mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 12:07:09 +00:00
WA-232 Refactor add & remove owners DOM tests (from 55 seconds to 5 seconds)
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ const getOwnerAddressesFrom = (owners: List<Owner>) => {
return owners.map((owner: Owner) => owner.get('address'))
export const addOwner = async (values: Object, safe: Safe, threshold: number, executor: string) => {
const nonce = Date.now()
const newThreshold = values[INCREASE_PARAM] ? threshold + 1 : threshold
const newOwnerAddress = values[OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM]
const newOwnerName = values[NAME_PARAM]
const safeAddress = safe.get('address')
const gnosisSafe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.addOwnerWithThreshold.getData(newOwnerAddress, newThreshold)
await createTransaction(safe, `Add Owner ${newOwnerName}`, safeAddress, 0, nonce, executor, data)
setOwners(safeAddress, safe.get('owners').push(makeOwner({ name: newOwnerName, address: newOwnerAddress })))
class AddOwner extends React.Component<Props, State> {
state = {
done: false,
@ -45,15 +57,7 @@ class AddOwner extends React.Component<Props, State> {
const {
safe, threshold, userAddress, fetchTransactions,
} = this.props
const nonce = Date.now()
const newThreshold = values[INCREASE_PARAM] ? threshold + 1 : threshold
const newOwnerAddress = values[OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM]
const newOwnerName = values[NAME_PARAM]
const safeAddress = safe.get('address')
const gnosisSafe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.addOwnerWithThreshold.getData(newOwnerAddress, newThreshold)
await createTransaction(safe, `Add Owner ${newOwnerName}`, safeAddress, 0, nonce, userAddress, data)
setOwners(safeAddress, safe.get('owners').push(makeOwner({ name: newOwnerName, address: newOwnerAddress })))
await addOwner(values, safe, threshold, userAddress)
this.setState({ done: true })
} catch (error) {
@ -27,11 +27,33 @@ type State = {
const SENTINEL_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001'
const initialValuesFrom = (decreaseMandatory: boolean = false) => ({
export const initialValuesFrom = (decreaseMandatory: boolean = false) => ({
[DECREASE_PARAM]: decreaseMandatory,
const shouldDecrease = (numOwners: number, threshold: number) => threshold === numOwners
export const shouldDecrease = (numOwners: number, threshold: number) => threshold === numOwners
export const removeOwner = async (
values: Object,
safe: Safe,
threshold: number,
userToRemove: string,
name: string,
executor: string,
) => {
const nonce = Date.now()
const newThreshold = values[DECREASE_PARAM] ? threshold - 1 : threshold
const safeAddress = safe.get('address')
const gnosisSafe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
const storedOwners = await gnosisSafe.getOwners()
const index = storedOwners.findIndex(ownerAddress => ownerAddress === userToRemove)
const prevAddress = index === 0 ? SENTINEL_ADDRESS : storedOwners[index - 1]
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.removeOwner.getData(prevAddress, userToRemove, newThreshold)
const text = name || userToRemove
return createTransaction(safe, `Remove Owner ${text}`, safeAddress, 0, nonce, executor, data)
class RemoveOwner extends React.Component<Props, State> {
state = {
@ -43,19 +65,7 @@ class RemoveOwner extends React.Component<Props, State> {
const {
safe, threshold, executor, fetchTransactions, userToRemove, name,
} = this.props
const nonce = Date.now()
const newThreshold = values[DECREASE_PARAM] ? threshold - 1 : threshold
const safeAddress = safe.get('address')
const gnosisSafe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
const storedOwners = await gnosisSafe.getOwners()
const index = storedOwners.findIndex(ownerAddress => ownerAddress === userToRemove)
const prevAddress = index === 0 ? SENTINEL_ADDRESS : storedOwners[index - 1]
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.removeOwner.getData(prevAddress, userToRemove, newThreshold)
const text = name || userToRemove
await createTransaction(safe, `Remove Owner ${text}`, safeAddress, 0, nonce, executor, data)
await removeOwner(values, safe, threshold, userToRemove, executor, name)
this.setState({ done: true })
} catch (error) {
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
// @flow
import { aNewStore } from '~/store'
import { aDeployedSafe } from '~/routes/safe/store/test/builder/deployedSafe.builder'
import { getWeb3 } from '~/wallets/getWeb3'
import { sleep } from '~/utils/timer'
import { type Match } from 'react-router-dom'
import { promisify } from '~/utils/promisify'
import { processTransaction } from '~/routes/safe/component/Transactions/processTransactions'
import { confirmationsTransactionSelector, safeSelector, safeTransactionsSelector } from '~/routes/safe/store/selectors/index'
import { getTransactionFromReduxStore } from '~/routes/safe/test/testMultisig'
import { buildMathPropsFrom } from '~/test/utils/buildReactRouterProps'
import { createTransaction } from '~/wallets/createTransactions'
import fetchTransactions from '~/routes/safe/store/actions/fetchTransactions'
import { type GlobalState } from '~/store/index'
import { type Safe } from '~/routes/safe/store/model/safe'
import { type Transaction } from '~/routes/safe/store/model/transaction'
import { getGnosisSafeInstanceAt } from '~/wallets/safeContracts'
const getSafeFrom = (state: GlobalState, safeAddress: string): Safe => {
const match: Match = buildMathPropsFrom(safeAddress)
const safe = safeSelector(state, { match })
if (!safe) throw new Error()
return safe
describe('React DOM TESTS > Add and remove owners', () => {
const assureExecuted = (transaction: Transaction) => {
const assureThresholdIs = async (gnosisSafe, threshold: number) => {
const safeThreshold = await gnosisSafe.getThreshold()
const assureOwnersAre = async (gnosisSafe, ...owners) => {
const safeOwners = await gnosisSafe.getOwners()
for (let i = 0; i < owners.length; i += 1) {
it('adds owner without increasing the threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 2
const threshold = 1
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aDeployedSafe(store, 10, threshold, numOwners)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 1)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1])
const nonce = Date.now()
const accountIndex = 5
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.addOwnerWithThreshold.getData(accounts[accountIndex], 1)
await createTransaction(safe, `Add Owner with index ${accountIndex}`, address, 0, nonce, accounts[0], data)
await sleep(1500)
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
const transactions = safeTransactionsSelector(store.getState(), { safeAddress: address })
const tx = transactions.get(0)
if (!tx) throw new Error()
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[5], accounts[0], accounts[1])
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 1)
it('adds owner increasing the threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 2
const threshold = 1
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aDeployedSafe(store, 10, threshold, numOwners)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 1)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1])
const nonce = Date.now()
const accountIndex = 5
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.addOwnerWithThreshold.getData(accounts[accountIndex], 2)
await createTransaction(safe, `Add Owner with index ${accountIndex}`, address, 0, nonce, accounts[0], data)
await sleep(1500)
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
const transactions = safeTransactionsSelector(store.getState(), { safeAddress: address })
const tx = transactions.get(0)
if (!tx) throw new Error()
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[accountIndex], accounts[0], accounts[1])
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 2)
const processOwnerModification = async (store, safeAddress, executor) => {
const tx = getTransactionFromReduxStore(store, safeAddress)
if (!tx) throw new Error()
const confirmed = confirmationsTransactionSelector(store.getState(), { transaction: tx })
const data = tx.get('data')
await processTransaction(safeAddress, tx, confirmed, executor)
await sleep(1800)
it('remove owner without decreasing the threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 3
const threshold = 2
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aDeployedSafe(store, 10, threshold, numOwners)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 2)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1], accounts[2])
const nonce = Date.now()
const accountIndex = 2
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.removeOwner.getData(accounts[accountIndex - 1], accounts[accountIndex], 2)
await createTransaction(safe, `Remove owner Address 3 ${nonce}`, address, 0, nonce, accounts[0], data)
await sleep(1500)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1], accounts[2])
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
processOwnerModification(store, address, accounts[1])
await sleep(3000)
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
await sleep(3000)
const tx = getTransactionFromReduxStore(store, address)
if (!tx) throw new Error()
const txHash = tx.get('tx')
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 2)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1])
it('remove owner decreasing the threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 2
const threshold = 2
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aDeployedSafe(store, 10, threshold, numOwners)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 2)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1])
const nonce = Date.now()
const accountIndex = 1
const data = gnosisSafe.contract.removeOwner.getData(accounts[accountIndex - 1], accounts[accountIndex], 1)
await createTransaction(safe, `Remove owner Address 2 ${nonce}`, address, 0, nonce, accounts[0], data)
await sleep(1500)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1])
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
processOwnerModification(store, address, accounts[1])
await sleep(3000)
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
await sleep(3000)
const tx = getTransactionFromReduxStore(store, address)
if (!tx) throw new Error()
const txHash = tx.get('tx')
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 1)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0])
@ -98,11 +98,14 @@ export const aMinedSafe = async (
[FIELD_NAME]: 'Safe Name',
[FIELD_CONFIRMATIONS]: `${threshold}`,
[FIELD_OWNERS]: `${owners}`,
[getOwnerNameBy(0)]: 'Adolfo 1 Eth Account',
[getOwnerAddressBy(0)]: accounts[0],
[FIELD_DAILY_LIMIT]: `${dailyLimit}`,
for (let i = 0; i < owners; i += 1) {
form[getOwnerNameBy(i)] = `Adol ${i + 1} Eth Account`
form[getOwnerAddressBy(i)] = accounts[i]
const addSafeFn: any = (...args) => store.dispatch(addSafe(...args))
const openSafeProps: OpenState = await createSafe(form, accounts[0], addSafeFn)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// @flow
import { aNewStore } from '~/store'
import { getWeb3 } from '~/wallets/getWeb3'
import { type Match } from 'react-router-dom'
import { promisify } from '~/utils/promisify'
import { processTransaction } from '~/routes/safe/component/Transactions/processTransactions'
import { confirmationsTransactionSelector, safeSelector } from '~/routes/safe/store/selectors/index'
import { getTransactionFromReduxStore } from '~/routes/safe/test/testMultisig'
import { buildMathPropsFrom } from '~/test/utils/buildReactRouterProps'
import fetchTransactions from '~/routes/safe/store/actions/fetchTransactions'
import { type GlobalState } from '~/store/index'
import { type Safe } from '~/routes/safe/store/model/safe'
import { getGnosisSafeInstanceAt } from '~/wallets/safeContracts'
import { aMinedSafe } from '~/test/builder/safe.redux.builder'
import { NAME_PARAM, OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM, INCREASE_PARAM } from '~/routes/safe/component/AddOwner/AddOwnerForm'
import { addOwner } from '~/routes/safe/component/AddOwner/index'
import fetchSafe from '~/routes/safe/store/actions/fetchSafe'
import { removeOwner, shouldDecrease, initialValuesFrom } from '~/routes/safe/component/RemoveOwner'
import { DECREASE_PARAM } from '~/routes/safe/component/RemoveOwner/RemoveOwnerForm/index'
const getSafeFrom = (state: GlobalState, safeAddress: string): Safe => {
const match: Match = buildMathPropsFrom(safeAddress)
const safe = safeSelector(state, { match })
if (!safe) throw new Error()
return safe
describe('React DOM TESTS > Add and remove owners', () => {
const processOwnerModification = async (store, safeAddress, executor) => {
const tx = getTransactionFromReduxStore(store, safeAddress)
if (!tx) throw new Error()
const confirmed = confirmationsTransactionSelector(store.getState(), { transaction: tx })
const data = tx.get('data')
return processTransaction(safeAddress, tx, confirmed, executor)
const assureThresholdIs = async (gnosisSafe, threshold: number) => {
const safeThreshold = await gnosisSafe.getThreshold()
const assureOwnersAre = async (gnosisSafe, ...owners) => {
const safeOwners = await gnosisSafe.getOwners()
for (let i = 0; i < owners.length; i += 1) {
const getAddressesFrom = (safe: Safe) => safe.get('owners').map(owner => owner.get('address'))
it('adds owner without increasing the threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 2
const threshold = 1
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aMinedSafe(store, numOwners, threshold, 10)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
const values = {
[NAME_PARAM]: 'Adol 3 Metamask',
[OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM]: accounts[2],
let safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await addOwner(values, safe, threshold, accounts[0])
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 1)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[2], accounts[0], accounts[1])
await store.dispatch(fetchSafe(safe))
safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, ...getAddressesFrom(safe))
it('adds owner increasing the threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 2
const threshold = 1
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aMinedSafe(store, numOwners, threshold, 10)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
const values = {
[NAME_PARAM]: 'Adol 3 Metamask',
[OWNER_ADDRESS_PARAM]: accounts[2],
let safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await addOwner(values, safe, threshold, accounts[0])
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 2)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[2], accounts[0], accounts[1])
await store.dispatch(fetchSafe(safe))
safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, ...getAddressesFrom(safe))
it('remove owner decreasing owner automatically', async () => {
const numOwners = 2
const threshold = 2
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aMinedSafe(store, numOwners, threshold, 10)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
const decrease = shouldDecrease(numOwners, threshold)
const values = initialValuesFrom(decrease)
let safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await removeOwner(values, safe, threshold, accounts[1], 'Adol Metamask 2', accounts[0])
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
await processOwnerModification(store, address, accounts[1])
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 1)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0])
await store.dispatch(fetchSafe(safe))
safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, ...getAddressesFrom(safe))
it('remove owner decreasing threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 3
const threshold = 2
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aMinedSafe(store, numOwners, threshold, 10)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
const decrease = true
const values = initialValuesFrom(decrease)
let safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await removeOwner(values, safe, threshold, accounts[2], 'Adol Metamask 3', accounts[0])
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
await processOwnerModification(store, address, accounts[1])
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 1)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1])
await store.dispatch(fetchSafe(safe))
safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, ...getAddressesFrom(safe))
it('remove owner without decreasing threshold', async () => {
const numOwners = 3
const threshold = 2
const store = aNewStore()
const address = await aMinedSafe(store, numOwners, threshold, 10)
const accounts = await promisify(cb => getWeb3().eth.getAccounts(cb))
const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(address)
const decrease = shouldDecrease(numOwners, threshold)
const values = initialValuesFrom(decrease)
let safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await removeOwner(values, safe, threshold, accounts[2], 'Adol Metamask 3', accounts[0])
await store.dispatch(fetchTransactions())
await processOwnerModification(store, address, accounts[1])
await assureThresholdIs(gnosisSafe, 2)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, accounts[0], accounts[1])
await store.dispatch(fetchSafe(safe))
safe = getSafeFrom(store.getState(), address)
await assureOwnersAre(gnosisSafe, ...getAddressesFrom(safe))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user