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This can only be done via a Safe transaction.\n /// @param _masterCopy New contract address.\n function changeMasterCopy(address _masterCopy)\n public\n authorized\n {\n // Master copy address cannot be null.\n require(_masterCopy != 0);\n masterCopy = _masterCopy;\n }\n}\n", "sourcePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/MasterCopy.sol", "ast": { "absolutePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/MasterCopy.sol", "exportedSymbols": { "MasterCopy": [ 580 ] }, "id": 581, "nodeType": "SourceUnit", "nodes": [ { "id": 556, "literals": [ "solidity", "0.4", ".23" ], "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", "src": "0:23:4" }, { "absolutePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/SelfAuthorized.sol", "file": "./SelfAuthorized.sol", "id": 557, "nodeType": "ImportDirective", "scope": 581, "sourceUnit": 1360, "src": "24:30:4", "symbolAliases": [], "unitAlias": "" }, { "baseContracts": [ { "arguments": null, "baseName": { "contractScope": null, "id": 558, "name": "SelfAuthorized", "nodeType": "UserDefinedTypeName", "referencedDeclaration": 1359, "src": "226:14:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_contract$_SelfAuthorized_$1359", "typeString": "contract SelfAuthorized" } }, "id": 559, "nodeType": "InheritanceSpecifier", "src": "226:14:4" } ], "contractDependencies": [ 1359 ], "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": "@title MasterCopy - Base for master copy contracts (should always be first super contract)\n @author Richard Meissner - ", "fullyImplemented": true, "id": 580, "linearizedBaseContracts": [ 580, 1359 ], "name": "MasterCopy", "nodeType": "ContractDefinition", "nodes": [ { "constant": false, "id": 561, "name": "masterCopy", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", "scope": 580, "src": "465:18:4", "stateVariable": true, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { "id": 560, "name": "address", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", "src": "465:7:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" } }, "value": null, "visibility": "internal" }, { "body": { "id": 578, "nodeType": "Block", "src": "711:123:4", "statements": [ { "expression": { "argumentTypes": null, "arguments": [ { "argumentTypes": null, "commonType": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" }, "id": 571, "isConstant": false, "isLValue": false, "isPure": false, "lValueRequested": false, "leftExpression": { "argumentTypes": null, "id": 569, "name": "_masterCopy", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], "referencedDeclaration": 563, "src": "776:11:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" } }, "nodeType": "BinaryOperation", "operator": "!=", "rightExpression": { "argumentTypes": null, "hexValue": "30", "id": 570, "isConstant": false, "isLValue": false, "isPure": true, "kind": "number", "lValueRequested": false, "nodeType": "Literal", "src": "791:1:4", "subdenomination": null, "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_rational_0_by_1", "typeString": "int_const 0" }, "value": "0" }, "src": "776:16:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_bool", "typeString": "bool" } } ], "expression": { "argumentTypes": [ { "typeIdentifier": "t_bool", "typeString": "bool" } ], "id": 568, "name": "require", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [ 2399, 2400 ], "referencedDeclaration": 2399, "src": "768:7:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_function_require_pure$_t_bool_$returns$__$", "typeString": "function (bool) pure" } }, "id": 572, "isConstant": false, "isLValue": false, "isPure": false, "kind": "functionCall", "lValueRequested": false, "names": [], "nodeType": "FunctionCall", "src": "768:25:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_tuple$__$", "typeString": "tuple()" } }, "id": 573, "nodeType": "ExpressionStatement", "src": "768:25:4" }, { "expression": { "argumentTypes": null, "id": 576, "isConstant": false, "isLValue": false, "isPure": false, "lValueRequested": false, "leftHandSide": { "argumentTypes": null, "id": 574, "name": "masterCopy", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], "referencedDeclaration": 561, "src": "803:10:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" } }, "nodeType": "Assignment", "operator": "=", "rightHandSide": { "argumentTypes": null, "id": 575, "name": "_masterCopy", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], "referencedDeclaration": 563, "src": "816:11:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" } }, "src": "803:24:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" } }, "id": 577, "nodeType": "ExpressionStatement", "src": "803:24:4" } ] }, "documentation": "@dev Allows to upgrade the contract. This can only be done via a Safe transaction.\n @param _masterCopy New contract address.", "id": 579, "implemented": true, "isConstructor": false, "isDeclaredConst": false, "modifiers": [ { "arguments": null, "id": 566, "modifierName": { "argumentTypes": null, "id": 565, "name": "authorized", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], "referencedDeclaration": 1358, "src": "696:10:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_modifier$__$", "typeString": "modifier ()" } }, "nodeType": "ModifierInvocation", "src": "696:10:4" } ], "name": "changeMasterCopy", "nodeType": "FunctionDefinition", "parameters": { "id": 564, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [ { "constant": false, "id": 563, "name": "_masterCopy", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", "scope": 579, "src": "652:19:4", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { "id": 562, "name": "address", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", "src": "652:7:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" } }, "value": null, "visibility": "internal" } ], "src": "651:21:4" }, "payable": false, "returnParameters": { "id": 567, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [], "src": "711:0:4" }, "scope": 580, "src": "626:208:4", "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "superFunction": null, "visibility": "public" } ], "scope": 581, "src": "203:633:4" } ], "src": "0:837:4" }, "legacyAST": { "absolutePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/MasterCopy.sol", "exportedSymbols": { "MasterCopy": [ 580 ] }, "id": 581, "nodeType": "SourceUnit", "nodes": [ { "id": 556, "literals": [ "solidity", "0.4", ".23" ], "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", "src": "0:23:4" }, { "absolutePath": "/Users/apanizo/git/gnosis/safe-contracts/contracts/SelfAuthorized.sol", "file": "./SelfAuthorized.sol", "id": 557, "nodeType": "ImportDirective", "scope": 581, "sourceUnit": 1360, "src": "24:30:4", "symbolAliases": [], "unitAlias": "" }, { "baseContracts": [ { "arguments": null, "baseName": { "contractScope": null, "id": 558, "name": "SelfAuthorized", "nodeType": "UserDefinedTypeName", "referencedDeclaration": 1359, "src": "226:14:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_contract$_SelfAuthorized_$1359", "typeString": "contract SelfAuthorized" } }, "id": 559, "nodeType": "InheritanceSpecifier", "src": "226:14:4" } ], "contractDependencies": [ 1359 ], "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": "@title MasterCopy - 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This can only be done via a Safe transaction.\n @param _masterCopy New contract address.", "id": 579, "implemented": true, "isConstructor": false, "isDeclaredConst": false, "modifiers": [ { "arguments": null, "id": 566, "modifierName": { "argumentTypes": null, "id": 565, "name": "authorized", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], "referencedDeclaration": 1358, "src": "696:10:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_modifier$__$", "typeString": "modifier ()" } }, "nodeType": "ModifierInvocation", "src": "696:10:4" } ], "name": "changeMasterCopy", "nodeType": "FunctionDefinition", "parameters": { "id": 564, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [ { "constant": false, "id": 563, "name": "_masterCopy", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", "scope": 579, "src": "652:19:4", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { "id": 562, "name": "address", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", "src": "652:7:4", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" } }, "value": null, "visibility": "internal" } ], "src": "651:21:4" }, "payable": false, "returnParameters": { "id": 567, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [], "src": "711:0:4" }, "scope": 580, "src": "626:208:4", "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "superFunction": null, "visibility": "public" } ], "scope": 581, "src": "203:633:4" } ], "src": "0:837:4" }, "compiler": { "name": "solc", "version": "0.4.23+commit.124ca40d.Emscripten.clang" }, "networks": {}, "schemaVersion": "2.0.0", "updatedAt": "2018-05-16T10:51:14.746Z" }