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synced 2025-01-27 15:25:58 +00:00
383 lines
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383 lines
16 KiB
# Information about validators
validators: {
# Amount of wei the validator holds
deposit: wei_value,
# The dynasty the validator is joining
dynasty_start: num,
# The dynasty the validator is leaving
dynasty_end: num,
# The timestamp at which the validator can withdraw
withdrawal_time: timestamp,
# The address which the validator's signatures must verify to (to be later replaced with validation code)
addr: address,
# Addess to withdraw to
withdrawal_addr: address,
# The max epoch at which the validator prepared
max_prepared: num,
# The max epoch at which the validator committed
max_committed: num
# The current dynasty (validator set changes between dynasties)
dynasty: num
# Amount of wei added to the total deposits in the next dynasty
next_dynasty_wei_delta: wei_value
# Amount of wei added to the total deposits in the dynasty after that
second_next_dynasty_wei_delta: wei_value
# Total deposits during this dynasty
total_deposits: wei_value[num]
# Information for use in processing cryptoeconomic commitments
consensus_messages: {
# How many prepares are there for this hash (hash of message hash + view source) from the current dynasty
prepares: wei_value[bytes32],
# From the previous dynasty
prev_dyn_prepares: wei_value[bytes32],
# Is a commit on the given hash justified?
justified: bool[bytes32],
# How many commits are there for this hash
commits: wei_value[bytes32],
# And from the previous dynasty
prev_dyn_commits: wei_value[bytes32],
# Was the block committed?
committed: bool
}[num] # index: epoch
# ancestry[x][y] = k > 0: x is a kth generation ancestor of y
ancestry: num[bytes32][bytes32]
# Number of validators
nextValidatorIndex: num
# Constant that guides the size of validator rewards
interest_rate: decimal(1 / sec)
# Time between blocks
block_time: timedelta
# Length of an epoch in blocks
epoch_length: num
# Withdrawal delay
withdrawal_delay: timedelta
# Delay after which a message can be slashed due to absence of justification
insufficiency_slash_delay: timedelta
# Current epoch
current_epoch: num
# Can withdraw destroyed deposits
owner: address
# Total deposits destroyed
total_destroyed: wei_value
def __init__():
# Set Casper parameters
self.interest_rate = 0.000001
self.block_time = 7
self.epoch_length = 256
self.withdrawal_delay = 2500000
# Temporary backdoor for testing purposes (to allow recovering destroyed deposits)
self.owner = 0x1db3439a222c519ab44bb1144fc28167b4fa6ee6
# Add an initial validator
self.validators[0] = {
deposit: as_wei(3, finney),
dynasty_start: 0,
dynasty_end: 1000000000000000000000000000000,
withdrawal_time: 1000000000000000000000000000000,
addr: 0x1db3439a222c519ab44bb1144fc28167b4fa6ee6,
withdrawal_addr: 0x1db3439a222c519ab44bb1144fc28167b4fa6ee6,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0
# Initialize the epoch counter
self.current_epoch = block.number / self.epoch_length
# Called at the start of any epoch
def initialize_epoch(epoch: num):
computed_current_epoch = block.number / self.epoch_length
if epoch <= computed_current_epoch and epoch == self.current_epoch + 1:
self.current_epoch = epoch
if self.consensus_messages[epoch - 1].committed:
self.dynasty += 1
self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] = self.total_deposits[self.dynasty - 1] + self.next_dynasty_wei_delta
self.next_dynasty_wei_delta = self.second_next_dynasty_wei_delta
self.second_next_dynasty_wei_delta = 0
# Send a deposit to join the validator set
def deposit(validation_addr: address, withdrawal_addr: address):
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
self.validators[self.nextValidatorIndex] = {
deposit: msg.value,
dynasty_start: self.dynasty + 2,
dynasty_end: 1000000000000000000000000000000,
withdrawal_time: 1000000000000000000000000000000,
addr: validation_addr,
withdrawal_addr: withdrawal_addr,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
self.nextValidatorIndex += 1
self.insufficiency_slash_delay = self.withdrawal_delay / 2
self.second_next_dynasty_wei_delta += msg.value
# Exit the validator set, and start the withdrawal procedure
def start_withdrawal(index: num, sig: bytes <= 96):
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
# Signature check
assert len(sig) == 96
assert ecrecover(sha3("withdraw"),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that we haven't already withdrawn
assert self.validators[index].dynasty_end >= self.dynasty + 2
# Set the end dynasty
self.validators[index].dynasty_end = self.dynasty + 2
self.second_next_dynasty_wei_delta -= msg.value
# Set the withdrawal date
self.validators[index].withdrawal_time = block.timestamp + self.withdrawal_delay
# Withdraw deposited ether
def withdraw(index: num):
# Check that we can withdraw
assert block.timestamp >= self.validators[index].withdrawal_time
# Withdraw
send(self.validators[index].withdrawal_addr, self.validators[index].deposit)
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
dynasty_start: 0,
dynasty_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
# Process a prepare message
def prepare(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, ancestry_hash: bytes32,
epoch_source: num, source_ancestry_hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("prepare", as_bytes32(epoch), hash, ancestry_hash, as_bytes32(epoch_source), source_ancestry_hash))
assert len(sig) == 96
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that we are in the right epoch
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert self.current_epoch == epoch
# Check that this validator was active in either the previous dynasty or the current one
ds = self.validators[index].dynasty_start
de = self.validators[index].dynasty_end
dc = self.dynasty
in_current_dynasty = (ds <= dc) and (dc < de)
in_prev_dynasty = (ds <= (dc - 1)) and ((dc - 1) < de)
assert in_current_dynasty or in_prev_dynasty
# Check that we have not yet prepared for this epoch
assert self.validators[index].max_prepared == epoch - 1
# Pay the reward if the blockhash is correct
if True: #~blockhash(epoch * self.epoch_length) == hash:
reward = floor(self.validators[index].deposit * self.interest_rate * self.block_time)
self.validators[index].deposit += reward
self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] += reward
# Can't prepare for this epoch again
self.validators[index].max_prepared = epoch
# Record that this prepare took place
new_ancestry_hash = sha3(concat(hash, ancestry_hash))
if in_current_dynasty:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].prepares[sighash] += self.validators[index].deposit
if in_prev_dynasty:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].prev_dyn_prepares[sighash] += self.validators[index].deposit
# If enough prepares with the same epoch_source and hash are made,
# then the hash value is justified for commitment
if (self.consensus_messages[epoch].prepares[sighash] >= self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] * 2 / 3 and \
self.consensus_messages[epoch].prev_dyn_prepares[sighash] >= self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] * 2 / 3) and \
not self.consensus_messages[epoch].justified[new_ancestry_hash]:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].justified[new_ancestry_hash] = True
# Add a parent-child relation between ancestry hashes to the ancestry table
self.ancestry[ancestry_hash][new_ancestry_hash] = 1
# Process a commit message
def commit(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("commit", as_bytes32(epoch), hash))
assert len(sig) == 96
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that we are in the right epoch
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert self.current_epoch == epoch
# Check that this validator was active in either the previous dynasty or the current one
ds = self.validators[index].dynasty_start
de = self.validators[index].dynasty_end
dc = self.dynasty
in_current_dynasty = (ds <= dc) and (dc < de)
in_prev_dynasty = (ds <= (dc - 1)) and ((dc - 1) < de)
assert in_current_dynasty or in_prev_dynasty
# Check that we have not yet committed for this epoch
assert self.validators[index].max_committed == epoch - 1
# Pay the reward if the blockhash is correct
if True: #~blockhash(epoch * self.epoch_length) == hash:
reward = floor(self.validators[index].deposit * self.interest_rate * self.block_time)
self.validators[index].deposit += reward
self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] += reward
# Can't commit for this epoch again
self.validators[index].max_committed = epoch
# Record that this commit took place
if in_current_dynasty:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].commits[hash] += self.validators[index].deposit
if in_prev_dynasty:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].prev_dyn_commits[hash] += self.validators[index].deposit
# Record if sufficient commits have been made for the block to be finalized
if self.consensus_messages[epoch].commits[hash] >= self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] * 2 / 3 and \
not self.consensus_messages[epoch].committed:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].committed = True
# Cannot make two versions of the same message
def intra_epoch_equivocation_slash(index: num, epoch: num, msgtype: bytes <= 16,
args1: bytes <= 250, args2: bytes <= 250, sig1: bytes <= 96, sig2: bytes<= 96):
# Signature check
sighash1 = sha3(concat(msgtype, as_bytes32(epoch), args1))
sighash2 = sha3(concat(msgtype, as_bytes32(epoch), args2))
assert ecrecover(sighash1,
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
assert ecrecover(sighash2,
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that they're not the same message
assert sighash1 != sighash2
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.total_destroyed += validator_deposit * 24 / 25
self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] -= (validator_deposit - validator_deposit / 25)
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
dynasty_start: 0,
dynasty_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
def prepare_commit_inconsistency_slash(index: num, prepare_epoch: num, prepare_hash: bytes32,
prepare_source_epoch: num, prepare_source_ancestry_hash: bytes32, sig1: bytes <= 96,
commit_epoch: num, commit_hash: bytes32, sig2: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash1 = sha3(concat("prepare", as_bytes32(prepare_epoch), prepare_hash,
as_bytes32(prepare_source_epoch), prepare_source_ancestry_hash))
sighash2 = sha3(concat("commit", as_bytes32(commit_epoch), commit_hash))
assert ecrecover(sighash1,
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
assert ecrecover(sighash2,
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that they're not the same message
assert sighash1 != sighash2
# Check that the prepare refers to something older than the commit
assert prepare_source_epoch < commit_epoch
# Check that the prepare is newer than the commit
assert commit_epoch < prepare_epoch
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.total_destroyed += validator_deposit * 24 / 25
self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] -= validator_deposit
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
dynasty_start: 0,
dynasty_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
def commit_non_justification_slash(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("commit", as_bytes32(epoch), hash))
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that the commit is old enough
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert (epoch - self.current_epoch) * self.block_time > self.insufficiency_slash_delay
assert not self.consensus_messages[epoch].justified[hash]
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.total_destroyed += validator_deposit * 24 / 25
self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] -= validator_deposit
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
dynasty_start: 0,
dynasty_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
# Fill in the table for which hash is what-degree ancestor of which other hash
def derive_ancestry(top: bytes32, middle: bytes32, bottom: bytes32):
assert self.ancestry[middle][top]
assert self.ancestry[bottom][middle]
self.ancestry[bottom][top] = self.ancestry[bottom][middle] + self.ancestry[middle][top]
def prepare_non_justification_slash(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, epoch_source: num,
source_ancestry_hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("viewchange", as_bytes32(epoch), hash, as_bytes32(epoch_source), source_ancestry_hash))
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that the view change is old enough
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert (epoch - self.current_epoch) * self.block_time > self.insufficiency_slash_delay
# Check that the source ancestry hash had enough prepares
assert not self.consensus_messages[epoch_source].justified[source_ancestry_hash]
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.total_destroyed += validator_deposit * 24 / 25
self.total_deposits[self.dynasty] -= validator_deposit
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
dynasty_start: 0,
dynasty_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
# Temporary backdoor for testing purposes (to allow recovering destroyed deposits)
def owner_withdraw():
send(self.owner, self.total_destroyed)
self.total_destroyed = 0
# Change backdoor address (set to zero to remove entirely)
def change_owner(new_owner: address):
if self.owner == msg.sender:
self.owner = new_owner