Added a bunch of files
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
# All nodes are of the form [path1, child1, path2, child2]
# or <value>
from ethereum import utils
from ethereum.db import EphemDB, ListeningDB
import rlp, sys
import copy
hashfunc = utils.sha3
# 0100000101010111010000110100100101001001 -> ASCII
def decode_bin(x):
return ''.join([chr(int(x[i:i+8], 2)) for i in range(0, len(x), 8)])
# ASCII -> 0100000101010111010000110100100101001001
def encode_bin(x):
o = ''
for c in x:
c = ord(c)
p = ''
for i in range(8):
p = str(c % 2) + p
c /= 2
o += p
return o
# Encodes a binary list [0,1,0,1,1,0] of any length into bytes
def encode_bin_path(li):
if li == []:
return ''
b = ''.join([str(x) for x in li])
b2 = '0' * ((4 - len(b)) % 4) + b
prefix = ['00', '01', '10', '11'][len(b) % 4]
if len(b2) % 8 == 4:
return decode_bin('00' + prefix + b2)
return decode_bin('100000' + prefix + b2)
# Decodes bytes into a binary list
def decode_bin_path(p):
if p == '':
return []
p = encode_bin(p)
if p[0] == '1':
p = p[4:]
assert p[0:2] == '00'
L = ['00', '01', '10', '11'].index(p[2:4])
p = p[4+((4 - L) % 4):]
return [(1 if x == '1' else 0) for x in p]
# Get a node from a database if needed
def dbget(node, db):
if len(node) == HASHLEN:
return rlp.decode(db.get(node))
return node
# Place a node into a database if needed
def dbput(node, db):
r = rlp.encode(node)
if len(r) == HASHLEN or len(r) > HASHLEN * 2:
h = hashfunc(r)
db.put(h, r)
return h
return node
# Get a value from a tree
def get(node, db, key):
node = dbget(node, db)
if key == []:
return node[0]
elif len(node) == 1 or len(node) == 0:
return ''
sub = dbget(node[key[0]], db)
if len(sub) == 2:
subpath, subnode = sub
subpath, subnode = '', sub[0]
subpath = decode_bin_path(subpath)
if key[1:len(subpath)+1] != subpath:
return ''
return get(subnode, db, key[len(subpath)+1:])
# Get length of shared prefix of inputs
def get_shared_length(l1, l2):
i = 0
while i < len(l1) and i < len(l2) and l1[i] == l2[i]:
i += 1
return i
# Replace ['', v] with [v] and compact nodes into hashes
# if needed
def contract_node(n, db):
if len(n[0]) == 2 and n[0][0] == '':
n[0] = [n[0][1]]
if len(n[1]) == 2 and n[1][0] == '':
n[1] = [n[1][1]]
if len(n[0]) != 32:
n[0] = dbput(n[0], db)
if len(n[1]) != 32:
n[1] = dbput(n[1], db)
return dbput(n, db)
# Update a trie
def update(node, db, key, val):
node = dbget(node, db)
# Unfortunately this particular design does not allow
# a node to have one child, so at the root for empty
# tries we need to add two dummy children
if node == '':
node = [dbput([encode_bin_path([]), ''], db),
dbput([encode_bin_path([1]), ''], db)]
if key == []:
node = [val]
elif len(node) == 1:
raise Exception("DB must be prefix-free")
assert len(node) == 2, node
sub = dbget(node[key[0]], db)
if len(sub) == 2:
_subpath, subnode = sub
_subpath, subnode = '', sub[0]
subpath = decode_bin_path(_subpath)
sl = get_shared_length(subpath, key[1:])
if sl == len(subpath):
node[key[0]] = [_subpath, update(subnode, db, key[sl+1:], val)]
subpath_next = subpath[sl]
n = [0, 0]
n[subpath_next] = [encode_bin_path(subpath[sl+1:]), subnode]
n[(1 - subpath_next)] = [encode_bin_path(key[sl+2:]), [val]]
n = contract_node(n, db)
node[key[0]] = dbput([encode_bin_path(subpath[:sl]), n], db)
return contract_node(node, db)
# Compression algorithm specialized for merkle proof databases
# The idea is similar to standard compression algorithms, where
# you replace an instance of a repeat with a pointer to the repeat,
# except that here you replace an instance of a hash of a value
# with the pointer of a value. This is useful since merkle branches
# usually include nodes which contain hashes of each other
magic = '\xff\x39'
def compress_db(db):
out = []
values = db.kv.values()
keys = [hashfunc(x) for x in values]
assert len(keys) < 65300
for v in values:
o = ''
pos = 0
while pos < len(v):
done = False
if v[pos:pos+2] == magic:
o += magic + magic
done = True
pos += 2
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
if v[pos:].startswith(k):
o += magic + chr(i // 256) + chr(i % 256)
done = True
pos += len(k)
if not done:
o += v[pos]
pos += 1
return rlp.encode(out)
def decompress_db(ins):
ins = rlp.decode(ins)
vals = [None] * len(ins)
def decipher(i):
if vals[i] is None:
v = ins[i]
o = ''
pos = 0
while pos < len(v):
if v[pos:pos+2] == magic:
if v[pos+2:pos+4] == magic:
o += magic
ind = ord(v[pos+2]) * 256 + ord(v[pos+3])
o += hashfunc(decipher(ind))
pos += 4
o += v[pos]
pos += 1
vals[i] = o
return vals[i]
for i in range(len(ins)):
o = EphemDB()
for v in vals:
o.put(hashfunc(v), v)
return o
# Convert a merkle branch directly into RLP (ie. remove
# the hashing indirection). As it turns out, this is a
# really compact way to represent a branch
def compress_branch(db, root):
o = dbget(copy.copy(root), db)
def evaluate_node(x):
for i in range(len(x)):
if len(x[i]) == HASHLEN and x[i] in db.kv:
x[i] = evaluate_node(dbget(x[i], db))
elif isinstance(x, list):
x[i] = evaluate_node(x[i])
return x
o2 = rlp.encode(evaluate_node(o))
return o2
def decompress_branch(branch):
branch = rlp.decode(branch)
db = EphemDB()
def evaluate_node(x):
if isinstance(x, list):
x = [evaluate_node(n) for n in x]
x = dbput(x, db)
return x
return db
# Test with n nodes and k branch picks
def test(n, m=100):
assert m <= n
db = EphemDB()
x = ''
for i in range(n):
k = hashfunc(str(i))
v = hashfunc('v'+str(i))
x = update(x, db, [int(a) for a in encode_bin(rlp.encode(k))], v)
print(sum([len(val) for key, val in db.db.items()]))
l1 = ListeningDB(db)
o = 0
p = 0
q = 0
ecks = x
for i in range(m):
x = copy.deepcopy(ecks)
k = hashfunc(str(i))
v = hashfunc('v'+str(i))
l2 = ListeningDB(l1)
v2 = get(x, l2, [int(a) for a in encode_bin(rlp.encode(k))])
assert v == v2
o += sum([len(val) for key, val in l2.kv.items()])
cdb = compress_db(l2)
p += len(cdb)
assert decompress_db(cdb).kv == l2.kv
cbr = compress_branch(l2, x)
q += len(cbr)
dbranch = decompress_branch(cbr)
assert v == get(x, dbranch, [int(a) for a in encode_bin(rlp.encode(k))])
# for k in l2.kv:
# assert k in dbranch.kv
o = {
'total_db_size': sum([len(val) for key, val in l1.kv.items()]),
'avg_proof_size': sum([len(val) for key, val in l1.kv.items()]),
'avg_compressed_proof_size': (p // min(n, m)),
'avg_branch_size': (q // min(n, m)),
'compressed_db_size': len(compress_db(l1))
return o
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import bintrie
datapoints = [1, 3, 10, 31, 100, 316, 1000, 3162]
o = []
for i in range(len(datapoints)):
p = []
for j in range(i+1):
print 'Running with: %d %d' % (datapoints[i], datapoints[j])
p.append(bintrie.test(datapoints[i], datapoints[j])['compressed_db_size'])
print o
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
# Information about validators
validators: {
# Amount of wei the validator holds
deposit: wei_value,
# The epoch the validator is joining
epoch_start: num,
# The epoch the validator is leaving
epoch_end: num,
# The timestamp at which the validator can withdraw
withdrawal_time: timestamp,
# The address which the validator's signatures must verify to (to be later replaced with validation code)
addr: address,
# Addess to withdraw to
withdrawal_addr: address,
# The max epoch at which the validator prepared
max_prepared: num,
# The max epoch at which the validator committed
max_committed: num
# Information for use in processing cryptoeconomic commitments
consensus_messages: {
# Total deposits during this epoch
total_deposits: wei_value,
# How many prepares are there for this hash (hash of message hash + view source)
prepares: wei_value[bytes32],
# Is a commit on the given hash justified?
justified: bool[bytes32],
}[num] # index: epoch
# ancestry[x][y] = k > 0: x is a kth generation ancestor of y
ancestry: num[bytes32][bytes32]
# Number of validators
nextValidatorIndex: num
# Constant that guides the size of validator rewards
interest_rate: decimal(1 / sec)
# Time between blocks
block_time: timedelta
# Length of an epoch in blocks
epoch_length: num
# Withdrawal delay
withdrawal_delay: timedelta
# Delay after which a message can be slashed due to absence of justification
insufficiency_slash_delay: timedelta
# Current epoch
current_epoch: num
def initialize_epoch(epoch: num):
computed_current_epoch = block.number / self.epoch_length
if epoch <= computed_current_epoch and epoch == self.current_epoch + 1:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].total_deposits += self.consensus_messages[self.current_epoch].total_deposits
self.current_epoch = epoch
def deposit(validation_addr: address, withdrawal_addr: address):
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
start_epoch = (self.current_epoch - (self.current_epoch % 50)) + 100
self.validators[self.nextValidatorIndex] = {
deposit: msg.value,
epoch_start: start_epoch,
epoch_end: 1000000000000000000000000000000,
withdrawal_time: 1000000000000000000000000000000,
addr: validation_addr,
withdrawal_addr: withdrawal_addr,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
self.nextValidatorIndex += 1
self.interest_rate = 0.000001
self.block_time = 7
self.epoch_length = 1024
self.withdrawal_delay = 2500000
self.insufficiency_slash_delay = self.withdrawal_delay / 2
self.consensus_messages[start_epoch].total_deposits += msg.value
def start_withdrawal(index: num, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
assert len(sig) == 96
assert ecrecover(sha3("withdraw"),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that we haven't already withdrawn
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
end_epoch = (self.current_epoch - (self.current_epoch % 50)) + 100
assert self.validators[index].epoch_end > end_epoch
# Set the end epoch
self.validators[index].epoch_end = end_epoch
self.consensus_messages[end_epoch].total_deposits -= self.validators[index].deposit
# Set the withdrawal date
self.validators[index].withdrawal_time = block.timestamp + self.withdrawal_delay
def withdraw(index: num):
if block.timestamp >= self.validators[index].withdrawal_time:
send(self.validators[index].withdrawal_addr, self.validators[index].deposit)
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
epoch_start: 0,
epoch_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
def prepare(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, ancestry_hash: bytes32,
epoch_source: num, source_ancestry_hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("prepare", as_bytes32(epoch), hash, ancestry_hash, as_bytes32(epoch_source), source_ancestry_hash))
assert len(sig) == 96
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that we are in the right epoch
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert self.current_epoch == epoch
assert self.validators[index].epoch_start <= epoch
assert epoch < self.validators[index].epoch_end
# Check that we have not yet prepared for this epoch
assert self.validators[index].max_prepared == epoch - 1
# Pay the reward if the blockhash is correct
if True: #~blockhash(epoch * self.epoch_length) == hash:
reward = floor(self.validators[index].deposit * self.interest_rate * self.block_time)
self.validators[index].deposit += reward
self.consensus_messages[self.current_epoch].total_deposits += reward
# Can't prepare for this epoch again
self.validators[index].max_prepared = epoch
# Record that this prepare took place
new_ancestry_hash = sha3(concat(hash, ancestry_hash))
self.consensus_messages[epoch].prepares[sighash] += self.validators[index].deposit
# If enough prepares with the same epoch_source and hash are made,
# then the hash value is justified for commitment
if self.consensus_messages[epoch].prepares[sighash] >= self.consensus_messages[epoch].total_deposits * 2 / 3 and \
not self.consensus_messages[epoch].justified[new_ancestry_hash]:
self.consensus_messages[epoch].justified[new_ancestry_hash] = True
# Add a parent-child relation between ancestry hashes to the ancestry table
self.ancestry[ancestry_hash][new_ancestry_hash] = 1
def commit(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("commit", as_bytes32(epoch), hash))
assert len(sig) == 96
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that we are in the right epoch
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert self.current_epoch == epoch
assert self.validators[index].epoch_start <= epoch
assert epoch < self.validators[index].epoch_end
# Check that we have not yet committed for this epoch
assert self.validators[index].max_committed == epoch - 1
# Pay the reward if the blockhash is correct
if True: #~blockhash(epoch * self.epoch_length) == hash:
reward = floor(self.validators[index].deposit * self.interest_rate * self.block_time)
self.validators[index].deposit += reward
self.consensus_messages[self.current_epoch].total_deposits += reward
# Can't commit for this epoch again
self.validators[index].max_committed = epoch
# Cannot make two versions of the same message
def intra_epoch_equivocation_slash(index: num, epoch: num, msgtype: bytes <= 16,
args1: bytes <= 250, args2: bytes <= 250, sig1: bytes <= 96, sig2: bytes<= 96):
# Signature check
sighash1 = sha3(concat(msgtype, as_bytes32(epoch), args1))
sighash2 = sha3(concat(msgtype, as_bytes32(epoch), args2))
assert ecrecover(sighash1,
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
assert ecrecover(sighash2,
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that they're not the same message
assert sighash1 != sighash2
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.consensus_messages[self.current_epoch].total_deposits -= (validator_deposit - validator_deposit / 25)
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
epoch_start: 0,
epoch_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
def prepare_commit_inconsistency_slash(index: num, prepare_epoch: num, prepare_hash: bytes32,
prepare_source_epoch: num, prepare_source_ancestry_hash: bytes32, sig1: bytes <= 96,
commit_epoch: num, commit_hash: bytes32, sig2: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash1 = sha3(concat("prepare", as_bytes32(prepare_epoch), prepare_hash,
as_bytes32(prepare_source_epoch), prepare_source_ancestry_hash))
sighash2 = sha3(concat("commit", as_bytes32(commit_epoch), commit_hash))
assert ecrecover(sighash1,
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig1, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
assert ecrecover(sighash2,
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig2, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that they're not the same message
assert sighash1 != sighash2
# Check that the prepare refers to something older than the commit
assert prepare_source_epoch < commit_epoch
# Check that the prepare is newer than the commit
assert commit_epoch < prepare_epoch
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.consensus_messages[self.current_epoch].total_deposits -= validator_deposit
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
epoch_start: 0,
epoch_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
def commit_non_justification_slash(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("commit", as_bytes32(epoch), hash))
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that the commit is old enough
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert (epoch - self.current_epoch) * self.block_time > self.insufficiency_slash_delay
assert not self.consensus_messages[epoch].justified[hash]
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.consensus_messages[self.current_epoch].total_deposits -= validator_deposit
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
epoch_start: 0,
epoch_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
# Fill in the table for which hash is what-degree ancestor of which other hash
def derive_ancestry(top: bytes32, middle: bytes32, bottom: bytes32):
assert self.ancestry[middle][top]
assert self.ancestry[bottom][middle]
self.ancestry[bottom][top] = self.ancestry[bottom][middle] + self.ancestry[middle][top]
def prepare_non_justification_slash(index: num, epoch: num, hash: bytes32, epoch_source: num,
source_ancestry_hash: bytes32, sig: bytes <= 96):
# Signature check
sighash = sha3(concat("viewchange", as_bytes32(epoch), hash, as_bytes32(epoch_source), source_ancestry_hash))
assert ecrecover(sighash,
as_num256(extract32(sig, 0)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 32)),
as_num256(extract32(sig, 64))) == self.validators[index].addr
# Check that the view change is old enough
assert self.current_epoch == block.number / self.epoch_length
assert (epoch - self.current_epoch) * self.block_time > self.insufficiency_slash_delay
# Check that the source ancestry hash had enough prepares
assert not self.consensus_messages[epoch_source].justified[source_ancestry_hash]
# Delete the offending validator, and give a 4% "finder's fee"
validator_deposit = self.validators[index].deposit
send(msg.sender, validator_deposit / 25)
self.consensus_messages[self.current_epoch].total_deposits -= validator_deposit
self.validators[index] = {
deposit: 0,
epoch_start: 0,
epoch_end: 0,
withdrawal_time: 0,
addr: None,
withdrawal_addr: None,
max_prepared: 0,
max_committed: 0,
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import random
import datetime
hashpower = 10 * 10**12.
diffs = [hashpower * 14.2]
times = [1487670523]
for i in range(3230000, 6010000):
blocktime = random.expovariate(hashpower / diffs[-1])
adjfac = max(1 - int(blocktime / 10), -99) / 2048.
newdiff = diffs[-1] * (1 + adjfac)
if i > 200000:
newdiff += 2 ** ((i - 200000) // 100000)
times.append(times[-1] + blocktime)
if i % 10000 == 0:
print 'Block %d, approx ETH supply %d, time %r blocktime %.2f' % \
(i, 60102216 * 1.199 + 5.3 * i, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(times[-1]).isoformat().replace('T',' '), diffs[-1] / hashpower)
# print int(adjfac * 2048)
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
coins = ['BTC', 'ETH', 'LTC', 'XMR', 'XRP', 'DASH', 'MAID', 'XEM', 'DOGE']
returns = [2.2638834003579813, 8.116901792476218, 1.3165650562863767, 28.082132882509775, 1.085332332146777, 3.133009784746374, 7.253804471524264, 21.965787725641633, 1.4764456923421703]
cov = {'DASH': {'DASH': 0.7644961854506808, 'XEM': 0.12731810810740216, 'DOGE': 0.024594538249552256, 'LTC': -0.017885008134766338, 'MAID': 0.15851962585719734, 'BTC': 0.04633192428471714, 'ETH': 0.06459627506298854, 'XRP': 0.0485013905397046, 'XMR': 0.07136735462548086}, 'XEM': {'DASH': 0.12731810810740216, 'XEM': 2.696964866397394, 'DOGE': 0.2573684776370606, 'LTC': 0.2451590145706355, 'MAID': 0.24638558526778676, 'BTC': 0.3162291738177758, 'ETH': 0.16795613694062173, 'XRP': 0.20794892099014484, 'XMR': 0.24474433942952412}, 'DOGE': {'DASH': 0.024594538249552256, 'XEM': 0.2573684776370606, 'DOGE': 0.9048010148463588, 'LTC': 0.21028685267231811, 'MAID': 0.1969666908833168, 'BTC': 0.18023154281182274, 'ETH': 0.04381871552036941, 'XRP': 0.22505760423798415, 'XMR': 0.10013128092001486}, 'LTC': {'DASH': -0.017885008134766338, 'XEM': 0.2451590145706355, 'DOGE': 0.21028685267231811, 'LTC': 0.3396675230101496, 'MAID': -0.023217502484851917, 'BTC': 0.2188873903143038, 'ETH': 0.0070895267193696165, 'XRP': 0.04038308119562005, 'XMR': 0.10439499530126177}, 'MAID': {'DASH': 0.15851962585719734, 'XEM': 0.24638558526778676, 'DOGE': 0.1969666908833168, 'LTC': -0.023217502484851917, 'MAID': 1.544265885009231, 'BTC': 0.05656467031525303, 'ETH': 0.43029061022937815, 'XRP': 0.060012979312135256, 'XMR': 0.25174166270626736}, 'BTC': {'DASH': 0.04633192428471714, 'XEM': 0.3162291738177758, 'DOGE': 0.18023154281182274, 'LTC': 0.2188873903143038, 'MAID': 0.05656467031525303, 'BTC': 0.25654027047139827, 'ETH': 0.06821288200609678, 'XRP': 0.046123059468558665, 'XMR': 0.1305858044189298}, 'ETH': {'DASH': 0.06459627506298854, 'XEM': 0.16795613694062173, 'DOGE': 0.04381871552036941, 'LTC': 0.0070895267193696165, 'MAID': 0.43029061022937815, 'BTC': 0.06821288200609678, 'ETH': 1.804694928609396, 'XRP': 0.07518882101080702, 'XMR': 0.303144422512906}, 'XRP': {'DASH': 0.0485013905397046, 'XEM': 0.20794892099014484, 'DOGE': 0.22505760423798415, 'LTC': 0.04038308119562005, 'MAID': 0.060012979312135256, 'BTC': 0.046123059468558665, 'ETH': 0.07518882101080702, 'XRP': 0.6588605216541893, 'XMR': 0.14127690730888484}, 'XMR': {'DASH': 0.07136735462548086, 'XEM': 0.24474433942952412, 'DOGE': 0.10013128092001486, 'LTC': 0.10439499530126177, 'MAID': 0.25174166270626736, 'BTC': 0.1305858044189298, 'ETH': 0.303144422512906, 'XRP': 0.14127690730888484, 'XMR': 2.1356359326142704}}
portfolio = [1.0 / len(coins)] * len(coins)
def score(dist):
s = 0
for i1, c1 in enumerate(coins):
# s += dist[i1] * returns[i1] / 20
if dist[i1] < 0:
s -= 999999
for i2, c2 in enumerate(coins):
s -= dist[i1] * dist[i2] * cov[c1][c2]
return s
p = portfolio
orig_score = score(p)
for i in range(1000):
for j in range(len(coins)):
pup = [(p[k] if k != j else p[k] + 0.01) - 0.01 / len(coins) for k in range(len(p))]
scoreup = score(pup)
pdown = [(p[k] if k != j else p[k] - 0.01) + 0.01 / len(coins) for k in range(len(p))]
scoredown = score(pdown)
if scoreup > orig_score > scoredown:
p = pup
orig_score = score(p)
elif scoredown > orig_score > scoreup:
p = pdown
orig_score = score(p)
print p, orig_score
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import datetime, json, random
from urllib.request import build_opener
from urllib2 import build_opener
# Makes a request to a given URL (first arg) and optional params (second arg)
def make_request(*args):
opener = build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent',
except Exception as e:
p =
p = e
raise Exception(p)
coins = ['BTC', 'ETH', 'LTC', 'XMR', 'XRP', 'DASH', 'MAID', 'XEM', 'DOGE']
altcoins = coins[1:]
now = int('%s'))
prices = []
coinstring = ','.join(altcoins)
for t in range(now, now - 86400 * 365, -86400):
btcprice = json.loads(make_request('' % t))["BTC"]["USD"]
cryptoprices = json.loads(make_request('' % (coinstring, t)))["BTC"]
pricelist = {'BTC': btcprice, 'timestamp': t}
for p in altcoins:
pricelist[p] = btcprice * 1.0 / cryptoprices[p]
print pricelist
print 'all prices', prices
cov = {}
for k1 in coins:
cov[k1] = {}
for k2 in coins:
cov[k1][k2] = 0
for i in range(len(prices) - 1):
for k1 in coins:
pricechangek1 = prices[i + 1][k1] / prices[i][k1] - 1
for k2 in coins:
pricechangek2 = prices[i + 1][k2] / prices[i][k2] - 1
cov[k1][k2] += pricechangek1 * pricechangek2
print 'raw cov', cov
var = {c: cov[c][c] for c in coins}
for k1 in coins:
for k2 in coins:
cov[k1][k2] /= (var[k1] ** 0.5 * var[k2] ** 0.5)
print 'correlation', cov
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import random
modulus = 97
def mkrandom(width, length):
o = []
for i in range(length):
o.append((random.randrange(width), random.randrange(width),
return o
def eval(inp, prog):
o = [x for x in inp]
for p in prog:
out, mul1, mul2 = p
o[out] = (o[out] + mul1 * mul2) % modulus
return o
def mkinp(width):
return [random.randrange(modulus) for i in range(width)]
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