add rln circuit

This commit is contained in:
kilic 2020-05-01 15:35:03 +03:00
parent c1130234ef
commit 4f8dae2707
4 changed files with 420 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1 +1,3 @@
mod polynomial;
mod poseidon;
mod rln;

src/circuit/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
use sapling_crypto::bellman::pairing::ff::{Field, PrimeField, PrimeFieldRepr};
use sapling_crypto::bellman::pairing::Engine;
use sapling_crypto::bellman::{Circuit, ConstraintSystem, SynthesisError, Variable};
use sapling_crypto::circuit::{boolean, ecc, num, Assignment};
// helper for horner evaluation methods
// b = a_0 + a_1 * x
pub fn allocate_add_with_coeff<CS, E>(
mut cs: CS,
a1: &num::AllocatedNum<E>,
x: &num::AllocatedNum<E>,
a0: &num::AllocatedNum<E>,
) -> Result<num::AllocatedNum<E>, SynthesisError>
E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>,
let ax = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "a1x"), || {
let mut ax_val = *a1.get_value().get()?;
let x_val = *x.get_value().get()?;
|| "a1*x",
|lc| lc + a1.get_variable(),
|lc| lc + x.get_variable(),
|lc| lc + ax.get_variable(),
let y = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y"), || {
let ax_val = *ax.get_value().get()?;
let mut y_val = *a0.get_value().get()?;
|| "enforce y",
|lc| lc + ax.get_variable() + a0.get_variable(),
|lc| lc + CS::one(),
|lc| lc + y.get_variable(),

src/circuit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
use crate::circuit::polynomial::allocate_add_with_coeff;
use crate::circuit::poseidon::PoseidonCircuit;
use crate::poseidon::{Poseidon as PoseidonHasher, PoseidonParams};
use sapling_crypto::bellman::pairing::Engine;
use sapling_crypto::bellman::{Circuit, ConstraintSystem, SynthesisError, Variable};
use sapling_crypto::circuit::{boolean, ecc, num, Assignment};
use sapling_crypto::jubjub::{JubjubEngine, JubjubParams, PrimeOrder};
// Rate Limit Nullifier
pub struct RLNInputs<E>
E: Engine,
// Public inputs
// share, (x, y),
// where x should be hash of the signal
// and y is the evaluation
pub share_x: Option<E::Fr>,
pub share_y: Option<E::Fr>,
// epoch is the external nullifier
// we derive the line equation and the nullifier from epoch
pub epoch: Option<E::Fr>,
// nullifier
pub nullifier: Option<E::Fr>,
// root is the current state of membership set
pub root: Option<E::Fr>,
// Private inputs
// id_key must be a preimage of a leaf in membership tree.
// id_key also together with epoch will be used to construct
// a secret line equation together with the epoch
pub id_key: Option<E::Fr>,
// authentication path of the member
pub auth_path: Vec<Option<(E::Fr, bool)>>,
impl<E> RLNInputs<E>
E: Engine,
fn public_inputs(self) -> Vec<E::Fr> {
pub struct RLNCircuit<E>
E: Engine,
pub inputs: RLNInputs<E>,
pub hasher: PoseidonCircuit<E>,
impl<E> Circuit<E> for RLNCircuit<E>
E: Engine,
fn synthesize<CS: ConstraintSystem<E>>(self, cs: &mut CS) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
// 1. Part
// Membership constraints
// root == merkle_proof(auth_path, preimage_of_leaf)
let root = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "root"), || {
let value = self.inputs.root.clone();
root.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "root is public"))?;
let preimage = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "preimage"), || {
let value = self.inputs.id_key;
// identity is a leaf of membership tree
let identity = self.hasher.alloc(cs.namespace(|| "identity"), vec![preimage.clone()])?;
// accumulator up to the root
let mut acc = identity.clone();
// ascend the tree
let auth_path_witness = self.inputs.auth_path.clone();
for (i, e) in auth_path_witness.into_iter().enumerate() {
let cs = &mut cs.namespace(|| format!("auth path {}", i));
let position = boolean::Boolean::from(boolean::AllocatedBit::alloc(
cs.namespace(|| "position bit"),|e| e.1),
let path_element = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "path element"), || Ok(e.get()?.0))?;
let (xr, xl) = num::AllocatedNum::conditionally_reverse(
cs.namespace(|| "conditional reversal of preimage"),
acc = self.hasher.alloc(cs.namespace(|| "hash couple"), vec![xl, xr])?;
// see if it is a member
|| "enforce membership",
|lc| lc + acc.get_variable(),
|lc| lc + CS::one(),
|lc| lc + root.get_variable(),
// 2. Part
// Line Equation Constaints
// a_1 = hash(a_0, epoch)
// share_y == a_0 + a_1 * share_x
let epoch = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "epoch"), || {
let value = self.inputs.epoch.clone();
epoch.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "epoch is public"))?;
let a_0 = preimage.clone();
// a_1 == h(a_0, epoch)
let a_1 = self.hasher.alloc(cs.namespace(|| "a_1"), vec![a_0.clone(), epoch])?;
let share_x = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "share x"), || {
let value = self.inputs.share_x.clone();
share_x.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "share x is public"))?;
// constaint the evaluation the line equation
let eval = allocate_add_with_coeff(cs.namespace(|| "eval"), &a_1, &share_x, &a_0)?;
let share_y = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "share y"), || {
let value = self.inputs.share_y.clone();
share_y.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "share y is public"))?;
// see if share satisfies the line equation
|| "enforce lookup",
|lc| lc + share_y.get_variable(),
|lc| lc + CS::one(),
|lc| lc + eval.get_variable(),
// 3. Part
// Nullifier constraints
// hashing secret twice with epoch ingredient
// a_1 == hash(a_0, epoch) is already constrained
// nullifier == hash(a_1)
let nullifier_calculated = self
.alloc(cs.namespace(|| "calculated nullifier"), vec![a_1.clone()])?;
let nullifier = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "nullifier"), || {
let value = self.inputs.nullifier.clone();
nullifier.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "nullifier is public"))?;
// check if correct nullifier supplied
|| "enforce nullifier",
|lc| lc + nullifier_calculated.get_variable(),
|lc| lc + CS::one(),
|lc| lc + nullifier.get_variable(),
mod test {
use super::{RLNCircuit, RLNInputs};
use crate::circuit::poseidon::PoseidonCircuit;
use crate::merkle::MerkleTree;
use crate::poseidon::{Poseidon as PoseidonHasher, PoseidonParams};
use rand::{Rand, SeedableRng, XorShiftRng};
use sapling_crypto::bellman::groth16::{
create_random_proof, generate_random_parameters, prepare_verifying_key, verify_proof,
use sapling_crypto::bellman::pairing::ff::{Field, PrimeField, PrimeFieldRepr};
use sapling_crypto::bellman::pairing::Engine;
use sapling_crypto::bellman::Circuit;
use sapling_crypto::circuit::test::TestConstraintSystem;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
struct RLNTest<E>
E: Engine,
// cs: TestConstraintSystem<E>,
merkle_depth: usize,
poseidon_params: PoseidonParams<E>,
impl<E> RLNTest<E>
E: Engine,
pub fn new(poseidon_params: PoseidonParams<E>, merkle_depth: usize) -> RLNTest<E> {
// let cs = TestConstraintSystem::<E>::new();
RLNTest::<E> {
fn inputs(&self) -> RLNInputs<E> {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x3dbe6258, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]);
let mut hasher = PoseidonHasher::new(self.poseidon_params.clone());
// Initialize empty merkle tree
let merkle_depth = self.merkle_depth;
let mut membership_tree = MerkleTree::empty(hasher.clone(), merkle_depth);
// A. setup an identity
let id_key = E::Fr::rand(&mut rng);
let id_comm = hasher.hash(vec![id_key.clone()]);
// B. insert to the membership tree
let id_index = 6; // any number below 2^depth will work
membership_tree.update(id_index, id_comm);
// C.1 get membership witness
let auth_path = membership_tree.witness(id_index);
assert!(membership_tree.check_inclusion(auth_path.clone(), id_index, id_key.clone()));
// C.2 prepare sss
// get current epoch
let epoch = E::Fr::rand(&mut rng);
let signal_hash = E::Fr::rand(&mut rng);
// evaluation point is the signal_hash
let share_x = signal_hash.clone();
// calculate current line equation
let a_0 = id_key.clone();
let a_1 = hasher.hash(vec![a_0, epoch]);
// evaluate line equation
let mut share_y = a_1.clone();
// calculate nullfier
let nullifier = hasher.hash(vec![a_1]);
// compose the circuit
let inputs = RLNInputs::<E> {
share_x: Some(share_x),
share_y: Some(share_y),
epoch: Some(epoch),
nullifier: Some(nullifier),
root: Some(membership_tree.root()),
id_key: Some(id_key),
auth_path: auth_path.into_iter().map(|w| Some(w)).collect(),
fn empty_inputs(&self) -> RLNInputs<E> {
RLNInputs::<E> {
share_x: None,
share_y: None,
epoch: None,
nullifier: None,
root: None,
id_key: None,
auth_path: vec![None; self.merkle_depth],
pub fn run(&self) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x3dbe6258, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]);
let hasher = PoseidonCircuit::new(self.poseidon_params.clone());
let inputs = self.inputs();
let circuit = RLNCircuit::<E> {
inputs: inputs.clone(),
hasher: hasher.clone(),
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<E>::new();
let circuit = circuit.clone();
circuit.synthesize(&mut cs).unwrap();
let unsatisfied = cs.which_is_unsatisfied();
if unsatisfied.is_some() {
println!("unsatisfied\n{}", unsatisfied.unwrap());
// panic!("unsatisfied\n{}", unsatisfied.unwrap());
let unconstrained = cs.find_unconstrained();
if !unconstrained.is_empty() {
// panic!("unconstrained\n{}", unconstrained);
println!("unconstrained\n{}", unconstrained);
// assert!(cs.is_satisfied());
println!("{}", cs.is_satisfied());
println!("number of constaints {}", cs.num_constraints());
let parameters = {
let inputs = self.empty_inputs();
let circuit = RLNCircuit::<E> {
hasher: hasher.clone(),
let parameters = generate_random_parameters(circuit, &mut rng).unwrap();
let mut key_size = 0;
let point_size = (((E::Fr::NUM_BITS / 64) + 1) * 8 * 2) as usize;
key_size += parameters.a.len() * point_size;
key_size += parameters.l.len() * point_size;
key_size += parameters.h.len() * point_size;
key_size += parameters.b_g1.len() * point_size;
key_size += parameters.b_g2.len() * point_size * 2;
let now = Instant::now();
let proof = create_random_proof(circuit, &parameters, &mut rng).unwrap();
println!("prover time {}", now.elapsed().as_millis() as f64 / 1000.0);
let verifing_key = prepare_verifying_key(&parameters.vk);
assert!(verify_proof(&verifing_key, &proof, &inputs.public_inputs()).unwrap());
fn test_rln() {
use sapling_crypto::bellman::pairing::bn256::Bn256;
let poseidon_params = PoseidonParams::<Bn256>::default();
let rln_test = RLNTest::new(poseidon_params, 32);;

View File

@ -4,4 +4,3 @@
mod circuit;
mod merkle;
mod poseidon;