Added rough draft of casper4 simulator code

This commit is contained in:
vub 2017-02-23 13:34:29 -05:00
parent 317032273f
commit e9c69f679d
1 changed files with 269 additions and 0 deletions

casper4/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
# NOTE: This script is totally untested and likely has many bugs.
# Be warned!
import random
def poisson_latency(latency):
return lambda: int(random.gammavariate(1, 1) * latency)
class Network():
def __init__(self, latency):
self.nodes = []
self.latency = latency
self.time = 0
self.msg_arrivals = {}
def broadcast(self, msg):
delay = self.latency()
for i, n in enumerate(self.nodes):
if self.time + delay not in self.msg_arrivals[i]:
self.msg_arrivals[self.time + delay] = []
self.msg_arrivals[self.time + delay].append((i, msg))
def tick(self):
if self.time in self.msg_arrivals:
for node_index, msg in self.msg_arrivals[self.time]:
del self.msg_arrivals[self.time]
for n in self.nodes:
self.time += 1
class Block():
def __init__(self, parent=None):
if not parent:
self.number = 0
self.prevhash = 0
self.number = parent.number + 1
self.prevhash = parent.hash
self.hash = random.randrange(10**30)
def epoch(self):
return self.number // EPOCH_LENGTH
class Prepare():
def __init__(self, view, _hash, view_source):
self.view = view
self.hash = _hash
self.view_source = view_source
class Commit():
def __init__(self, view, _hash):
self.view = view
self.hash = _hash
GENESIS = Block()
# Fork choice rule:
# 1. HEAD = genesis
# 2. Find the descendant with the highest number of commits
# 3. Repeat 2 until 0 commits
# 4. Longest chain rule
class Node():
def __init__(self, network, id):
# List of highest-commit descendants along with their commit counts, in oldest-to-newest order
self.checkpoints = [GENESIS]
# Received blocks
self.received = {GENESIS.hash: GENESIS}
# Messages that will be processed once a given message is received
self.dependencies = {}
# Checkpoint to view source to prepare count
self.prepare_count = {}
# Checkpoints that can be committed
self.committable = {}
# Commits for any given checkpoint
# Genesis is an immutable start of the chain
self.commits = {GENESIS.hash: 101}
# My current epoch
self.current_epoch = 0
# My highest committed epoch and hash
self.highest_committed_epoch = -1
self.highest_committed_hash = None
# Network I am connected to = network
# Longest tail from each checkpoint
self.tails = {}
# Tail that each block belongs to
self.tail_membership = {}
# This node's ID = id
# Get the checkpoint immediately before a given checkpoint
def get_checkpoint_parent(self, block):
if block.number == 0:
return None
return self.receives[self.tail_membership[block.prevhash]]
# If we received an object but did not receive some dependencies
# needed to process it, save it to be processed later
def add_dependency(self, _hash, obj):
if _hash not in self.dependencies:
self.dependencies[_hash] = []
# Is a given checkpoint an ancestor of another given checkpoint?
def is_ancestor(self, anc, desc):
if not isinstance(anc, Block):
anc = self.received[anc]
if not isinstance(desc, Block):
desc = self.received[desc]
assert anc.number % EPOCH_LENGTH == 0
assert desc.number % EPOCH_LENGTH == 0
while True:
if desc is None:
return False
if desc.hash == anc.hash:
return True
desc = self.get_checkpoint_parent(desc)
# Called on receiving a block
def accept_block(self, block):
# If we didn't receive the block's parent yet, wait
if block.prevhash not in self.received:
self.add_dependency(block.prevhash, block)
# We recived the block
self.received[block.hash] = block
# If the block is an epoch block of a higher epoch
if block.number == (self.current_epoch + 1) * EPOCH_LENGTH:
# Increment our epoch
self.current_epoch = block.epoch
# If our highest committed hash is in the main chain (in most cases
# it should be), then send a prepare
if self.is_ancestor(self.highest_committed_hash, self.checkpoints[-1]):, block.hash, self.received[self.checkpoints[-1]].epoch))
# If it's an epoch block (in general)
if block.number % EPOCH_LENGTH == 0:
# Start a tail object for it
self.tail_membership[block.hash] = block.hash
self.tails[block.hash] = block
# Otherwise...
# See if it's part of the longest tail, if so set the tail accordingly
self.tail_membership[block.hash] = self.tail_membership[block.prevhash]
if block.number > self.tails[self.tail_membership[block.hash]].number:
self.tails[self.tail_membership[block.hash]] = block
# Pick a checkpoint by number of commits first, epoch number
# (ie. longest chain rule) second
def score_checkpoint(self, block):
return self.commits.get(block, 0) + 0.000000001 * block.number
# See if a given epoch block requires us to reorganize our checkpoint list
def check_checkpoints(self, block):
# Is this hash already in our main chain? Then do nothing
if block.hash in self.checkpoints:
# prev_checkpoint = self.received[self.checkpoints[self.checkpoints.index(block.hash) - 1]]
# if score_checkpoint(block) < score_checkpoint(prev_checkpoint):
# Figure out how many of our checkpoints we need to revert
z = len(self.checkpoints - 1)
new_score = score_checkpoint(block)
while new_score > score_checkpoint(self.checkpoints[z]):
z -= 1
# If none, do nothing
if z == len(self.checkpoints - 1):
# Delete the checkpoints that need to be superseded
self.checkpoints = self.checkpoints[:z + 1]
# Re-run the fork choice rule
while 1:
# Find the descendant with the highest score (commits first, epoch second)
max_score = 0
max_descendant = None
for _hash in self.descendants:
if self.is_ancestor(self.checkpoints[z], _hash):
new_score = score_checkpoint(self.received[_hash])
if new_score > max_score:
max_score = new_score
max_descendant = _hash
# Append to the chain that checkpoint, and all checkpoints between the
# last checkpoint and the new one
if max_descendant:
new_chain = [max_descendant.hash]
while new_chain[0].hash != self.checkpoints[z].hash:
new_chain.insert(0, self.get_checkpoint_parent(new_chain[0]))
# If there were no suitable descendants found, break
# Called on receiving a prepare message
def accept_prepare(self, prepare):
# If the block has not yet been received, wait
if prepare.hash not in self.received:
self.add_dependency(prepare.hash, prepare)
# Add to the prepare count
if prepare.hash not in self.prepare_count:
self.prepare_count[prepare.hash] = {}
self.prepare_count[prepare.hash][prepare.view_source] = self.prepare_count[prepare.hash].get(prepare.view_source, 0) + 1
# If there are enough prepares...
if self.prepare_count[prepare.hash][prepare.view_source] > (NODE_COUNT * 2) // 3:
# Mark it as committable
self.committable[prepare.hash] = True
# Start counting commits
self.commits[prepare.hash] = 0
# If there are dependencies (ie. commits that arrived before there
# were enough prepares), since there are now enough prepares we
# can process them
if "commit:"+str(prepare.hash) in self.dependencies:
for c in self.dependencies["commit:"+str(prepare.hash)]:
del self.dependencies["commit:"+str(prepare.hash)]
# Broadcast a commit
if self.current_epoch == prepare.view:, prepare.hash))
self.highest_committed_epoch = prepare.view
self.highest_committed_hash = prepare.hash
self.current_epoch = prepare.view + 1
# Called on receiving a commit message
def accept_commit(self, commit):
# If the block has not yet been received, wait
if commit.hash not in self.received:
self.add_dependency(commit.hash, commit)
# If there have not yet been enough prepares, wait
if commit.hash not in self.committable:
self.add_dependency("commit:"+str(commit.hash), commit)
# Add commits, and update checkpoints if needed
self.commits[commit.hash] += 1
if self.commits[commit.hash] % 10 == 0:
# Called on receiving any object
def on_receive(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Block):
elif isinstance(obj, Prepare):
elif isinstance(obj, Commit):
self.received[obj.hash] = obj
if obj.hash in self.dependencies:
for d in self.dependencies[obj.hash]:
del self.dependencies[obj.hash]
# Called every round
def tick(self):
if == (self.time // BLOCK_TIME) % NODE_COUNT and self.time % BLOCK_TIME == 0:
latest_checkpoint = self.checkpoints[-1]
latest_block = self.tails[latest_checkpoint]
new_block = Block(latest_block)
n = Network(poisson_latency(AVG_LATENCY))
nodes = [Node(n, i) for i in range(NODE_COUNT)]
for t in range(10000):