Remove Safe blockchain operations

This commit is contained in:
Germán Martínez 2019-09-25 14:44:24 +02:00
parent f8c9539e68
commit 64ba0aa917
1 changed files with 0 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
// // @flow
// import { List } from 'immutable'
// import { calculateGasOf, checkReceiptStatus, calculateGasPrice } from '~/logic/wallets/ethTransactions'
// import { type Operation, saveTxToHistory } from '~/logic/safe/transactions'
// import { getGnosisSafeInstanceAt } from '~/logic/contracts/safeContracts'
// import { buildSignaturesFrom } from '~/logic/safe/safeTxSigner'
// import { generateMetamaskSignature, generateTxGasEstimateFrom, estimateDataGas } from '~/logic/safe/transactions'
// import { storeSignature, getSignaturesFrom } from '~/utils/storage/signatures'
// import { signaturesViaMetamask } from '~/config'
// export const approveTransaction = async (
// safeAddress: string,
// to: string,
// valueInWei: number,
// data: string,
// operation: Operation,
// nonce: number,
// sender: string,
// ) => {
// const gasPrice = await calculateGasPrice()
// if (signaturesViaMetamask()) {
// // return executeTransaction(safeAddress, to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, sender)
// const safe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(safeAddress)
// const txGasEstimate = await generateTxGasEstimateFrom(safe, safeAddress, data, to, valueInWei, operation)
// const signature = await generateMetamaskSignature(
// safe,
// safeAddress,
// // sender
// to,
// valueInWei,
// nonce,
// data,
// operation,
// txGasEstimate,
// )
// storeSignature(safeAddress, nonce, signature)
// return undefined
// }
// const gnosisSafe = await getGnosisSafeInstanceAt(safeAddress)
// const contractTxHash = await gnosisSafe.getTransactionHash(to, valueInWei, data, operation, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nonce)
// const approveData = gnosisSafe.contract.methods.approveHash(contractTxHash).encodeABI()
// const gas = await calculateGasOf(approveData, sender, safeAddress)
// const txReceipt = await gnosisSafe.approveHash(contractTxHash, { from: sender, gas, gasPrice })
// const txHash = txReceipt.tx
// await checkReceiptStatus(txHash)
// await saveTxToHistory(safeAddress, to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, txHash, sender, 'confirmation')
// return txHash
// }
// // export const executeTransaction = async (
// // safeAddress: string,
// // to: string,
// // valueInWei: number,
// // data: string,
// // operation: Operation,
// // nonce: number,
// // sender: string,
// // ownersWhoHasSigned: List<string>,
// // ) => {
// // const gasPrice = await calculateGasPrice()
// // if (signaturesViaMetamask()) {
// // const safe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
// // const txGasEstimate = await generateTxGasEstimateFrom(safe, safeAddress, data, to, valueInWei, operation)
// // const signature = await generateMetamaskSignature(
// // safe,
// // safeAddress,
// // sender,
// // to,
// // valueInWei,
// // nonce,
// // data,
// // operation,
// // txGasEstimate,
// // )
// // storeSignature(safeAddress, nonce, signature)
// // const sigs = getSignaturesFrom(safeAddress, nonce)
// // const threshold = await safe.getThreshold()
// // const gas = await estimateDataGas(
// // safe,
// // to,
// // valueInWei,
// // data,
// // operation,
// // txGasEstimate,
// // 0,
// // nonce,
// // Number(threshold),
// // 0,
// // )
// // const numOwners = await safe.getOwners()
// // const gasIncludingRemovingStoreUpfront = gas + txGasEstimate + numOwners.length * 15000
// // const txReceipt = await safe.execTransaction(
// // to,
// // valueInWei,
// // data,
// // operation,
// // txGasEstimate,
// // 0, // dataGasEstimate
// // 0, // gasPrice
// // 0, // txGasToken
// // 0, // refundReceiver
// // sigs,
// // { from: sender, gas: gasIncludingRemovingStoreUpfront, gasPrice },
// // )
// // const txHash = txReceipt.tx
// // await checkReceiptStatus(txHash)
// // // await submitOperation(safeAddress, to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, txHash, sender, 'execution')
// // return txHash
// // }
// // const gnosisSafe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
// // const signatures = buildSignaturesFrom(ownersWhoHasSigned, sender)
// // const txExecutionData = gnosisSafe.contract.methods
// // .execTransaction(to, valueInWei, data, operation, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, signatures)
// // .encodeABI()
// // const gas = await calculateGasOf(txExecutionData, sender, safeAddress)
// // const numOwners = await gnosisSafe.getOwners()
// // const gasIncludingRemovingStoreUpfront = gas + numOwners.length * 15000
// // const txReceipt = await gnosisSafe.execTransaction(to, valueInWei, data, operation, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, signatures, {
// // from: sender,
// // gas: gasIncludingRemovingStoreUpfront,
// // gasPrice,
// // })
// // const txHash = txReceipt.tx
// // await checkReceiptStatus(txHash)
// // await submitOperation(safeAddress, to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, txHash, sender, 'execution')
// // return txHash
// // }