import pyethereum u = pyethereum.utils import time #These are the operations that will end up in the tape ops = [ lambda x, y: x+y % 2**256, lambda x, y: x*y % 2**256, lambda x, y: x % y if y > 0 else x+y, lambda x, y: x & y, lambda x, y: x | y, lambda x, y: x ^ y ] ''' the tape will be 'w' wide and 'd' operations deep it is a list of triples [i, j, op], later used in the tape's execution: xi = xi op xj ''' def gen_tape(seed, w, d): tape = [] h = 0 #Getting as much entropy out of a hash as possible for i in range(d): if h < 2**32: h = u.big_endian_to_int(u.sha3(seed+str(i))) v1 = h % w h /= w v2 = h % w h /= w op = ops[h % len(ops)] h /= len(ops) tape.append([v1, v2, op]) return tape def lshift(n): return 2**255 * (n % 2) + (n / 2) #Generates the inputs to and evaluates the tape, the mining nonce can be taken to be in the seed def gen_inputs(seed,w): #generating the tape's inputs v = [] h = 0 for i in range(w): if i % 1 == 0: h = u.big_endian_to_int(u.sha3(seed+str(i))) else: h = lshift(h) v.append(h) return v #Evaluate tape on inputs (incorrect dimension of v is an unhandled exception) def run_tape(v, tape): for t in tape: v[t[0]] = t[2](v[t[0]], v[t[1]]) #Implemented in a blockchain, any additional hashes or timestamp would be added in the sha return str(v) def sha_cap(s): return u.sha3(s) def test(num_iterations, num_tape_evals, tape_w = 100, tape_d = 1000): time_generating_tape = 0. time_generating_inputs = 0. time_evaluating_tape = 0. time_sha_capping = 0. for i in range(num_iterations): t = time.time() tape = gen_tape(str(i), tape_w, tape_d) time_generating_tape += time.time() - t for i in xrange(num_tape_evals): t = time.time() v = gen_inputs(str(i), tape_w) time_generating_inputs += time.time() - t t = time.time() x = run_tape(v,tape) time_evaluating_tape += time.time() - t t = time.time() h = sha_cap(x) time_sha_capping += time.time() - t total_time = time_generating_tape + time_generating_inputs + time_evaluating_tape + time_sha_capping print "% of time generating tape:", time_generating_tape/total_time print "% of time generating inputs:", time_generating_inputs/total_time print "% of time evaluating tape:", time_evaluating_tape/total_time print "% of time sha-capping:", time_sha_capping/total_time