fetch transactions refactoring wip

This commit is contained in:
Mikhail Mikheev 2020-04-28 19:07:29 +04:00
parent b5da092ea5
commit df1500dd6e
3 changed files with 217 additions and 269 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// @flow
const addMockSafeCreationTx = (safeAddress): Array<TxServiceModel> => [
blockNumber: null,
baseGas: 0,
confirmations: [],
data: null,
executionDate: null,
gasPrice: 0,
gasToken: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
isExecuted: true,
nonce: null,
operation: 0,
refundReceiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
safe: safeAddress,
safeTxGas: 0,
safeTxHash: '',
signatures: null,
submissionDate: null,
executor: '',
to: '',
transactionHash: null,
value: 0,
creationTx: true,

View File

@ -1,284 +1,17 @@
// @flow
import ERC20Detailed from '@openzeppelin/contracts/build/contracts/ERC20Detailed.json'
import axios from 'axios'
import { List, Map, type RecordInstance } from 'immutable'
import { batch } from 'react-redux'
import type { Dispatch as ReduxDispatch } from 'redux'
import { addIncomingTransactions } from './addIncomingTransactions'
import { addTransactions } from './addTransactions'
import { TxServiceModel } from './loadOutgoingTransactions'
import generateBatchRequests from '~/logic/contracts/generateBatchRequests'
import { decodeParamsFromSafeMethod } from '~/logic/contracts/methodIds'
import { type TxServiceType, buildTxServiceUrl } from '~/logic/safe/transactions/txHistory'
import { TOKEN_REDUCER_ID } from '~/logic/tokens/store/reducer/tokens'
import {
} from '~/logic/tokens/utils/tokenHelpers'
import { ZERO_ADDRESS, sameAddress } from '~/logic/wallets/ethAddresses'
import { EMPTY_DATA } from '~/logic/wallets/ethTransactions'
import { getWeb3 } from '~/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
import { addCancellationTransactions } from '~/routes/safe/store/actions/transactions/addCancellationTransactions'
import { makeConfirmation } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/confirmation'
import { type IncomingTransaction, makeIncomingTransaction } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/incomingTransaction'
import type { TransactionProps } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/transaction'
import { type Transaction, makeTransaction } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/transaction'
import { type IncomingTransaction } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/incomingTransaction'
import { type GlobalState } from '~/store'
let web3
type ConfirmationServiceModel = {
owner: string,
submissionDate: Date,
confirmationType: string,
transactionHash: string,
type TxServiceModel = {
to: string,
value: number,
data: ?string,
operation: number,
nonce: ?number,
blockNumber: ?number,
safeTxGas: number,
baseGas: number,
gasPrice: number,
gasToken: string,
refundReceiver: string,
safeTxHash: string,
submissionDate: ?string,
executor: string,
executionDate: ?string,
confirmations: ConfirmationServiceModel[],
isExecuted: boolean,
isSuccessful: boolean,
transactionHash: ?string,
creationTx?: boolean,
export const buildTransactionFrom = async (
safeAddress: string,
tx: TxServiceModel,
): Promise<Transaction> => {
const confirmations = List(
tx.confirmations.map((conf: ConfirmationServiceModel) =>
owner: conf.owner,
type: ((conf.confirmationType.toLowerCase(): any): TxServiceType),
hash: conf.transactionHash,
signature: conf.signature,
const modifySettingsTx = sameAddress(tx.to, safeAddress) && Number(tx.value) === 0 && !!tx.data
const cancellationTx = sameAddress(tx.to, safeAddress) && Number(tx.value) === 0 && !tx.data
const isERC721Token =
(code && code.includes(SAFE_TRANSFER_FROM_WITHOUT_DATA_HASH)) ||
(isTokenTransfer(tx.data, Number(tx.value)) && !knownTokens.get(tx.to) && txTokenDecimals !== null)
let isSendTokenTx = !isERC721Token && isTokenTransfer(tx.data, Number(tx.value))
const isMultiSendTx = isMultisendTransaction(tx.data, Number(tx.value))
const isUpgradeTx = isMultiSendTx && isUpgradeTransaction(tx.data)
let customTx = !sameAddress(tx.to, safeAddress) && !!tx.data && !isSendTokenTx && !isUpgradeTx && !isERC721Token
let refundParams = null
if (tx.gasPrice > 0) {
const refundSymbol = txTokenSymbol || 'ETH'
const decimals = txTokenName || 18
const feeString = (tx.gasPrice * (tx.baseGas + tx.safeTxGas)).toString().padStart(decimals, 0)
const whole = feeString.slice(0, feeString.length - decimals) || '0'
const fraction = feeString.slice(feeString.length - decimals)
const formattedFee = `${whole}.${fraction}`
refundParams = {
fee: formattedFee,
symbol: refundSymbol,
let symbol = txTokenSymbol || 'ETH'
let decimals = txTokenDecimals || 18
let decodedParams
if (isSendTokenTx) {
if (txTokenSymbol === null || txTokenDecimals === null) {
try {
const [tokenSymbol, tokenDecimals] = await Promise.all(
address: tx.to,
methods: ['symbol', 'decimals'],
symbol = tokenSymbol
decimals = tokenDecimals
} catch (e) {
// some contracts may implement the same methods as in ERC20 standard
// we may falsely treat them as tokens, so in case we get any errors when getting token info
// we fallback to displaying custom transaction
isSendTokenTx = false
customTx = true
const params = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(['address', 'uint256'], tx.data.slice(10))
decodedParams = {
recipient: params[0],
value: params[1],
} else if (modifySettingsTx && tx.data) {
decodedParams = decodeParamsFromSafeMethod(tx.data)
} else if (customTx && tx.data) {
decodedParams = decodeParamsFromSafeMethod(tx.data)
return makeTransaction({
nonce: tx.nonce,
blockNumber: tx.blockNumber,
value: tx.value.toString(),
recipient: tx.to,
data: tx.data ? tx.data : EMPTY_DATA,
operation: tx.operation,
safeTxGas: tx.safeTxGas,
baseGas: tx.baseGas,
gasPrice: tx.gasPrice,
gasToken: tx.gasToken || ZERO_ADDRESS,
refundReceiver: tx.refundReceiver || ZERO_ADDRESS,
isExecuted: tx.isExecuted,
isSuccessful: tx.isSuccessful,
submissionDate: tx.submissionDate,
executor: tx.executor,
executionDate: tx.executionDate,
executionTxHash: tx.transactionHash,
safeTxHash: tx.safeTxHash,
isTokenTransfer: isSendTokenTx,
multiSendTx: isMultiSendTx,
upgradeTx: isUpgradeTx,
creationTx: tx.creationTx,
origin: tx.origin,
const addMockSafeCreationTx = (safeAddress): Array<TxServiceModel> => [
blockNumber: null,
baseGas: 0,
confirmations: [],
data: null,
executionDate: null,
gasPrice: 0,
gasToken: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
isExecuted: true,
nonce: null,
operation: 0,
refundReceiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
safe: safeAddress,
safeTxGas: 0,
safeTxHash: '',
signatures: null,
submissionDate: null,
executor: '',
to: '',
transactionHash: null,
value: 0,
creationTx: true,
const batchTxTokenRequest = (txs: any[]) => {
const batch = new web3.BatchRequest()
const whenTxsValues = txs.map((tx) => {
const methods = ['decimals', { method: 'getCode', type: 'eth', args: [tx.to] }, 'symbol', 'name']
return generateBatchRequests({
abi: ERC20Detailed.abi,
address: tx.to,
context: tx,
return Promise.all(whenTxsValues)
export type SafeTransactionsType = {
outgoing: Map<string, List<TransactionProps>>,
cancel: Map<string, List<TransactionProps>>,
let etagSafeTransactions = null
export const loadSafeTransactions = async (safeAddress: string, getState: GetState): Promise<SafeTransactionsType> => {
let transactions: TxServiceModel[] = addMockSafeCreationTx(safeAddress)
try {
const config = etagSafeTransactions
? {
headers: {
'If-None-Match': etagSafeTransactions,
: undefined
const url = buildTxServiceUrl(safeAddress)
const response = await axios.get(url, config)
if (response.data.count > 0) {
if (etagSafeTransactions === response.headers.etag) {
// The txs are the same as we currently have, we don't have to proceed
transactions = transactions.concat(response.data.results)
etagSafeTransactions = response.headers.etag
} catch (err) {
if (err && err.response && err.response.status === 304) {
// NOTE: this is the expected implementation, currently the backend is not returning 304.
// So I check if the returned etag is the same instead (see above)
} else {
console.error(`Requests for outgoing transactions for ${safeAddress} failed with 404`, err)
const state = getState()
const knownTokens = state[TOKEN_REDUCER_ID]
const txsWithData = await batchTxTokenRequest(transactions)
// In case that the etags don't match, we parse the new transactions and save them to the cache
const txsRecord: Array<RecordInstance<TransactionProps>> = await Promise.all(
txsWithData.map(([tx: TxServiceModel, decimals, code, symbol, name]) =>
buildTransactionFrom(safeAddress, tx, knownTokens, decimals, symbol, name, code),
const groupedTxs = List(txsRecord).groupBy((tx) => (tx.get('cancellationTx') ? 'cancel' : 'outgoing'))
return {
outgoing: Map().set(safeAddress, groupedTxs.get('outgoing')),
cancel: Map().set(safeAddress, groupedTxs.get('cancel')),
export default (safeAddress: string) => async (dispatch: ReduxDispatch<GlobalState>, getState: GetState) => {
web3 = await getWeb3()
const transactions: SafeTransactionsType | typeof undefined = await loadSafeTransactions(safeAddress, getState)
if (transactions) {
const { cancel, outgoing } = transactions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,193 @@
// @flow
import ERC20Detailed from '@openzeppelin/contracts/build/contracts/ERC20Detailed.json'
import axios from 'axios'
import { List, Map, type RecordInstance } from 'immutable'
import generateBatchRequests from '~/logic/contracts/generateBatchRequests'
import { decodeParamsFromSafeMethod } from '~/logic/contracts/methodIds'
import { type TxServiceType, buildTxServiceUrl } from '~/logic/safe/transactions/txHistory'
import { TOKEN_REDUCER_ID } from '~/logic/tokens/store/reducer/tokens'
import {
} from '~/logic/tokens/utils/tokenHelpers'
import { ZERO_ADDRESS, sameAddress } from '~/logic/wallets/ethAddresses'
import { EMPTY_DATA } from '~/logic/wallets/ethTransactions'
import { web3ReadOnly } from '~/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
import { makeConfirmation } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/confirmation'
import type { TransactionProps } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/transaction'
import { type Transaction, makeTransaction } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/transaction'
type ConfirmationServiceModel = {
owner: string,
submissionDate: Date,
confirmationType: string,
transactionHash: string,
export type TxServiceModel = {
to: string,
value: number,
data: ?string,
operation: number,
nonce: ?number,
blockNumber: ?number,
safeTxGas: number,
baseGas: number,
gasPrice: number,
gasToken: string,
refundReceiver: string,
safeTxHash: string,
submissionDate: ?string,
executor: string,
executionDate: ?string,
confirmations: ConfirmationServiceModel[],
isExecuted: boolean,
isSuccessful: boolean,
transactionHash: ?string,
creationTx?: boolean,
type SafeTransactionsType = {
outgoing: Map<string, List<TransactionProps>>,
cancel: Map<string, List<TransactionProps>>,
export const buildTransactionFrom = async (
safeAddress: string,
tx: TxServiceModel,
): Promise<Transaction> => {
const confirmations = List(
tx.confirmations.map((conf: ConfirmationServiceModel) =>
owner: conf.owner,
type: ((conf.confirmationType.toLowerCase(): any): TxServiceType),
hash: conf.transactionHash,
signature: conf.signature,
const modifySettingsTx = sameAddress(tx.to, safeAddress) && Number(tx.value) === 0 && !!tx.data
const cancellationTx = sameAddress(tx.to, safeAddress) && Number(tx.value) === 0 && !tx.data
const isERC721Token =
(code && code.includes(SAFE_TRANSFER_FROM_WITHOUT_DATA_HASH)) ||
(isTokenTransfer(tx.data, Number(tx.value)) && !knownTokens.get(tx.to) && txTokenDecimals !== null)
let isSendTokenTx = !isERC721Token && isTokenTransfer(tx.data, Number(tx.value))
const isMultiSendTx = isMultisendTransaction(tx.data, Number(tx.value))
const isUpgradeTx = isMultiSendTx && isUpgradeTransaction(tx.data)
let customTx = !sameAddress(tx.to, safeAddress) && !!tx.data && !isSendTokenTx && !isUpgradeTx && !isERC721Token
let refundParams = null
if (tx.gasPrice > 0) {
const refundSymbol = txTokenSymbol || 'ETH'
const decimals = txTokenName || 18
const feeString = (tx.gasPrice * (tx.baseGas + tx.safeTxGas)).toString().padStart(decimals, 0)
const whole = feeString.slice(0, feeString.length - decimals) || '0'
const fraction = feeString.slice(feeString.length - decimals)
const formattedFee = `${whole}.${fraction}`
refundParams = {
fee: formattedFee,
symbol: refundSymbol,
let symbol = txTokenSymbol || 'ETH'
let decimals = txTokenDecimals || 18
let decodedParams
if (isSendTokenTx) {
if (txTokenSymbol === null || txTokenDecimals === null) {
try {
const [tokenSymbol, tokenDecimals] = await Promise.all(
address: tx.to,
methods: ['symbol', 'decimals'],
symbol = tokenSymbol
decimals = tokenDecimals
} catch (e) {
// some contracts may implement the same methods as in ERC20 standard
// we may falsely treat them as tokens, so in case we get any errors when getting token info
// we fallback to displaying custom transaction
isSendTokenTx = false
customTx = true
const params = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(['address', 'uint256'], tx.data.slice(10))
decodedParams = {
recipient: params[0],
value: params[1],
} else if (modifySettingsTx && tx.data) {
decodedParams = decodeParamsFromSafeMethod(tx.data)
} else if (customTx && tx.data) {
decodedParams = decodeParamsFromSafeMethod(tx.data)
return makeTransaction({
nonce: tx.nonce,
blockNumber: tx.blockNumber,
value: tx.value.toString(),
recipient: tx.to,
data: tx.data ? tx.data : EMPTY_DATA,
operation: tx.operation,
safeTxGas: tx.safeTxGas,
baseGas: tx.baseGas,
gasPrice: tx.gasPrice,
gasToken: tx.gasToken || ZERO_ADDRESS,
refundReceiver: tx.refundReceiver || ZERO_ADDRESS,
isExecuted: tx.isExecuted,
isSuccessful: tx.isSuccessful,
submissionDate: tx.submissionDate,
executor: tx.executor,
executionDate: tx.executionDate,
executionTxHash: tx.transactionHash,
safeTxHash: tx.safeTxHash,
isTokenTransfer: isSendTokenTx,
multiSendTx: isMultiSendTx,
upgradeTx: isUpgradeTx,
creationTx: tx.creationTx,
origin: tx.origin,
const batchTxTokenRequest = (txs: any[]) => {
const batch = new web3ReadOnly.BatchRequest()
const whenTxsValues = txs.map((tx) => {
const methods = ['decimals', { method: 'getCode', type: 'eth', args: [tx.to] }, 'symbol', 'name']
return generateBatchRequests({
abi: ERC20Detailed.abi,
address: tx.to,
context: tx,
return Promise.all(whenTxsValues)
let prevSaveTransactionsEtag = null
export const loadOutgoingTransactions = async (
safeAddress: string,