Remove old implementation of add owner to a Safe

This commit is contained in:
Germán Martínez 2019-05-24 20:34:23 +02:00
parent 7d40428f5b
commit ca729f1707
5 changed files with 0 additions and 246 deletions

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// @flow
import * as React from 'react'
import Field from '~/components/forms/Field'
import OpenPaper from '~/components/Stepper/OpenPaper'
import TextField from '~/components/forms/TextField'
import Checkbox from '~/components/forms/Checkbox'
import {
composeValidators, required, mustBeEthereumAddress, uniqueAddress,
} from '~/components/forms/validator'
import Block from '~/components/layout/Block'
import Heading from '~/components/layout/Heading'
export const CONFIRMATIONS_ERROR = 'Number of confirmations can not be higher than the number of owners'
export const NAME_PARAM = 'name'
export const OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM = 'ownerAddress'
export const INCREASE_PARAM = 'increase'
export const safeFieldsValidation = (values: Object) => {
const errors = {}
if (Number.parseInt(values.owners, 10) < Number.parseInt(values.confirmations, 10)) {
errors.confirmations = CONFIRMATIONS_ERROR
return errors
type Props = {
numOwners: number,
threshold: number,
addresses: string[],
const AddOwnerForm = ({ addresses, numOwners, threshold }: Props) => (controls: React.Node) => (
<OpenPaper controls={controls}>
<Heading tag="h2" margin="lg">
Add Owner
<Heading tag="h4" margin="lg">
{`Actual number of owners: ${numOwners}, with threshold: ${threshold}`}
<Block margin="md">
placeholder="Owner Name*"
text="Owner Name*"
<Block margin="md">
validate={composeValidators(required, mustBeEthereumAddress, uniqueAddress(addresses))}
placeholder="Owner address*"
text="Owner address*"
<Block margin="md">
<Field name={INCREASE_PARAM} component={Checkbox} type="checkbox" />
<Block>Increase threshold?</Block>
export default AddOwnerForm

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// @flow
import * as React from 'react'
import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress'
import OpenPaper from '~/components/Stepper/OpenPaper'
import Block from '~/components/layout/Block'
import Bold from '~/components/layout/Bold'
import Heading from '~/components/layout/Heading'
import Paragraph from '~/components/layout/Paragraph'
import { NAME_PARAM, OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM, INCREASE_PARAM } from '~/routes/safe/components/AddOwner/AddOwnerForm'
type FormProps = {
values: Object,
submitting: boolean,
const spinnerStyle = {
minHeight: '50px',
const Review = () => (controls: React.Node, { values, submitting }: FormProps) => {
const text = values[INCREASE_PARAM]
? 'This operation will increase the threshold of the safe'
: 'This operation will not modify the threshold of the safe'
return (
<OpenPaper controls={controls}>
<Heading tag="h2">Review the Add Owner operation</Heading>
<Paragraph align="left">
<Bold>Owner Name: </Bold>
{' '}
<Paragraph align="left">
<Bold>Owner Address: </Bold>
{' '}
<Paragraph align="left">
<Block style={spinnerStyle}>
{ submitting && <CircularProgress size={50} /> }
export default Review

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// @flow
import fetchTransactions from '~/routes/safe/store/actions/fetchTransactions'
type FetchTransactions = typeof fetchTransactions
export type Actions = {
fetchTransactions: FetchTransactions,
export default {

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
// @flow
import * as React from 'react'
import { List } from 'immutable'
import Stepper from '~/components/Stepper'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { type Safe } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/safe'
import { type Owner, makeOwner } from '~/routes/safe/store/models/owner'
import { setOwners } from '~/logic/safe/utils'
import { createTransaction } from '~/logic/safe/safeFrontendOperations'
import { getGnosisSafeInstanceAt } from '~/logic/contracts/safeContracts'
import AddOwnerForm, { NAME_PARAM, OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM, INCREASE_PARAM } from './AddOwnerForm'
import Review from './Review'
import selector, { type SelectorProps } from './selector'
import actions, { type Actions } from './actions'
const getSteps = () => ['Fill Owner Form', 'Review Add order operation']
type Props = SelectorProps &
Actions & {
safe: Safe,
threshold: number,
type State = {
done: boolean,
const getOwnerAddressesFrom = (owners: List<Owner>) => {
if (!owners) {
return []
return Owner) => owner.get('address'))
export const addOwner = async (values: Object, safe: Safe, threshold: number, executor: string) => {
const safeAddress = safe.get('address')
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(safeAddress)
const nonce = await gnosisSafe.nonce()
const newThreshold = values[INCREASE_PARAM] ? threshold + 1 : threshold
const newOwnerAddress = values[OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM]
const newOwnerName = values[NAME_PARAM]
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.methods.addOwnerWithThreshold(newOwnerAddress, newThreshold).encodeABI()
await createTransaction(safe, `Add Owner ${newOwnerName}`, safeAddress, '0', nonce, executor, data)
setOwners(safeAddress, safe.get('owners').push(makeOwner({ name: newOwnerName, address: newOwnerAddress })))
class AddOwner extends React.Component<Props, State> {
state = {
done: false,
onAddOwner = async (values: Object) => {
try {
const {
safe, threshold, userAddress, fetchTransactions,
} = this.props
await addOwner(values, safe, threshold, userAddress)
this.setState({ done: true })
} catch (error) {
this.setState({ done: false })
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log('Error while adding owner ' + error)
onReset = () => {
this.setState({ done: false })
render() {
const { safe } = this.props
const { done } = this.state
const steps = getSteps()
const finishedButton = <Stepper.FinishButton title={ADD_OWNER_RESET_BUTTON_TEXT} />
const addresses = getOwnerAddressesFrom(safe.get('owners'))
return (
<Stepper.Page numOwners={safe.get('owners').count()} threshold={safe.get('threshold')} addresses={addresses}>
export default connect(

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
// @flow
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'
import { userAccountSelector } from '~/logic/wallets/store/selectors'
export type SelectorProps = {
userAddress: userAccountSelector,
export default createStructuredSelector({
userAddress: userAccountSelector,