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from full_pos import blake, mk_genesis_state_and_block, compute_state_transition, \
get_attesters_and_signer, Block, get_crosslink_aggvote_msg, AggregateVote, \
SHARD_COUNT, ATTESTER_COUNT, get_shard_attesters
import random
import bls
from simpleserialize import serialize, deserialize, eq, deepcopy
import time
privkeys = [int.from_bytes(blake(str(i).encode('utf-8'))[:4], 'big') for i in range(100000)]
print('Generated privkeys')
keymap = {}
for i,k in enumerate(privkeys):
keymap[bls.privtopub(k)] = k
if i%50 == 0:
print("Generated %d keys" % i)
def mock_make_child(parent_state, parent, skips, attester_share=0.8, crosslink_shards=[]):
crystallized_state, active_state = parent_state
parent_attestation = serialize(parent)
validator_count = len(crystallized_state.active_validators)
indices, main_signer = get_attesters_and_signer(crystallized_state, active_state, skips)
print('Selected indices: %r' % indices)
print('Selected main signer: %d' % main_signer)
# Randomly pick indices to include
bitfield = [1 if random.random() < attester_share else 0 for i in indices]
# Attestations
sigs = [bls.sign(parent_attestation, keymap[crystallized_state.active_validators[indices[i]].pubkey])
for i in range(len(indices)) if bitfield[i]]
attestation_aggregate_sig = bls.aggregate_sigs(sigs)
print('Aggregated sig')
attestation_bitmask = bytearray((len(bitfield)-1) // 8 + 1)
for i, b in enumerate(bitfield):
attestation_bitmask[i//8] ^= (128 >> (i % 8)) * b
print('Aggregate bitmask:', bin(int.from_bytes(attestation_bitmask, 'big')))
# Randomly pick indices to include for crosslinks
shard_aggregate_votes = []
for shard, crosslinker_share in crosslink_shards:
print('Making crosslink in shard %d' % shard)
indices = get_shard_attesters(crystallized_state, shard)
print('Indices: %r' % indices)
bitfield = [1 if random.random() < crosslinker_share else 0 for i in indices]
bitmask = bytearray((len(bitfield)+7) // 8)
for i, b in enumerate(bitfield):
bitmask[i//8] ^= (128 >> (i % 8)) * b
print('Bitmask:', bin(int.from_bytes(bitmask, 'big')))
shard_block_hash = blake(bytes([shard]))
crosslink_attestation_hash = get_crosslink_aggvote_msg(shard, shard_block_hash, crystallized_state)
sigs = [bls.sign(crosslink_attestation_hash, keymap[crystallized_state.active_validators[indices[i]].pubkey])
for i in range(len(indices)) if bitfield[i]]
v = AggregateVote(shard_id=shard,
print('Added %d shard aggregate votes' % len(crosslink_shards))
# State calculations
o = Block(parent_hash=blake(parent_attestation),
print('Generated preliminary block header')
new_crystallized_state, new_active_state = \
compute_state_transition((crystallized_state, active_state), parent, o, verify_sig=False)
print('Calculated state transition')
if crystallized_state == new_crystallized_state:
o.state_hash = blake(parent.state_hash[:32] + blake(serialize(new_active_state)))
o.state_hash = blake(blake(serialize(new_crystallized_state)) + blake(serialize(new_active_state)))
# Main signature
return o, new_crystallized_state, new_active_state
c, a, block = mk_genesis_state_and_block(keymap.keys())
print('Generated genesis state')
print('Crystallized state length:', len(serialize(c)))
print('Active state length:', len(serialize(a)))
print('Block size:', len(serialize(block)))
block2, c2, a2 = mock_make_child((c, a), block, 0, 0.8, [])
t = time.time()
assert compute_state_transition((c, a), block, block2)
print("Normal block (basic attestation only) processed in %.4f sec" % (time.time() - t))
print('Verified a block!')
block3, c3, a3 = mock_make_child((c2, a2), block2, 0, 0.8, [(0, 0.75)])
print('Verified a block with a committee!')
while a3.height % SHARD_COUNT > 0:
block3, c3, a3 = mock_make_child((c3, a3), block3, 0, 0.8, [(a3.height, 0.6 + 0.02 * a3.height)])
print('Height: %d' % a3.height)
print('FFG bitmask:', bin(int.from_bytes(a3.ffg_voter_bitmask, 'big')))
block4, c4, a4 = mock_make_child((c3, a3), block3, 1, 0.55, [])
t = time.time()
assert compute_state_transition((c3, a3), block3, block4)
print("Epoch transition processed in %.4f sec" % (time.time() - t))