Added new binary trie design

This commit is contained in:
Vitalik Buterin 2017-08-01 08:42:08 -04:00
parent 8c6f40ebab
commit 210cae3fed
2 changed files with 218 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
from bin_utils import encode_bin_path, decode_bin_path, common_prefix_length, encode_bin, decode_bin
from ethereum.utils import sha3, encode_hex
class EphemDB():
def __init__(self):
self.kv = {}
def get(self, k):
return self.kv.get(k, None)
def put(self, k, v):
self.kv[k] = v
b1 = bytes([1])
b0 = bytes([0])
def parse_node(node):
if len(node) == 64:
return node[:32], node[32:], BRANCH_TYPE
return decode_bin_path(node[:-32]), node[-32:], KV_TYPE
def encode_kv_node(keypath, node):
assert keypath
assert len(node) == 32
o = encode_bin_path(keypath) + node
assert len(o) < 64
return o
def encode_branch_node(left, right):
assert len(left) == len(right) == 32
return left + right
def hash_and_save(db, node):
h = sha3(node)
db.put(h, node)
return h
def _get(db, node, keypath):
if not keypath:
return db.get(node)
L, R, nodetype = parse_node(db.get(node))
if nodetype == KV_TYPE:
if keypath[:len(L)] == L:
return _get(db, R, keypath[len(L):])
return None
elif nodetype == BRANCH_TYPE:
if keypath[:1] == b0:
return _get(db, L, keypath[1:])
return _get(db, R, keypath[1:])
def _update(db, node, keypath, val):
if not keypath:
return hash_and_save(db, val)
if not node:
return hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(keypath, hash_and_save(db, val)))
L, R, nodetype = parse_node(db.get(node))
if nodetype == KV_TYPE:
if keypath[:len(L)] == L:
o = _update(db, R, keypath[len(L):], val)
assert o is not None
if len(L) == len(keypath):
return hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(L, o)) if o else b''
subL, subR, subnodetype = parse_node(db.get(o))
if subnodetype == KV_TYPE:
return hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(L + subL, subR))
return hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(L, o)) if o else b''
cf = common_prefix_length(L, keypath[:len(L)])
if len(keypath) == cf + 1:
valnode = val
valnode = hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(keypath[cf+1:], hash_and_save(db, val)))
if len(L) == cf + 1:
oldnode = R
oldnode = hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(L[cf+1:], R))
if keypath[cf:cf+1] == b1:
newsub = hash_and_save(db, encode_branch_node(oldnode, valnode))
newsub = hash_and_save(db, encode_branch_node(valnode, oldnode))
if cf:
return hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(L[:cf], newsub))
return newsub
elif nodetype == BRANCH_TYPE:
newL, newR = L, R
if keypath[:1] == b0:
newL = _update(db, L, keypath[1:], val)
newR = _update(db, R, keypath[1:], val)
if not newL or not newR:
subL, subR, subnodetype = parse_node(db.get(newL or newR))
first_bit = b1 if newR else b0
if subnodetype == KV_TYPE:
return hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(first_bit + subL, subR))
elif subnodetype == BRANCH_TYPE:
return hash_and_save(db, encode_kv_node(first_bit, newL or newR))
raise Exception("cow")
return hash_and_save(db, encode_branch_node(newL, newR))
raise Exception("cow")
def print_and_check_invariants(db, node, prefix=b''):
#print('pci', node, prefix)
if len(prefix) == 160:
return {prefix: db.get(node)}
if node == b'' and prefix == b'':
return {}
L, R, nodetype = parse_node(db.get(node))
#print('lrn', L, R, nodetype)
if nodetype == KV_TYPE:
assert 0 < len(L) <= 160 - len(prefix)
if len(L) + len(prefix) < 160:
subL, subR, subnodetype = parse_node(db.get(R))
assert subnodetype != KV_TYPE
return print_and_check_invariants(db, R, prefix + L)
assert L and R
o = {}
o.update(print_and_check_invariants(db, L, prefix + b0))
o.update(print_and_check_invariants(db, R, prefix + b1))
return o
def print_nodes(db, node, prefix=b''):
if len(prefix) == 160:
print('value node', encode_hex(node[:4]), db.get(node))
if node == b'':
print('empty node')
L, R, nodetype = parse_node(db.get(node))
if nodetype == KV_TYPE:
print(('kv node:', encode_hex(node[:4]), ''.join(['1' if x == 1 else '0' for x in L]), encode_hex(R[:4])))
print_nodes(db, R, prefix + L)
print(('branch node:', encode_hex(node[:4]), encode_hex(L[:4]), encode_hex(R[:4])))
print_nodes(db, L, prefix + b0)
print_nodes(db, R, prefix + b1)
def _get_branch(db, node, keypath):
if not keypath:
return [node]
L, R, nodetype = parse_node(db.get(node))
if nodetype == KV_TYPE:
path = encode_bin_path(L)
if keypath[:len(L)] == L:
return [path] + _get_branch(db, R, keypath[len(L):])
return [path]
elif nodetype == BRANCH_TYPE:
if keypath[:1] == b0:
return [R] + _get_branch(db, L, keypath[1:])
return [L] + _get_branch(db, R, keypath[1:])
class Trie():
def __init__(self, db, root):
self.db = db
self.root = root
assert isinstance(self.root, bytes)
def get(self, key):
assert len(key) == 20
return _get(self.db, self.root, encode_bin(key))
def get_branch(self, key):
return _get_branch(self.db, self.root, encode_bin(key))
def update(self, key, value):
assert len(key) == 20
self.root = _update(self.db, self.root, encode_bin(key), value)
def to_dict(self, hexify=False):
o = print_and_check_invariants(self.db, self.root)
encoder = lambda x: encode_hex(x) if hexify else x
return {encoder(decode_bin(k)): v for k, v in o.items()}
def print_nodes(self):
print_nodes(self.db, self.root)

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
from new_bintrie import Trie, EphemDB, encode_bin, encode_bin_path, decode_bin_path
from ethereum.utils import sha3, encode_hex
import random
def shuffle_in_place(x):
y = x[::]
return y
kvpairs = [(sha3(str(i))[12:], str(i) * 5) for i in range(1000)]
for path in ([], [1,0,1], [0,0,1,0], [1,0,0,1,0], [1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0], [1,0] * 8):
assert decode_bin_path(encode_bin_path(bytes(path))) == bytes(path)
r1 = None
for i in range(3):
t = Trie(EphemDB(), b'')
for k, v in shuffle_in_place(kvpairs):
t.update(k, v)
assert t.get(k) == v
assert r1 is None or t.root == r1
r1 = t.root
t.update(kvpairs[0][0], kvpairs[0][1])
assert t.root == r1