import os from binascii import hexlify from Crypto.Hash import keccak import random def to_hex(s): return hexlify(s).decode('utf-8') memo = {} def sha3(x): if x not in memo: memo[x] =, data=x).digest() return memo[x] def hash_to_int(h): o = 0 for c in h: o = (o << 8) + c return o NOTARIES = 40 BASE_TS_DIFF = 1 SKIP_TS_DIFF = 6 SAMPLE = 9 MIN_SAMPLE = 5 POWDIFF = 50 * NOTARIES SHARDS = 12 def checkpow(work, nonce): # Discrete log PoW, lolz # Quadratic nonresidues only return pow(work, nonce, 65537) * POWDIFF < 65537 * 2 and pow(nonce, 32768, 65537) == 65536 class MainChainBlock(): def __init__(self, parent, pownonce, ts): self.parent_hash = parent.hash if parent else (b'\x00' * 32) assert isinstance(self.parent_hash, bytes) self.hash = sha3(self.parent_hash + str(pownonce).encode('utf-8')) self.ts = ts if parent: assert checkpow(parent.pownonce, pownonce) assert self.ts >= parent.ts self.pownonce = pownonce self.number = 0 if parent is None else parent.number + 1 main_genesis = MainChainBlock(None, 59049, 0) class Node(): def __init__(self, _id, network, sleepy=False, careless=False, ts=0): self.blocks = { main_genesis.hash: main_genesis } self.main_chain = [main_genesis.hash] self.timequeue = [] self.parentqueue = {} self.children = {} self.ts = ts = _id = network self.used_parents = {} self.processed = {} self.sleepy = sleepy self.careless = careless def broadcast(self, x): if self.sleepy and self.ts: return, x) self.on_receive(x) def log(self, words, lvl=3, all=False): #if "Tick:" != words[:5] or == 0: if ( == 0 or all) and lvl >= 2: print(, words) def on_receive(self, obj, reprocess=False): if obj.hash in self.processed and not reprocess: return self.processed[obj.hash] = True if isinstance(obj, MainChainBlock): return self.on_receive_main_block(obj) def add_to_timequeue(self, obj): i = 0 while i < len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[i].ts < obj.ts: i += 1 self.timequeue.insert(i, obj) def add_to_multiset(self, _set, k, v): if k not in _set: _set[k] = [] _set[k].append(v) def change_head(self, chain, new_head): chain.extend([None] * (new_head.number + 1 - len(chain))) i, c = new_head.number, new_head.hash while c != chain[i]: chain[i] = c c = self.blocks[c].parent_hash i -= 1 for i in range(len(chain)): assert self.blocks[chain[i]].number == i assert self.blocks[chain[i]].ts <= self.ts def process_children(self, h): if h in self.parentqueue: for b in self.parentqueue[h]: self.on_receive(b, reprocess=True) del self.parentqueue[h] def on_receive_main_block(self, block): # Parent not yet received if block.parent_hash not in self.blocks: self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.parent_hash, block) return None if block.ts > self.ts: self.add_to_timequeue(block) return None self.log("Processing main chain block %s" % to_hex(block.hash[:4])) self.blocks[block.hash] = block # Reorg the main chain if new head if block.number > self.blocks[self.main_chain[-1]].number: reorging = (block.parent_hash != self.main_chain[-1]) self.change_head(self.main_chain, block) # Add child record self.add_to_multiset(self.children, block.parent_hash, block.hash) # Final steps self.process_children(block.hash), block) def is_descendant(self, a, b): a, b = self.blocks[a], self.blocks[b] while b.number > a.number: b = self.blocks[b.parent_hash] return a.hash == b.hash def tick(self): self.ts += 0.1 self.log("Tick: %.1f" % self.ts, lvl=1) # Process time queue while len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[0].ts <= self.ts: self.on_receive(self.timequeue.pop(0)) # Attempt to mine a main chain block pownonce = random.randrange(65537) mchead = self.blocks[self.main_chain[-1]] if checkpow(mchead.pownonce, pownonce): assert self.ts >= mchead.ts self.broadcast(MainChainBlock(mchead, pownonce, self.ts))