function isExecutable(address sender, address to, uint256 value, bytes data, GnosisSafe.Operation operation) public returns (bool);\n}\n", "sourcePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/Extension.sol", "ast": { "absolutePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/Extension.sol", "exportedSymbols": { "Extension": [ 18 ] }, "id": 19, "nodeType": "SourceUnit", "nodes": [ { "id": 1, "literals": [ "solidity", "0.4", ".19" ], "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", "src": "0:23:0" }, { "absolutePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/GnosisSafe.sol", "file": "./GnosisSafe.sol", "id": 2, "nodeType": "ImportDirective", "scope": 19, "sourceUnit": 964, "src": "24:26:0", "symbolAliases": [], "unitAlias": "" }, { "baseContracts": [], "contractDependencies": [], "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": "@title Abstract Extension - 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