Abstraction of approve and execution transaction safe operations to be used easily with Tx History Service

This commit is contained in:
apanizo 2018-08-05 13:14:23 +02:00
parent bb5c7ca13c
commit 087ace52c9

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// @flow
import { getSafeEthereumInstance } from '~/wallets/createTransactions'
import { calculateGasOf, checkReceiptStatus, calculateGasPrice } from '~/wallets/ethTransactions'
import { type Operation, submitOperation } from '~/wallets/safeTxHistory'
export const approveTransaction = async (
safeAddress: string,
to: string,
valueInWei: number,
data: string,
operation: Operation,
nonce: number,
sender: string,
) => {
const gasPrice = await calculateGasPrice()
const gnosisSafe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
const txData = gnosisSafe.contract.approveTransactionWithParameters.getData(to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce)
const gas = await calculateGasOf(txData, sender, safeAddress)
const txReceipt = await gnosisSafe
.approveTransactionWithParameters(to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, { from: sender, gas, gasPrice })
const txHash = txReceipt.tx
await checkReceiptStatus(txHash)
await submitOperation(safeAddress, to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, txHash, sender, 'confirmation')
return txHash
export const executeTransaction = async (
safeAddress: string,
to: string,
valueInWei: number,
data: string,
operation: Operation,
nonce: number,
sender: string,
) => {
const gasPrice = await calculateGasPrice()
const gnosisSafe = await getSafeEthereumInstance(safeAddress)
const txConfirmationData =
gnosisSafe.contract.execTransactionIfApproved.getData(to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce)
const gas = await calculateGasOf(txConfirmationData, sender, safeAddress)
const txReceipt =
await gnosisSafe.execTransactionIfApproved(to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, { from: sender, gas, gasPrice })
const txHash = txReceipt.tx
await checkReceiptStatus(txHash)
await submitOperation(safeAddress, to, valueInWei, data, operation, nonce, txHash, sender, 'execution')
return txHash