
107 lines
3.2 KiB

import math, random
hashpower = [float(x) for x in open('hashpower.csv').readlines()]
target = 12
seconds_in_day = 86400
ema_factor = 0.01
f = 20
sqrf = 3
threshold = 1.3
adj_factor = 0.01
maxadjust = 0.5
blks_back = 10
def expdiff(t):
return -math.log(random.random()) * t
def calc_threshold_time(p, t):
return t * -math.log(1 - p)
def abs_sqr(x):
return -(x**2) if x < 0 else x**2
def simple_adjust(timestamps, diffs):
if len(timestamps) < blks_back + 2:
return diffs[-1]
# Total interval between previous block and block a bit further back
delta = timestamps[-2] - timestamps[-2-blks_back] + 0.0
# Expected interval
expected = target * blks_back
fac = max(min(1 - (delta / expected - 1) / f, 1+maxadjust), 1-maxadjust)
return diffs[-1] * fac
def quadratic_adjust(timestamps, diffs):
if len(timestamps) < blks_back + 2:
return diffs[-1]
# Total interval between previous block and block a bit further back
delta = timestamps[-2] - timestamps[-2-blks_back] + 0.0
# Expected interval
expected = target * blks_back
fac = max(min(1 - abs_sqr(delta / expected - 1) / sqrf,
1+maxadjust), 1-maxadjust)
return diffs[-1] * fac
def bounded_adjust(timestamps, diffs):
if len(timestamps) < blks_back + 2:
return diffs[-1]
# Total interval between previous block and block a bit further back
delta = timestamps[-2] - timestamps[-2-blks_back] + 0.0
# Expected interval
expected = target * blks_back
if delta / expected > threshold:
fac = (1 - adj_factor)
elif delta / expected < 1 / threshold:
fac = (1 + adj_factor) ** (delta / expected)
fac = 1
return diffs[-1] * fac
def test(source, adjust):
ema = maxema = minema = target
lthalf, gtdouble, lttq, gtft = 0, 0, 0, 0
times = [0]
diffs = [source[0]]
nextprint = 10**6
count = 0
while times[-1] < len(source) * seconds_in_day:
if times[-1] > nextprint:
print '%d out of %d processed' % \
(times[-1], len(source) * seconds_in_day)
nextprint += 10**6
# Grab hashpower from data source
hashpower = source[int(times[-1] // seconds_in_day)]
# Calculate new difficulty
diffs.append(adjust(times, diffs))
# Calculate next block time
times.append(times[-1] + expdiff(diffs[-1] / hashpower))
# Calculate min and max ema
ema = ema * (1 - ema_factor) + (times[-1] - times[-2]) * ema_factor
minema = min(minema, ema)
maxema = max(maxema, ema)
count += 1
if ema < target * 0.75:
lttq += 1
if ema < target * 0.5:
lthalf += 1
elif ema > target * 1.33333:
gtft += 1
if ema > target * 2:
gtdouble += 1
# Pop items to save memory
if len(times) > 2000:
print 'min', minema, 'max', maxema, 'avg', times[-1] / count, \
'ema < half', lthalf * 1.0 / count, \
'ema > double', gtdouble * 1.0 / count, \
'ema < 3/4', lttq * 1.0 / count, \
'ema > 4/3', gtft * 1.0 / count