modulus_poly = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1] modulus_poly_as_int = sum([(v << i) for i, v in enumerate(modulus_poly)]) degree = len(modulus_poly) - 1 two_to_the_degree = 2**degree two_to_the_degree_m1 = 2**degree - 1 def galoistpl(a): # 2 is not a primitive root, so we have to use 3 as our logarithm base if a * 2 < two_to_the_degree: return (a * 2) ^ a else: return (a * 2) ^ a ^ modulus_poly_as_int # Precomputing a log table for increased speed of addition and multiplication glogtable = [0] * (two_to_the_degree) gexptable = [] v = 1 for i in range(two_to_the_degree_m1): glogtable[v] = i gexptable.append(v) v = galoistpl(v) gexptable += gexptable + gexptable # Add two values in the Galois field def galois_add(x, y): return x ^ y # In binary fields, addition and subtraction are the same thing galois_sub = galois_add # Multiply two values in the Galois field def galois_mul(x, y): return 0 if x*y == 0 else gexptable[glogtable[x] + glogtable[y]] # Divide two values in the Galois field def galois_div(x, y): return 0 if x == 0 else gexptable[(glogtable[x] - glogtable[y]) % two_to_the_degree_m1] # Evaluate a polynomial at a point def eval_poly_at(p, x): if x == 0: return p[0] y = 0 logx = glogtable[x] for i, p_coeff in enumerate(p): if p_coeff: # Add x**i * coeff y ^= gexptable[(logx * i + glogtable[p_coeff]) % two_to_the_degree_m1] return y # Given p+1 y values and x values with no errors, recovers the original # p+1 degree polynomial. # Lagrange interpolation works roughly in the following way. # 1. Suppose you have a set of points, eg. x = [1, 2, 3], y = [2, 5, 10] # 2. For each x, generate a polynomial which equals its corresponding # y coordinate at that point and 0 at all other points provided. # 3. Add these polynomials together. def lagrange_interp(pieces, xs): # Generate master numerator polynomial, eg. (x - x1) * (x - x2) * ... * (x - xn) root = mk_root_2(xs) #print(root) assert len(root) == len(pieces) + 1 # print(root) # Generate the derivative d = derivative(root) # Generate denominators by evaluating numerator polys at each x denoms = multi_eval_2(d, xs) # denoms = [eval_poly_at(d, xs[i]) for i in range(len(xs))] # Generate output polynomial, which is the sum of the per-value numerator # polynomials rescaled to have the right y values return multi_root_derive(xs, [galois_div(p, d) for p, d in zip(pieces, denoms)]) def multi_root_derive(xs, muls): if len(xs) == 1: return [muls[0]] R1 = mk_root_2(xs[:len(xs) // 2]) R2 = mk_root_2(xs[len(xs) // 2:]) x1 = karatsuba_mul(R1, multi_root_derive(xs[len(xs) // 2:], muls[len(muls) // 2:]) + [0]) x2 = karatsuba_mul(R2, multi_root_derive(xs[:len(xs) // 2], muls[:len(muls) // 2]) + [0]) o = [v1 ^ v2 for v1, v2 in zip(x1, x2)][:len(xs)] # print(len(R1), len(x1), len(xs), len(o)) return o def multi_root_derive_1(xs, muls): o = [0] * len(xs) for i in range(len(xs)): _xs = xs[:i] + xs[(i+1):] root = mk_root_2(_xs) for j in range(len(root)): o[j] ^= galois_mul(root[j], muls[i]) return o a = 124 b = 8932 c = 12415 assert galois_mul(galois_add(a, b), c) == galois_add(galois_mul(a, c), galois_mul(b, c)) def karatsuba_mul(p1, p2): L = len(p1) # assert L == len(p2) if L <= 16: o = [0] * (L * 2) for i, v1 in enumerate(p1): for j, v2 in enumerate(p2): if v1 and v2: o[i + j] ^= gexptable[glogtable[v1] + glogtable[v2]] return o if L % 2: p1 = p1 + [0] p2 = p2 + [0] L += 1 halflen = L // 2 low1 = p1[:halflen] high1 = p1[halflen:] sum1 = [l ^ h for l, h in zip(low1, high1)] low2 = p2[:halflen] high2 = p2[halflen:] sum2 = [l ^ h for l, h in zip(low2, high2)] z2 = karatsuba_mul(high1, high2) z0 = karatsuba_mul(low1, low2) z1 = [m ^ _z0 ^ _z2 for m, _z0, _z2 in zip(karatsuba_mul(sum1, sum2), z0, z2)] o = z0[:halflen] + \ [a ^ b for a, b in zip(z0[halflen:], z1[:halflen])] + \ [a ^ b for a, b in zip(z2[:halflen], z1[halflen:])] + \ z2[halflen:] return o def mk_root_1(xs): root = [1] for x in xs: logx = glogtable[x] root.insert(0, 0) for j in range(len(root)-1): if root[j+1] and x: root[j] ^= gexptable[glogtable[root[j+1]] + logx] return root def mk_root_2(xs): if len(xs) >= 128: return karatsuba_mul(mk_root_2(xs[:len(xs) // 2]), mk_root_2(xs[len(xs) // 2:]))[:len(xs) + 1] root = [1] for x in xs: logx = glogtable[x] root.insert(0, 0) for j in range(len(root)-1): if root[j+1] and x: root[j] ^= gexptable[glogtable[root[j+1]] + logx] return root def derivative(root): return [0 if i % 2 else r for i, r in enumerate(root[1:])] # Credit to for the algorithm def xn_mod_poly(p): if len(p) == 1: return [galois_div(1, p[0])] halflen = len(p) // 2 lowinv = xn_mod_poly(p[:halflen]) submod_high = karatsuba_mul(lowinv, p[:halflen])[halflen:] med = karatsuba_mul(p[halflen:], lowinv)[:halflen] med_plus_high = [x ^ y for x, y in zip(med, submod_high)] highinv = karatsuba_mul(med_plus_high, lowinv) o = (lowinv + highinv)[:len(p)] # assert karatsuba_mul(o, p)[:len(p)] == [1] + [0] * (len(p) - 1) return o def mod(a, b): assert len(a) == 2 * (len(b) - 1) L = len(b) inv_rev_b = xn_mod_poly(b[::-1] + [0] * (len(a) - L))[:L] quot = karatsuba_mul(inv_rev_b, a[::-1][:L])[:L-1][::-1] subt = karatsuba_mul(b, quot + [0])[:-1] o = [x ^ y for x, y in zip(a[:L-1], subt[:L-1])] # assert [x^y for x, y in zip(karatsuba_mul(quot + [0], b), o)] == a return o def multi_eval_1(poly, xs): return [eval_poly_at(poly, x) for x in xs] def multi_eval_2(poly, xs): if len(xs) <= 1024: return [eval_poly_at(poly, x) for x in xs] halflen = len(xs) // 2 return multi_eval_2(mod(poly, mk_root_2(xs[:halflen])), xs[:halflen]) + \ multi_eval_2(mod(poly, mk_root_2(xs[halflen:])), xs[halflen:]) # [eval_poly_at(poly, xs[-2]), eval_poly_at(poly, xs[-1])]