package main import ( "fmt" "math" "math/big" "encoding/hex" "" "testing" "strconv" ) //For use in benchmarking const tree_depth = 5 const tape_width = 32 //int(math.Pow(2,tree_depth)) < would be nice, but go won't recognize as const const tape_depth = 100 //Number of operations that are drawn from to form the tape and the tree const num_ops = 9 //This is the number of times the PoW algorithm is run const sample_size = 100 func Bytes2Hex(d []byte) string { return hex.EncodeToString(d) } func Hex2Bytes(str string) []byte { h, _ := hex.DecodeString(str) return h } func plus(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int { var lim big.Int lim.Exp(big.NewInt(2),big.NewInt(256), big.NewInt(0)) z.Add(x,y) return z.Mod(z,&lim) } func times(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int { var lim, x1, y1 big.Int lim.Exp(big.NewInt(2),big.NewInt(256), big.NewInt(0)) x1.Set(x) y1.Set(y) z.Mul(x,y) z.Mod(z,&lim) return z } func mod(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int { if (x.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 || y.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0) { return big.NewInt(0) } if x.Cmp(y) == -1 { //if x < y z.Mod(y,x) } else if x.Cmp(y) == 1 { //if x > y z.Mod(x,y) } return z } func xor(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int {return z.Xor(x,y)} func nxor(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int { z.Xor(x,y) return z.Not(z) } func and(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int {return z.And(x,y)} func not(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int { _ = y return z.Not(x) } func or(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int {return z.Or(x,y)} func rshift(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int { var lim big.Int lim.Exp(big.NewInt(2),big.NewInt(256), big.NewInt(0)) z.Rsh(x,7) return z.Mod(z,&lim) } func GetOp(i int) func(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int{ switch i { case 0: return plus case 1: return xor case 2: return not case 3: return times case 4: return mod case 5: return rshift case 6: return or case 7: return and case 8: return nxor } return plus } //the tapelink is used to t type Tapelink struct { I int64 J int64 op func(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int } func Sha3Bin(data []byte) []byte { d := sha3.NewKeccak256() d.Write(data) return d.Sum(nil) } func BenchmarkSha3Bin(b *testing.B){ for i:= 0; i < b.N; i++ { Sha3Bin([]byte(string(i))) } } //generates a tape of operations that is w*d long func gen_tape(seed int64, w int, d int) []Tapelink { var X = big.NewInt(0) var Y = big.NewInt(0) Y.Exp(big.NewInt(2),big.NewInt(80), nil) var M = big.NewInt(0) var T []Tapelink for i := 0; i < w*d; i++{ // add empty link to tape T = append(T, *new(Tapelink)) // generate new entropy as needed if (int64(X.Cmp(Y)) == -1) {X.SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(seed + int64(i), 10))))} // Pick random index I T[i].I = M.Mod(X,big.NewInt(int64(w))).Int64() M = big.NewInt(int64(w)) X = X.Div(X,M) // Pick random index J mm := big.NewInt(M.Mod(X,big.NewInt(int64(w-1))).Int64() + int64(1) + T[i].I) T[i].J = M.Mod(mm, big.NewInt(int64(w))).Int64() M = big.NewInt(int64(w-1)) X = X.Div(X,M) // Pick random operation T[i].op = GetOp(int(M.Mod(X, big.NewInt(int64(num_ops))).Int64())) M = big.NewInt(int64(num_ops)) X = X.Div(X,M) } return T } func BenchmarkGen_tape(b *testing.B){ var X big.Int var s int64 b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { b.StopTimer() X.SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(string(i)))) s = X.Int64() b.StartTimer() gen_tape(s, tape_width, tape_depth) } } func gen_inputs(seed int64, w int) []big.Int { var A []big.Int for i := 0; i < w; i++ { A = append(A, *new(big.Int)) if (i % 256 == 0) { A[i].SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(seed + int64(i), 10)))) } else { A[i].Lsh(&A[i-1], 1) } } return A } func BenchmarkGen_inputs(b *testing.B){ var X big.Int var s int64 b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { b.StopTimer() X.SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(string(i)))) s = X.Int64() b.StartTimer() gen_inputs(s, tape_width) } } //this changes the inputs as it goes through a tape with d links func run_tape(tape []Tapelink, inputs []big.Int, d int) { var X *big.Int X = big.NewInt(0) for i := 0; i < d; i++ { X = tape[i].op(X, &inputs[tape[i].I], &inputs[tape[i].J]) inputs[tape[i].I].Set(X) } } func BenchmarkRun_tape(b *testing.B){ b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { b.StopTimer() T := gen_tape(int64(i), tape_width, tape_depth) I := gen_inputs(int64(i), tape_width) b.StartTimer() run_tape(T,I,tape_width*tape_depth) } } //returns a 2^d - 1 length tape of operations (no I or J's in the Tapelinks) func gen_tree(seed int64, d int) []Tapelink { M := big.NewInt(0) // dummy variable X := big.NewInt(0) // entropy variable Y := big.NewInt(0) // entropy buffer size Y.Exp(big.NewInt(2),big.NewInt(80), nil) var T []Tapelink // the tree will be stored here for i := 0; i < int(math.Pow(2, float64(d))) - 1; i++{ T = append(T, *new(Tapelink)) //giving it more entropy, if X < 2^32 if (X.Cmp(Y) == -1) {X.SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(seed + int64(i),10))))} //filling the tape with random ops T[i].op = GetOp(int(M.Mod(X, big.NewInt(num_ops)).Int64())) M = big.NewInt(num_ops) X = X.Div(X,M) } return T } func BenchmarkGen_tree(b *testing.B) { var X big.Int var s int64 b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { b.StopTimer() X.SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(string(i)))) s = X.Int64() b.StartTimer() gen_tree(s, tree_depth) } } //there should be 2^d inputs and 2^d - 1 links in the tape. not complying is an unhandled exception func run_tree(inputs []big.Int, tree []Tapelink, d int) *big.Int { X := big.NewInt(0) counter := 0 for j := 0; j < d; j++ { for i := 0; i < int(math.Pow(2,float64(d - j - 1))); i++ { X = tree[counter].op(X, &inputs[2*i], &inputs[2*i + 1]) inputs[i].Set(X) counter += 1 } } return &inputs[0] } func BenchmarkRun_tree(b *testing.B) { var X big.Int b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { b.StopTimer() var inputs []big.Int for j := 0; j < tape_width; j++ { X.SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(string(j + i*tape_width)))) inputs = append(inputs, X) } tree := gen_tree(X.Int64(), tree_depth) b.StartTimer() run_tree(inputs, tree, tree_depth) } } func sha_cap(s []string, n int) []byte{ var feed string feed = "" for i := 0; i < n; i++ { feed += s[i] } return Sha3Bin([]byte(feed)) } func BenchmarkSha_cap(b *testing.B){ var X big.Int var s []string b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { b.StopTimer() X.SetBytes(Sha3Bin([]byte(string(i)))) s = append(s, X.String()) b.StartTimer() sha_cap(s,1) } } func main(){ var seed int64 var sample []big.Int seed = int64(13300331) for i := 0; i < sample_size; i++ { Tape := gen_tape(seed, tape_width, tape_depth) Tree := gen_tree(seed, tree_depth) seed += int64(i*i) if i%10 == 0 { fmt.Printf("i: %d\n",i) } I := gen_inputs(seed, tape_width) run_tape(Tape, I, tape_depth*tape_width) output := *run_tree(I, Tree, tree_depth) if output.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { fmt.Printf("We have a zero from the tree, form operation: \n") fmt.Println(Tree[len(Tree)-1]) } var blockhashes []string blockhashes = append(blockhashes, output.String()) sample = append(sample, output) H := sha_cap(blockhashes, 1) output.SetBytes(H) //sample = append(sample, output) } var collisions int = 0 for i := 0; i < sample_size; i++ { //fmt.Println(sample[i]) for j:=0; j < i; j++ { //if sample[i] == sample[j] { if sample[i].Cmp(&sample[j]) == 0 { collisions += 1 //fmt.Printf("collision on i, j: %d, %d", i, j) //fmt.Println(sample[i]) } } } fmt.Printf("number of outputs with same value: %d out of %d\n", (1+int(math.Pow(float64(1+8*collisions),0.5)))/2, sample_size) }