mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 05:35:14 +00:00
Started full PoS / BLS implementation
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
from hashlib import blake2s
blake = lambda x: blake2s(x).digest()
from py_ecc.optimized_bn128 import G1, G2, add, multiply, FQ, FQ2, pairing, \
normalize, field_modulus, b, b2, is_on_curve, curve_order
def compress_G1(pt):
x, y = normalize(pt)
return x.n + 2**255 * (y.n % 2)
def decompress_G1(p):
if p == 0:
return (FQ(1), FQ(1), FQ(0))
x = p % 2**255
y_mod_2 = p // 2**255
y = pow((x**3 + b.n) % field_modulus, (field_modulus+1)//4, field_modulus)
assert pow(y, 2, field_modulus) == (x**3 + b.n) % field_modulus
if y%2 != y_mod_2:
y = field_modulus - y
return (FQ(x), FQ(y), FQ(1))
# 16th root of unity
hex_root = FQ2([21573744529824266246521972077326577680729363968861965890554801909984373949499,
assert hex_root ** 8 != FQ2([1,0])
assert hex_root ** 16 == FQ2([1,0])
def sqrt_fq2(x):
y = x ** ((field_modulus ** 2 + 15) // 32)
while y**2 != x:
y *= hex_root
return y
def hash_to_G2(m):
k2 = m
while 1:
k1 = blake(k2)
k2 = blake(k1)
x1 = int.from_bytes(k1, 'big') % field_modulus
x2 = int.from_bytes(k2, 'big') % field_modulus
x = FQ2([x1, x2])
xcb = x**3 + b2
if xcb ** ((field_modulus ** 2 - 1) // 2) == FQ2([1,0]):
y = sqrt_fq2(xcb)
return multiply((x, y, FQ2([1,0])), 2*field_modulus-curve_order)
def compress_G2(pt):
assert is_on_curve(pt, b2)
x, y = normalize(pt)
return (x.coeffs[0] + 2**255 * (y.coeffs[0] % 2), x.coeffs[1])
def decompress_G2(p):
x1 = p[0] % 2**255
y1_mod_2 = p[0] // 2**255
x2 = p[1]
x = FQ2([x1, x2])
if x == FQ2([0, 0]):
return FQ2([1,0]), FQ2([1,0]), FQ2([0,0])
y = sqrt_fq2(x**3 + b2)
if y.coeffs[0] % 2 != y1_mod_2:
y = y * -1
assert is_on_curve((x, y, FQ2([1,0])), b2)
return x, y, FQ2([1,0])
def sign(m, k):
return compress_G2(multiply(hash_to_G2(m), k))
def privtopub(k):
return compress_G1(multiply(G1, k))
def verify(m, pub, sig):
return pairing(decompress_G2(sig), G1) == pairing(hash_to_G2(m), decompress_G1(pub))
def aggregate_sigs(sigs):
o = FQ2([1,0]), FQ2([1,0]), FQ2([0,0])
for s in sigs:
o = add(o, decompress_G2(s))
return compress_G2(o)
def aggregate_pubs(pubs):
o = FQ(1), FQ(1), FQ(0)
for p in pubs:
o = add(o, decompress_G1(p))
return compress_G1(o)
for x in (1, 5, 124, 735, 127409812145, 90768492698215092512159, 0):
print('Testing with privkey %d' % x)
p1 = multiply(G1, x)
p2 = multiply(G2, x)
msg = str(x).encode('utf-8')
msghash = hash_to_G2(msg)
assert normalize(decompress_G1(compress_G1(p1))) == normalize(p1)
assert normalize(decompress_G2(compress_G2(p2))) == normalize(p2)
assert normalize(decompress_G2(compress_G2(msghash))) == normalize(msghash)
sig = sign(msg, x)
pub = privtopub(x)
assert verify(msg, pub, sig)
print('Testing signature aggregation')
msg = b'cow'
keys = [1, 5, 124, 735, 127409812145, 90768492698215092512159, 0]
sigs = [sign(msg, k) for k in keys]
pubs = [privtopub(k) for k in keys]
aggsig = aggregate_sigs(sigs)
aggpub = aggregate_pubs(pubs)
assert verify(msg, aggpub, aggsig)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
from hashlib import blake2s
blake = lambda x: blake2s(x).digest()
from ethereum.utils import normalize_address, hash32, trie_root, \
big_endian_int, address, int256, encode_hex, decode_hex, encode_int, \
from rlp.sedes import big_endian_int, Binary, binary, CountableList
import rlp
import bls
import random
class BeaconBlock(rlp.Serializable):
fields = [
('parent_hash', hash32),
('skip_count', int256),
('randao_reveal', hash32),
('attestation_bitmask', binary),
('attestation_aggregate_sig', int256),
('ffg_signer_list', binary),
('ffg_aggregate_sig', int256),
('main_chain_ref', hash32),
('state_hash', hash32),
('height', int256),
('sig', int256)
def __init__(self,
parent_hash=b'\x00'*32, skip_count=0, randao_reveal=b'\x00'*32,
attestation_bitmask=b'', attestation_aggregate_sig=0,
ffg_signer_list=b'', ffg_aggregate_sig=0, main_chain_ref=b'\x00'*32,
state_hash=b'\x00'*32, height=0, sig=0):
# at the beginning of a method, locals() is a dict of all arguments
fields = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k != 'self'}
super(BlockHeader, self).__init__(**fields)
def quick_sample(seed, validator_count, sample_count):
k = 0
while 256**k < n:
k += 1
o = []; source = seed; pos = 0
while len(o) < sample_count:
if pos + k > 32:
source = blake(source)
pos = 0
m = big_endian_to_int(source[pos:pos+k])
if n * (m // n + 1) <= 256**k:
o.append(m % n)
pos += k
return o
privkeys = [int.from_bytes(blake2s(str(i).encode('utf-8'))) for i in range(3000)]
def mock_make_child(parent_state, skips, ):
fields = [
('parent_hash', hash32),
('skip_count', int256),
('randao_reveal', hash32),
('attestation_bitmask', binary),
('attestation_aggregate_sig', int256),
('ffg_signer_list', binary),
('ffg_aggregate_sig', int256),
('main_chain_ref', hash32),
('state_hash', hash32),
('height', int256),
('sig', int256)
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
import os
from binascii import hexlify
from Crypto.Hash import keccak
import random
def to_hex(s):
return hexlify(s).decode('utf-8')
memo = {}
def sha3(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = keccak.new(digest_bits=256, data=x).digest()
return memo[x]
def hash_to_int(h):
o = 0
for c in h:
o = (o << 8) + c
return o
def checkpow(work, nonce):
# Discrete log PoW, lolz
# Quadratic nonresidues only
return pow(work, nonce, 65537) * POWDIFF < 65537 * 2 and pow(nonce, 32768, 65537) == 65536
class MainChainBlock():
def __init__(self, parent, pownonce, ts):
self.parent_hash = parent.hash if parent else (b'\x00' * 32)
assert isinstance(self.parent_hash, bytes)
self.hash = sha3(self.parent_hash + str(pownonce).encode('utf-8'))
self.ts = ts
if parent:
assert checkpow(parent.pownonce, pownonce)
assert self.ts >= parent.ts
self.pownonce = pownonce
self.number = 0 if parent is None else parent.number + 1
main_genesis = MainChainBlock(None, 59049, 0)
class Node():
def __init__(self, _id, network, sleepy=False, careless=False, ts=0):
self.blocks = {
main_genesis.hash: main_genesis
self.main_chain = [main_genesis.hash]
self.timequeue = []
self.parentqueue = {}
self.children = {}
self.ts = ts
self.id = _id
self.network = network
self.used_parents = {}
self.processed = {}
self.sleepy = sleepy
self.careless = careless
def broadcast(self, x):
if self.sleepy and self.ts:
self.network.broadcast(self, x)
def log(self, words, lvl=3, all=False):
#if "Tick:" != words[:5] or self.id == 0:
if (self.id == 0 or all) and lvl >= 2:
print(self.id, words)
def on_receive(self, obj, reprocess=False):
if obj.hash in self.processed and not reprocess:
self.processed[obj.hash] = True
if isinstance(obj, MainChainBlock):
return self.on_receive_main_block(obj)
def add_to_timequeue(self, obj):
i = 0
while i < len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[i].ts < obj.ts:
i += 1
self.timequeue.insert(i, obj)
def add_to_multiset(self, _set, k, v):
if k not in _set:
_set[k] = []
def change_head(self, chain, new_head):
chain.extend([None] * (new_head.number + 1 - len(chain)))
i, c = new_head.number, new_head.hash
while c != chain[i]:
chain[i] = c
c = self.blocks[c].parent_hash
i -= 1
for i in range(len(chain)):
assert self.blocks[chain[i]].number == i
assert self.blocks[chain[i]].ts <= self.ts
def process_children(self, h):
if h in self.parentqueue:
for b in self.parentqueue[h]:
self.on_receive(b, reprocess=True)
del self.parentqueue[h]
def on_receive_main_block(self, block):
# Parent not yet received
if block.parent_hash not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.parent_hash, block)
return None
if block.ts > self.ts:
return None
self.log("Processing main chain block %s" % to_hex(block.hash[:4]))
self.blocks[block.hash] = block
# Reorg the main chain if new head
if block.number > self.blocks[self.main_chain[-1]].number:
reorging = (block.parent_hash != self.main_chain[-1])
self.change_head(self.main_chain, block)
# Add child record
self.add_to_multiset(self.children, block.parent_hash, block.hash)
# Final steps
self.network.broadcast(self, block)
def is_descendant(self, a, b):
a, b = self.blocks[a], self.blocks[b]
while b.number > a.number:
b = self.blocks[b.parent_hash]
return a.hash == b.hash
def tick(self):
self.ts += 0.1
self.log("Tick: %.1f" % self.ts, lvl=1)
# Process time queue
while len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[0].ts <= self.ts:
# Attempt to mine a main chain block
pownonce = random.randrange(65537)
mchead = self.blocks[self.main_chain[-1]]
if checkpow(mchead.pownonce, pownonce):
assert self.ts >= mchead.ts
self.broadcast(MainChainBlock(mchead, pownonce, self.ts))
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
from networksim import NetworkSimulator
from node import Node, NOTARIES, MainChainBlock, main_genesis
from pos_node import Node, NOTARIES, Block, genesis
from distributions import normal_distribution
net = NetworkSimulator(latency=12)
notaries = [Node(i, net, ts=max(normal_distribution(50, 50)(), 0)) for i in range(NOTARIES)]
notaries = [Node(i, net, ts=max(normal_distribution(200, 200)(), 0) * 0.1, sleepy=i%4==0) for i in range(NOTARIES)]
net.agents = notaries
for i in range(4000):
for i in range(100000):
for n in notaries:
print("Local timestamp: %.1f, timequeue len %d" % (n.ts, len(n.timequeue)))
print("Main chain head: %d" % n.blocks[n.main_chain[-1]].number)
print("Total main chain blocks received: %d" % (len([b for b in n.blocks.values() if isinstance(b, MainChainBlock)]) - 1))
print("Total main chain blocks received: %d" % (len([b for b in n.blocks.values() if isinstance(b, Block)]) - 1))
print("Notarized main chain blocks received: %d" % (len([b for b in n.blocks.values() if isinstance(b, Block) and n.is_notarized(b)]) - 1))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
@ -18,15 +20,22 @@ import random
#positions = {main_genesis.hash: 0, beacon_genesis.hash: 0}
#positions = {genesis.hash: 0, beacon_genesis.hash: 0}
#queue = [
for b in n.blocks.values():
for en in notaries:
if isinstance(b, Block) and b.hash in en.processed and b.hash not in en.blocks:
assert (not en.have_ancestry(b.hash)) or b.ts > en.ts
if b.number > 0:
if isinstance(b, MainChainBlock):
G.add_edge(b.hash, b.parent_hash, color='b')
if isinstance(b, Block):
if n.is_notarized(b):
G.add_edge(b.hash, b.parent_hash, color='b')
G.add_edge(b.hash, b.parent_hash, color='#dddddd')
cache = {main_genesis.hash: 0}
cache = {genesis.hash: 0}
def mkoffset(b):
if b.hash not in cache:
@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
import os
from binascii import hexlify
from Crypto.Hash import keccak
import random
def to_hex(s):
return hexlify(s).decode('utf-8')
memo = {}
def sha3(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = keccak.new(digest_bits=256, data=x).digest()
return memo[x]
def hash_to_int(h):
o = 0
for c in h:
o = (o << 8) + c
return o
def checkpow(work, nonce):
# Discrete log PoW, lolz
# Quadratic nonresidues only
return pow(work, nonce, 65537) * POWDIFF < 65537 * 2 and pow(nonce, 32768, 65537) == 65536
class MainChainBlock():
def __init__(self, parent, pownonce, ts):
self.parent_hash = parent.hash if parent else (b'\x00' * 32)
assert isinstance(self.parent_hash, bytes)
self.hash = sha3(self.parent_hash + str(pownonce).encode('utf-8'))
self.ts = ts
if parent:
assert checkpow(parent.pownonce, pownonce)
assert self.ts >= parent.ts
self.pownonce = pownonce
self.number = 0 if parent is None else parent.number + 1
# Not a full RANDAO; stub for now
class BeaconBlock():
def __init__(self, parent, proposer, ts, sigs, main_chain_ref):
self.contents = os.urandom(32)
self.parent_hash = parent.hash if parent else (b'\x11' * 32)
self.hash = sha3(self.parent_hash + self.contents)
self.ts = ts
self.sigs = sigs
self.number = parent.number + 1 if parent else 0
self.main_chain_ref = main_chain_ref.hash if main_chain_ref else parent.main_chain_ref
if parent:
i = parent.child_proposers.index(proposer)
assert self.ts >= parent.ts + BASE_TS_DIFF + i * SKIP_TS_DIFF
assert len(sigs) >= parent.notary_req
for sig in sigs:
assert sig.target_hash == self.parent_hash
# Calculate child proposers
v = hash_to_int(sha3(self.contents))
self.child_proposers = []
while v > 0:
self.child_proposers.append(v % NOTARIES)
# Calculate notaries
first = parent and proposer == parent.child_proposers[0]
self.notary_req = 0 if first else MIN_SAMPLE
v = hash_to_int(sha3(self.contents + b':n'))
self.notaries = []
for i in range(SAMPLE if first else SAMPLE):
self.notaries.append(v % NOTARIES)
# Calculate shard proposers
v = hash_to_int(sha3(self.contents + b':s'))
self.shard_proposers = []
for i in range(SHARDS):
self.shard_proposers.append(v % NOTARIES)
class Sig():
def __init__(self, proposer, target):
self.proposer = proposer
self.target_hash = target.hash
self.hash = os.urandom(32)
assert self.proposer in target.notaries
class ShardCollation():
def __init__(self, shard_id, parent, proposer, beacon_ref, ts):
self.proposer = proposer
self.parent_hash = parent.hash if parent else (bytes([40 + shard_id]) * 32)
self.hash = sha3(self.parent_hash + str(self.proposer).encode('utf-8') + beacon_ref.hash)
self.ts = ts
self.shard_id = shard_id
self.number = parent.number + 1 if parent else 0
self.beacon_ref = beacon_ref.hash
if parent:
assert self.shard_id == parent.shard_id
assert self.proposer == beacon_ref.shard_proposers[self.shard_id]
assert self.ts >= parent.ts
assert self.ts >= beacon_ref.ts
main_genesis = MainChainBlock(None, 59049, 0)
beacon_genesis = BeaconBlock(None, 1, 0, [], main_genesis)
shard_geneses = [ShardCollation(i, None, 0, beacon_genesis, 0) for i in range(SHARDS)]
class BlockMakingRequest():
def __init__(self, parent, ts):
self.parent = parent
self.ts = ts
self.hash = os.urandom(32)
class Node():
def __init__(self, _id, network, sleepy=False, careless=False):
self.blocks = {
beacon_genesis.hash: beacon_genesis,
main_genesis.hash: main_genesis
for s in shard_geneses:
self.blocks[s.hash] = s
self.sigs = {}
self.beacon_chain = [beacon_genesis.hash]
self.main_chain = [main_genesis.hash]
self.shard_chains = [[g.hash] for g in shard_geneses]
self.timequeue = []
self.parentqueue = {}
self.children = {}
self.ts = 0
self.id = _id
self.network = network
self.used_parents = {}
self.processed = {}
self.sleepy = sleepy
self.careless = careless
def broadcast(self, x):
if self.sleepy and self.ts:
#self.log("Broadcasting %s %s" % ("block" if isinstance(x, BeaconBlock) else "sig", to_hex(x.hash[:4])))
self.network.broadcast(self, x)
def log(self, words, lvl=3, all=False):
#if "Tick:" != words[:5] or self.id == 0:
if (self.id == 0 or all) and lvl >= 2:
print(self.id, words)
def on_receive(self, obj, reprocess=False):
if obj.hash in self.processed and not reprocess:
self.processed[obj.hash] = True
#self.log("Processing %s %s" % ("block" if isinstance(obj, BeaconBlock) else "sig", to_hex(obj.hash[:4])))
if isinstance(obj, BeaconBlock):
return self.on_receive_beacon_block(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, MainChainBlock):
return self.on_receive_main_block(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, ShardCollation):
return self.on_receive_shard_collation(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, Sig):
return self.on_receive_sig(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, BlockMakingRequest):
if self.beacon_chain[-1] == obj.parent:
mc_ref = self.blocks[obj.parent]
for i in range(2):
if mc_ref.number == 0:
#mc_ref = self.blocks[mc_ref].parent_hash
x = BeaconBlock(self.blocks[obj.parent], self.id, self.ts,
self.sigs[obj.parent] if obj.parent in self.sigs else [],
self.log("Broadcasting block %s" % to_hex(x.hash[:4]))
def add_to_timequeue(self, obj):
i = 0
while i < len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[i].ts < obj.ts:
i += 1
self.timequeue.insert(i, obj)
def add_to_multiset(self, _set, k, v):
if k not in _set:
_set[k] = []
def change_head(self, chain, new_head):
chain.extend([None] * (new_head.number + 1 - len(chain)))
i, c = new_head.number, new_head.hash
while c != chain[i]:
chain[i] = c
c = self.blocks[c].parent_hash
i -= 1
for i in range(len(chain)):
assert self.blocks[chain[i]].number == i
def recalculate_head(self, chain, condition):
while not condition(self.blocks[chain[-1]]):
descendant_queue = [chain[-1]]
new_head = chain[-1]
while len(descendant_queue):
first = descendant_queue.pop(0)
if first in self.children:
for c in self.children[first]:
if condition(self.blocks[c]):
if self.blocks[first].number > self.blocks[new_head].number:
new_head = first
self.change_head(chain, self.blocks[new_head])
for i in range(len(chain)):
assert condition(self.blocks[chain[i]])
def process_children(self, h):
if h in self.parentqueue:
for b in self.parentqueue[h]:
self.on_receive(b, reprocess=True)
del self.parentqueue[h]
def on_receive_main_block(self, block):
# Parent not yet received
if block.parent_hash not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.parent_hash, block)
return None
self.log("Processing main chain block %s" % to_hex(block.hash[:4]))
self.blocks[block.hash] = block
# Reorg the main chain if new head
if block.number > self.blocks[self.main_chain[-1]].number:
reorging = (block.parent_hash != self.main_chain[-1])
self.change_head(self.main_chain, block)
if reorging:
lambda b: isinstance(b, BeaconBlock) and b.main_chain_ref in self.main_chain)
for i in range(SHARDS):
lambda b: isinstance(b, ShardCollation) and b.shard_id == i and b.beacon_ref in self.beacon_chain)
# Add child record
self.add_to_multiset(self.children, block.parent_hash, block.hash)
# Final steps
self.network.broadcast(self, block)
def is_descendant(self, a, b):
a, b = self.blocks[a], self.blocks[b]
while b.number > a.number:
b = self.blocks[b.parent_hash]
return a.hash == b.hash
def change_beacon_head(self, new_head):
self.log("Changed beacon head: %s" % new_head.number)
reorging = (new_head.parent_hash != self.beacon_chain[-1])
self.change_head(self.beacon_chain, new_head)
if reorging:
for i in range(SHARDS):
lambda b: isinstance(b, ShardCollation) and b.shard_id == i and b.beacon_ref in self.beacon_chain)
# Produce shard collations?
for s in range(SHARDS):
if self.id == new_head.shard_proposers[s]:
sc = ShardCollation(s, self.blocks[self.shard_chains[s][-1]], self.id, new_head, self.ts)
assert sc.beacon_ref == new_head.hash
assert self.is_descendant(self.blocks[sc.parent_hash].beacon_ref, new_head.hash)
for c in self.shard_chains[s]:
assert self.blocks[c].shard_id == s and self.blocks[c].beacon_ref in self.beacon_chain
def on_receive_beacon_block(self, block):
# Parent not yet received
if block.parent_hash not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.parent_hash, block)
# Main chain parent not yet received
if block.main_chain_ref not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.main_chain_ref, block)
# Too early
if block.ts > self.ts:
# Check consistency of cross-link reference
assert self.is_descendant(self.blocks[block.parent_hash].main_chain_ref, block.main_chain_ref)
# Add the block
self.log("Processing beacon block %s" % to_hex(block.hash[:4]))
self.blocks[block.hash] = block
# Am I a notary, and is the block building on the head? Then broadcast a signature.
if block.parent_hash == self.beacon_chain[-1] or self.careless:
if self.id in block.notaries:
self.broadcast(Sig(self.id, block))
# Check for sigs, add to head?, make a block?
if len(self.sigs.get(block.hash, [])) >= block.notary_req:
if block.number > self.blocks[self.beacon_chain[-1]].number and block.main_chain_ref in self.main_chain:
if self.id in self.blocks[block.hash].child_proposers:
my_index = self.blocks[block.hash].child_proposers.index(self.id)
target_ts = block.ts + BASE_TS_DIFF + my_index * SKIP_TS_DIFF
self.add_to_timequeue(BlockMakingRequest(block.hash, target_ts))
# Add child record
self.add_to_multiset(self.children, block.parent_hash, block.hash)
# Final steps
self.network.broadcast(self, block)
def on_receive_sig(self, sig):
self.add_to_multiset(self.sigs, sig.target_hash, sig)
# Add to head? Make a block?
if sig.target_hash in self.blocks and len(self.sigs[sig.target_hash]) == self.blocks[sig.target_hash].notary_req:
block = self.blocks[sig.target_hash]
if block.number > self.blocks[self.beacon_chain[-1]].number and block.main_chain_ref in self.main_chain:
if self.id in block.child_proposers:
my_index = block.child_proposers.index(self.id)
target_ts = block.ts + BASE_TS_DIFF + my_index * SKIP_TS_DIFF
self.log("Making block request for %.1f" % target_ts)
self.add_to_timequeue(BlockMakingRequest(block.hash, target_ts))
# Rebroadcast
self.network.broadcast(self, sig)
def on_receive_shard_collation(self, block):
# Parent not yet received
if block.parent_hash not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.parent_hash, block)
return None
# Beacon ref not yet received
if block.beacon_ref not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.beacon_ref, block)
return None
# Check consistency of cross-link reference
assert self.is_descendant(self.blocks[block.parent_hash].beacon_ref, block.beacon_ref)
self.log("Processing shard collation %s" % to_hex(block.hash[:4]))
self.blocks[block.hash] = block
# Set head if needed
if block.number > self.blocks[self.shard_chains[block.shard_id][-1]].number and block.beacon_ref in self.beacon_chain:
self.change_head(self.shard_chains[block.shard_id], block)
# Add child record
self.add_to_multiset(self.children, block.parent_hash, block.hash)
# Final steps
self.network.broadcast(self, block)
def tick(self):
if self.ts == 0:
if self.id in beacon_genesis.notaries:
self.broadcast(Sig(self.id, beacon_genesis))
self.ts += 0.1
self.log("Tick: %.1f" % self.ts, lvl=1)
# Process time queue
while len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[0].ts <= self.ts:
# Attempt to mine a main chain block
pownonce = random.randrange(65537)
mchead = self.blocks[self.main_chain[-1]]
if checkpow(mchead.pownonce, pownonce):
self.broadcast(MainChainBlock(mchead, pownonce, self.ts))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user