import copy import poly_utils import rlp try: from Crypto.Hash import keccak sha3 = lambda x:, data=x).digest() except ImportError: import sha3 as _sha3 sha3 = lambda x: _sha3.sha3_256(x).digest() # Every point is an element of GF(2**16), so represents two bytes POINT_SIZE = 2 # Every chunk contains 128 points POINTS_IN_CHUNK = 128 # A chunk is 256 bytes CHUNK_SIZE = POINT_SIZE * POINTS_IN_CHUNK def bytes_to_num(bytez): o = 0 for b in bytez: o = (o * 256) + b return o def num_to_bytes(inp, n): o = b'' for i in range(n): o = bytes([inp % 256]) + o inp //= 256 return o assert bytes_to_num(num_to_bytes(31337, 2)) == 31337 # Returns the smallest power of 2 equal to or greater than a number def higher_power_of_2(x): higher_power_of_2 = 1 while higher_power_of_2 < x: higher_power_of_2 *= 2 return higher_power_of_2 # Unfortunately, most padding schemes standardized in cryptography seem to only work for # block sizes strictly less than 256 bytes. So we'll use RLP plus zero byte padding # instead (pre-RLP-encode because the RLP encoding adds length data, so the padding # becomes reversible even in cases where the original data ends in zero bytes) def pad(data): med = rlp.encode(data) return med + b'\x00' * (higher_power_of_2(len(med)) - len(med)) def unpad(data): c, l1, l2 = rlp.codec.consume_length_prefix(data) assert c == str return data[:l1 + l2] # Deserialize a chunk into a list of points in GF2**16 def chunk_to_points(chunk): return [bytes_to_num(chunk[i: i + POINT_SIZE]) for i in range(0, CHUNK_SIZE, POINT_SIZE)] # Serialize a list of points into a chunk def points_to_chunk(points): return b''.join([num_to_bytes(p, POINT_SIZE) for p in points]) testdata = sha3(b'cow') * (CHUNK_SIZE // 32) assert points_to_chunk(chunk_to_points(testdata)) == testdata # Make a Merkle tree out of a set of chunks def merklize(chunks): # Only accept a list of size which is exactly a power of two assert higher_power_of_2(len(chunks)) == len(chunks) merkle_nodes = [sha3(x) for x in chunks] lower_tier = merkle_nodes[::] higher_tier = [] while len(higher_tier) != 1: higher_tier = [sha3(lower_tier[i] + lower_tier[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(lower_tier), 2)] merkle_nodes = higher_tier + merkle_nodes lower_tier = higher_tier merkle_nodes.insert(0, b'\x00' * 32) return merkle_nodes class Prover(): def __init__(self, data): # Pad data pdata = pad(data) byte_chunks = [pdata[i: i + CHUNK_SIZE] for i in range(0, len(pdata), CHUNK_SIZE)] # Decompose it into chunks, where each chunk is a collection of numbers chunks = [] for byte_chunk in byte_chunks: chunks.append(chunk_to_points(byte_chunk)) # Compute the polynomials representing the ith number in each chunk polys = [poly_utils.lagrange_interp([chunk[i] for chunk in chunks], list(range(len(chunks)))) for i in range(POINTS_IN_CHUNK)] # Use the polynomials to extend the chunks new_chunks = [] for x in range(len(chunks), len(chunks) * 2): new_chunks.append(points_to_chunk([poly_utils.eval_poly_at(poly, x) for poly in polys])) # Total length of data including new points self.length = len(byte_chunks + new_chunks) self.extended_data = byte_chunks + new_chunks # Build up the Merkle tree self.merkle_nodes = merklize(self.extended_data) assert len(self.merkle_nodes) == 2 * self.length self.merkle_root = self.merkle_nodes[1] # Make a Merkle proof for some index def prove(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.length adjusted_index = self.length + index o = [self.extended_data[index]] while adjusted_index > 1: o.append(self.merkle_nodes[adjusted_index ^ 1]) adjusted_index >>= 1 return o # Verify a merkle proof of some index (light client friendly) def verify_proof(merkle_root, proof, index): h = sha3(proof[0]) for p in proof[1:]: if index % 2: h = sha3(p + h) else: h = sha3(h + p) index //= 2 return h == merkle_root # Fill data from partially available proofs # This method returning False can also be used as a verifier for fraud proofs def fill(merkle_root, orig_data_length, proofs, indices): if len(proofs) < orig_data_length: raise Exception("Not enough proofs") if len(proofs) > orig_data_length: raise Exception("Too many proofs; if original data has n chunks, n chunks suffice") for proof, index in zip(proofs, indices): if not verify_proof(merkle_root, proof, index): raise Exception("Merkle proof for index %d invalid" % index) # Convert to points coords = [chunk_to_points(p[0]) for p in proofs] # Extract polynomials polys = [poly_utils.lagrange_interp([c[i] for c in coords], indices) for i in range(POINTS_IN_CHUNK)] # Fill in the remaining values full_coords = [None] * orig_data_length * 2 for points, index in zip(coords, indices): full_coords[index] = points for i in range(len(full_coords)): if full_coords[i] is None: full_coords[i] = [poly_utils.eval_poly_at(poly, i) for poly in polys] # Serialize full_chunks = [points_to_chunk(points) for points in full_coords] # Merklize merkle_nodes = merklize(full_chunks) # Check equality of the Merkle root if merkle_root != merkle_nodes[1]: return False return full_chunks