#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Requirements: - I/O bound: cycles spent on I/O ≫ cycles spent in cpu - no sharding: impossible to implement data locality strategy - easy verification Thoughts: Efficient implementations will not switch context (threading) when waiting for data. But they would leverage all fill buffers and have concurrent memory accesses. It can be assumed, that code can be written in a way to calculate N (<10) nonces in parallel (on a single core). So, after all maybe memory bandwidth rather than latency is the actual bottleneck. Can this be solved in a way that aligns with hashing nonces and allows for a quick verification? Probably not. Loop unrolling: Initially proposed dagger sets offer data locality which allows to scale the algo on multiple cores/l2chaches. 320MB / 40sets = 8MB (< L2 cache) A solution is to make accessed mem location depended on the value of the previous access. Partitial Memory: If a users only keeps e.g. one third of each DAG in memory (i.e. to have in L3 cache), he still can answer ~0.5**k of accesses by substituting them through previous node lookups. This can be mitigated by a) making each node deterministically depend on the value of at least one close high memory node. Optionally for quick validation, select the 2nd dependency for the lower (cached) memory. see produce_dag_k2dr b) for DAG creation, using a hashing function which needs more cycles than multiple memory lookups would - even for GPUs/FPGAs/ASICs. """ try: shathree = __import__('sha3') except: shathree = __import__('python_sha3') import time def sha3(x): return decode_int(shathree.sha3_256(x).digest()) # def decode_int(s): o = 0 for i in range(len(s)): o = o * 256 + ord(s[i]) return o def encode_int(x): o = '' for _ in range(64): o = chr(x % 256) + o x //= 256 return o def get_daggerset(params, seedset): return [produce_dag(params, i) for i in seedset] def update_daggerset(params, daggerset, seedset, seed): idx = decode_int(seed) % len(daggerset) seedset[idx] = seed daggerset[idx] = produce_dag(params, seed) P = (2**256 - 4294968273)**2 def produce_dag(params, seed): k, w, d = params.k, params.w, params.d o = [sha3(seed)**2] init = o[0] picker = 1 for i in range(1, params.dag_size): x = 0 picker = (picker * init) % P #assert picker == pow(init, i, P) curpicker = picker for j in range(k): # can be flattend if params are known pos = curpicker % i x |= o[pos] curpicker >>= 10 o.append(pow(x, w, P)) # use any "hash function" here return o def quick_calc(params, seed, pos, known={}): init = sha3(seed)**2 k, w, d = params.k, params.w, params.d known[0] = init def calc(i): if i not in known: curpicker = pow(init, i, P) x = 0 for j in range(k): pos = curpicker % i x |= calc(pos) curpicker >>= 10 known[i] = pow(x, w, P) return known[i] o = calc(pos) return o def produce_dag_k2dr(params, seed): """ # k=2 and dependency ranges d [:i/d], [-i/d:] Idea is to prevent partitial memory availability in which a significant part of the higher mem acesses can be substituted by two low mem accesses, plus some calc. """ w, d = params.w, params.d o = [sha3(seed)**2] init = o[0] picker = 1 for i in range(1, params.dag_size): x = 0 picker = (picker * init) % P curpicker = picker # higher end f = i/d + 1 pos = i - f + curpicker % f x |= o[pos] curpicker >>= 10 # lower end pos = f - curpicker % f - 1 x |= o[pos] o.append(pow(x, w, P)) # use any "hash function" here return o def quick_calc_k2dr(params, seed, pos, known={}): # k=2 and dependency ranges d [:i/d], [-i/d:] init = sha3(seed) ** 2 k, w, d = params.k, params.w, params.d known[0] = init def calc(i): if i not in known: curpicker = pow(init, i, P) x = 0 # higher end f = i/d + 1 pos = i - f + curpicker % f x |= calc(pos) curpicker >>= 10 # lower end pos = f - curpicker % f - 1 x |= calc(pos) known[i] = pow(x, w, P) return known[i] o = calc(pos) return o produce_dag = produce_dag_k2dr quick_calc = quick_calc_k2dr def hashimoto(daggerset, lookups, header, nonce): """ Requirements: - I/O bound: cycles spent on I/O ≫ cycles spent in cpu - no sharding: impossible to implement data locality strategy # I/O bound: e.g. lookups = 16 sha3: 12 * 32 ~384 cycles lookups: 16 * 160 ~2560 cycles # if zero cache loop: 16 * 3 ~48 cycles I/O / cpu = 2560/432 = ~ 6/1 # no sharding lookups depend on previous lookup results impossible to route computation/lookups based on the initial sha3 """ num_dags = len(daggerset) dag_size = len(daggerset[0]) mix = sha3(header + encode_int(nonce)) ** 2 # loop, that can not be unrolled # dag and dag[pos] depended on previous lookup for i in range(lookups): dag = daggerset[mix % num_dags] # modulo pos = mix % dag_size # modulo mix ^= dag[pos] # xor return mix def light_hashimoto(params, seedset, header, nonce): lookups = params.lookups dag_size = params.dag_size known = dict((s, {}) for s in seedset) # cache results for each dag mix = sha3(header + encode_int(nonce)) ** 2 for i in range(lookups): seed = seedset[mix % len(seedset)] pos = mix % dag_size mix ^= quick_calc(params, seed, pos, known[seed]) num_accesses = sum(len(known[s]) for s in seedset) print 'Calculated %d lookups with %d accesses' % (lookups, num_accesses) return mix def light_verify(params, seedset, header, nonce): return light_hashimoto(params, seedset, header, nonce) \ <= 2**512 / params.diff def mine(daggerset, params, header, nonce=0): orignonce = nonce origtime = time.time() while 1: h = hashimoto(daggerset, params.lookups, header, nonce) if h <= 2**512 / params.diff: noncediff = nonce - orignonce timediff = time.time() - origtime print 'Found nonce: %d, tested %d nonces in %.2f seconds (%d per sec)' % \ (nonce, noncediff, timediff, noncediff / timediff) return nonce nonce += 1 class params(object): """ === tuning === memory: memory requirements ≫ L2/L3/L4 cache sizes lookups: hashes_per_sec(lookups=0) ≫ hashes_per_sec(lookups_mem_hard) k: ? d: higher values enfore memory availability but require more quick_calcs numdags: so that a dag can be updated in reasonable time """ memory = 512 * 1024**2 # memory usage numdags = 128 # number of dags dag_size = memory /numdags / 64 # num 64byte values per dag lookups = 512 # memory lookups per hash diff = 2**14 # higher is harder k = 2 # num dependecies of each dag value d = 8 # max distance of first dependency (1/d=fraction of size) w = 2 if __name__ == '__main__': print dict((k,v) for k,v in params.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v,int)) # odds of a partitial storage attack missing_mem = 0.01 P_partitial_mem_success = (1-missing_mem) ** params.lookups print 'P success per hash with %d%% mem missing: %d%%' %(missing_mem*100, P_partitial_mem_success*100) # which actually only results in a slower mining, as more hashes must be tried slowdown = 1/ P_partitial_mem_success print 'x%.1f speedup required to offset %d%% missing mem' % (slowdown, missing_mem*100) # create set of DAGs st = time.time() seedset = [str(i) for i in range(params.numdags)] daggerset = get_daggerset(params, seedset) print 'daggerset with %d dags' % len(daggerset), 'size:', 64*params.dag_size*params.numdags / 1024**2 , 'MB' print 'creation took %.2fs' % (time.time() - st) # update DAG st = time.time() update_daggerset(params, daggerset, seedset, seed='new') print 'updating 1 dag took %.2fs' % (time.time() - st) # Mine for i in range(10): header = 'test%d' % i print '\nmining', header nonce = mine(daggerset, params, header) # verify st = time.time() assert light_verify(params, seedset, header, nonce) print 'verification took %.2fs' % (time.time() - st)