@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ dist
# testing
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ after_success:
- ./config/travis/
# Releases (tagged commits) - Deploy it to a release environment
- ./config/travis/
- yarn coveralls
# Development environment
@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ if [[ -n "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]]; then export REACT_APP_ENV='production'; fi
yarn lint:check
yarn prettier:check
yarn test:coverage
yarn build
@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
"release": "electron-builder --mac --linux --windows -p always",
"start-mainnet": "REACT_APP_NETWORK=mainnet yarn start",
"start": "react-app-rewired start",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test && react-app-rewired test --env=jsdom"
"test": "NODE_ENV=test && react-app-rewired test --env=jsdom",
"test:coverage": "yarn test --coverage --watchAll=false",
"coveralls": "cat ./coverage/ | coveralls"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
@ -49,6 +51,15 @@
"prettier --write"
"jest": {
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"productName": "Safe Multisig",
"build": {
"appId": "",
@ -163,6 +174,7 @@
"classnames": "^2.2.6",
"concurrently": "^5.2.0",
"connected-react-router": "6.8.0",
"coveralls": "^3.1.0",
"currency-flags": "2.1.2",
"date-fns": "2.14.0",
"electron-is-dev": "^1.1.0",
@ -241,6 +253,7 @@
"truffle": "5.1.33",
"typescript": "3.9.6",
"wait-on": "5.0.1",
"web3-core": "^1.2.9",
"web3-eth-contract": "^1.2.9",
"web3-utils": "^1.2.8"
@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ import Web3 from 'web3'
import { sameAddress } from './ethAddresses'
import { EMPTY_DATA } from './ethTransactions'
import { getNetwork } from 'src/config/index'
import { getNetwork } from '../../config'
import { ContentHash } from 'web3-eth-ens'
import { provider as Provider } from 'web3-core'
import { ProviderProps } from './store/model/provider'
export const ETHEREUM_NETWORK = {
@ -46,14 +49,14 @@ export const ETHEREUM_NETWORK_IDS = {
export const getEtherScanLink = (type, value) => {
export const getEtherScanLink = (type: string, value: string): string => {
const network = getNetwork()
return `https://${
network.toLowerCase() === 'mainnet' ? '' : `${network.toLowerCase()}.`
export const getInfuraUrl = () => {
export const getInfuraUrl = (): string => {
const isMainnet = process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === 'mainnet'
return `https://${isMainnet ? 'mainnet' : 'rinkeby'}${process.env.REACT_APP_INFURA_TOKEN}`
@ -64,39 +67,41 @@ export const getInfuraUrl = () => {
export const web3ReadOnly =
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test'
? new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(getInfuraUrl()))
: new Web3((window as any).web3.currentProvider)
: new Web3(window.web3?.currentProvider || 'ws://localhost:8545')
let web3 = web3ReadOnly
export const getWeb3 = () => web3
export const getWeb3 = (): Web3 => web3
export const resetWeb3 = () => {
export const resetWeb3 = (): void => {
web3 = web3ReadOnly
export const getAccountFrom = async (web3Provider) => {
export const getAccountFrom = async (web3Provider: Web3): Promise<string | null> => {
const accounts = await web3Provider.eth.getAccounts()
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' && (window as any).testAccountIndex) {
return accounts[(window as any).testAccountIndex]
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' && window.testAccountIndex) {
return accounts[window.testAccountIndex]
return accounts && accounts.length > 0 ? accounts[0] : null
export const getNetworkIdFrom = (web3Provider) =>
export const getNetworkIdFrom = (web3Provider: Web3): Promise<number> =>
const isHardwareWallet = (walletName) =>
const isHardwareWallet = (walletName: string) =>
sameAddress(WALLET_PROVIDER.LEDGER, walletName) || sameAddress(WALLET_PROVIDER.TREZOR, walletName)
const isSmartContractWallet = async (web3Provider, account) => {
const isSmartContractWallet = async (web3Provider: Web3, account: string): Promise<boolean> => {
const contractCode = await web3Provider.eth.getCode(account)
return contractCode.replace(EMPTY_DATA, '').replace(/0/g, '') !== ''
export const getProviderInfo = async (web3Provider, providerName = 'Wallet') => {
export const getProviderInfo = async (
web3Provider: string | Provider,
providerName = 'Wallet',
): Promise<ProviderProps> => {
web3 = new Web3(web3Provider)
const account = await getAccountFrom(web3)
const network = await getNetworkIdFrom(web3)
const smartContractWallet = await isSmartContractWallet(web3, account)
@ -115,15 +120,15 @@ export const getProviderInfo = async (web3Provider, providerName = 'Wallet') =>
export const getAddressFromENS = (name: string) => web3.eth.ens.getAddress(name)
export const getAddressFromENS = (name: string): Promise<string> => web3.eth.ens.getAddress(name)
export const getContentFromENS = (name: string) => web3.eth.ens.getContenthash(name)
export const getContentFromENS = (name: string): Promise<ContentHash> => web3.eth.ens.getContenthash(name)
export const setWeb3 = (provider) => {
export const setWeb3 = (provider: Provider): void => {
web3 = new Web3(provider)
export const getBalanceInEtherOf = async (safeAddress) => {
export const getBalanceInEtherOf = async (safeAddress: string): Promise<string> => {
if (!web3) {
return '0'
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import enqueueSnackbar from 'src/logic/notifications/store/actions/enqueueSnackb
import { ETHEREUM_NETWORK, ETHEREUM_NETWORK_IDS, getProviderInfo, getWeb3 } from 'src/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
import { makeProvider } from 'src/logic/wallets/store/model/provider'
import { updateStoredTransactionsStatus } from 'src/routes/safe/store/actions/transactions/utils/transactionHelpers'
import { Dispatch } from 'redux'
export const processProviderResponse = (dispatch, provider) => {
const walletRecord = makeProvider(provider)
@ -48,9 +49,9 @@ const handleProviderNotification = (provider, dispatch) => {
export default (providerName) => async (dispatch) => {
export default (providerName: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch): Promise<void> => {
const web3 = getWeb3()
const providerInfo = await getProviderInfo(web3, providerName)
const providerInfo = await getProviderInfo(web3.currentProvider, providerName)
await handleProviderNotification(providerInfo, dispatch)
processProviderResponse(dispatch, providerInfo)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ const providerWatcherMware = (store) => (next) => async (action) => {
watcherInterval = setInterval(async () => {
const web3 = getWeb3()
const providerInfo = await getProviderInfo(web3)
const providerInfo = await getProviderInfo(web3.currentProvider)
const networkChanged = !==
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ describe('TxsTable Columns > getTxTableData', () => {
const txRow = txTableData.first()
// Then
// expect(txRow[TX_TABLE_RAW_CANCEL_TX_ID]).toEqual(mockedCancelTransaction)
it('should not include CancelTx object inside TxTableData', () => {
// Given
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export const aMinedSafe = async (
threshold = 1,
name = 'Safe Name',
) => {
const provider = await getProviderInfo((window as any).web3.currentProvider)
const provider = await getProviderInfo(window.web3?.currentProvider || 'ws://localhost:8545')
const walletRecord = makeProvider(provider)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ afterAll(() => {
const renderOpenSafeForm = async (localStore) => {
const provider = await getProviderInfo((window as any).web3.currentProvider)
const provider = await getProviderInfo(window.web3.currentProvider)
const walletRecord = makeProvider(provider)
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'
import { Map, Set, List } from 'immutable'
import { aNewStore } from 'src/store'
import { aMinedSafe } from 'src/test/builder/safe.redux.builder'
import { sendTokenTo, sendEtherTo, get6DecimalsTokenContract } from 'src/test/utils/tokenMovements'
import { renderSafeView } from 'src/test/builder/safe.dom.utils'
import { getWeb3, getBalanceInEtherOf } from 'src/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
import { dispatchAddTokenToList } from 'src/test/utils/transactions/moveTokens.helper'
import { sleep } from 'src/utils/timer'
import saveTokens from 'src/logic/tokens/store/actions/saveTokens'
// import { calculateBalanceOf } from 'src/routes/safe/store/actions/fetchTokenBalances'
import updateActiveTokens from 'src/routes/safe/store/actions/updateActiveTokens'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
import updateSafe from 'src/routes/safe/store/actions/updateSafe'
import { makeToken } from 'src/logic/tokens/store/model/token'
import { checkRegisteredTxSend, fillAndSubmitSendFundsForm } from './utils/transactions'
import { BALANCE_ROW_TEST_ID } from 'src/routes/safe/components/Balances'
describe('DOM > Feature > Sending Funds', () => {
let store
let safeAddress
let accounts
beforeEach(async () => {
store = aNewStore()
safeAddress = await aMinedSafe(store)
accounts = await getWeb3().eth.getAccounts()
// it('Sends ETH with threshold = 1', async () => {
// // GIVEN
// const ethAmount = '5'
// // the tests are run in parallel, lets use account 9 because it's not used anywhere else
// // (in other tests we trigger transactions and pay gas for it, so we can't really make reliable
// // assumptions on account's ETH balance)
// await sendEtherTo(safeAddress, ethAmount, 9)
// // WHEN
// const SafeDom = renderSafeView(store, safeAddress)
// await sleep(1300)
// // Open send funds modal
// const balanceRows = SafeDom.getAllByTestId(BALANCE_ROW_TEST_ID)
// expect(balanceRows[0]).toHaveTextContent(`${ethAmount} ETH`)
// const sendButton = SafeDom.getByTestId('balance-send-btn')
// const receiverBalanceBeforeTx = await getBalanceInEtherOf(accounts[9])
// await fillAndSubmitSendFundsForm(SafeDom, sendButton, ethAmount, accounts[9])
// // THEN
// const safeFunds = await getBalanceInEtherOf(safeAddress)
// expect(Number(safeFunds)).toBe(0)
// const receiverBalanceAfterTx = await getBalanceInEtherOf(accounts[9])
// expect(Number(parseInt(receiverBalanceAfterTx, 10) - parseInt(receiverBalanceBeforeTx, 10))).toBeGreaterThan(
// parseInt(ethAmount, 10) - ESTIMATED_GASCOSTS,
// )
// // Check that the transaction was registered
// await checkRegisteredTxSend(SafeDom, ethAmount, 'ETH', accounts[9])
// })
// it('Sends Tokens with 18 decimals with threshold = 1', async () => {
// // GIVEN
// const tokensAmount = '100'
// const tokenReceiver = accounts[1]
// const tokenAddress = await sendTokenTo(safeAddress, tokensAmount)
// await dispatchAddTokenToList(store, tokenAddress)
// // WHEN
// const SafeDom = await renderSafeView(store, safeAddress)
// await sleep(1300)
// // Activate token
// // const safeTokenBalance = await calculateBalanceOf(tokenAddress, safeAddress, 18)
// // expect(safeTokenBalance).toBe(tokensAmount)
// // const balances = Map({
// // [tokenAddress]: safeTokenBalance,
// // })
// store.dispatch(updateActiveTokens(safeAddress, Set([tokenAddress])))
// store.dispatch(updateSafe({ address: safeAddress, balances }))
// await sleep(1000)
// // Open send funds modal
// const balanceRows = SafeDom.getAllByTestId(BALANCE_ROW_TEST_ID)
// expect(balanceRows.length).toBe(2)
// const sendButtons = SafeDom.getAllByTestId('balance-send-btn')
// expect(sendButtons.length).toBe(2)
// await fillAndSubmitSendFundsForm(SafeDom, sendButtons[1], tokensAmount, tokenReceiver)
// // THEN
// // const safeFunds = await calculateBalanceOf(tokenAddress, safeAddress, 18)
// // expect(Number(safeFunds)).toBe(0)
// // const receiverFunds = await calculateBalanceOf(tokenAddress, tokenReceiver, 18)
// // expect(receiverFunds).toBe(tokensAmount)
// // Check that the transaction was registered
// await checkRegisteredTxSend(SafeDom, tokensAmount, 'OMG', tokenReceiver)
// })
// it('Sends Tokens with decimals other than 18 with threshold = 1', async () => {
// // GIVEN
// const tokensAmount = '1000000'
// const tokenReceiver = accounts[1]
// const web3 = await getWeb3()
// const SixDecimalsToken = await get6DecimalsTokenContract(web3, accounts[0])
// const tokenList = List([
// makeToken({
// address: SixDecimalsToken.address,
// name: '6 Decimals',
// symbol: '6DEC',
// decimals: 6,
// logoUri: '',
// }),
// ])
// await store.dispatch(saveTokens(tokenList))
// await SixDecimalsToken.contract.methods.transfer(safeAddress, tokensAmount).send({ from: accounts[0] })
// // WHEN
// const SafeDom = await renderSafeView(store, safeAddress)
// await sleep(1300)
// // Activate token
// const safeTokenBalance = await calculateBalanceOf(SixDecimalsToken.address, safeAddress, 6)
// expect(safeTokenBalance).toBe('1')
// const balances = Map({
// [SixDecimalsToken.address]: safeTokenBalance,
// })
// store.dispatch(updateActiveTokens(safeAddress, Set([SixDecimalsToken.address])))
// store.dispatch(updateSafe({ address: safeAddress, balances }))
// await sleep(1000)
// // Open send funds modal
// const balanceRows = SafeDom.getAllByTestId(BALANCE_ROW_TEST_ID)
// expect(balanceRows.length).toBe(2)
// const sendButtons = SafeDom.getAllByTestId('balance-send-btn')
// expect(sendButtons.length).toBe(2)
// await fillAndSubmitSendFundsForm(SafeDom, sendButtons[1], '1', tokenReceiver)
// // THEN
// const safeFunds = await calculateBalanceOf(SixDecimalsToken.address, safeAddress, 6)
// expect(Number(safeFunds)).toBe(0)
// const receiverFunds = await calculateBalanceOf(SixDecimalsToken.address, tokenReceiver, 6)
// expect(receiverFunds).toBe('1')
// })
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router'
import Load from 'src/routes/load/container/Load'
import { aNewStore, history, } from 'src/store'
import { sleep } from 'src/utils/timer'
import { getProviderInfo } from 'src/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
import { getProviderInfo, getWeb3 } from 'src/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
import addProvider from 'src/logic/wallets/store/actions/addProvider'
import { makeProvider } from 'src/logic/wallets/store/model/provider'
import { aMinedSafe } from './builder/safe.redux.builder'
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ afterAll(() => {
const renderLoadSafe = async (localStore) => {
const provider = await getProviderInfo((window as any).web3.currentProvider)
const provider = await getProviderInfo(window.web3.currentProvider || 'ws://localhost:8545')
const walletRecord = makeProvider(provider)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { waitForElement } from '@testing-library/react'
import { List } from 'immutable'
import { getWeb3 } from 'src/logic/wallets/getWeb3'
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { aMinedSafe } from 'src/test/builder/safe.redux.builder'
import { renderSafeView } from 'src/test/builder/safe.dom.utils'
import { sleep } from 'src/utils/timer'
import saveTokens from 'src/logic/tokens/store/actions/saveTokens'
import { clickOnManageTokens, toggleToken, closeManageTokensModal } from './utils/DOMNavigation'
import { clickOnManageTokens, closeManageTokensModal, toggleToken } from './utils/DOMNavigation'
import { BALANCE_ROW_TEST_ID } from 'src/routes/safe/components/Balances'
import { makeToken } from 'src/logic/tokens/store/model/token'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
import Web3 from 'web3'
declare global {
interface Window {
web3?: Web3
testAccountIndex?: string
declare module '@openzeppelin/contracts/build/contracts/ERC721'
declare module 'currency-flags/dist/currency-flags.min.css'
Reference in New Issue