mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 06:00:43 +00:00
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
import os
from binascii import hexlify
from Crypto.Hash import keccak
import random
def to_hex(s):
return hexlify(s).decode('utf-8')
memo = {}
def sha3(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = keccak.new(digest_bits=256, data=x).digest()
return memo[x]
def hash_to_int(h):
o = 0
for c in h:
o = (o << 8) + c
return o
# Not a full RANDAO; stub for now
class Block():
def __init__(self, parent, slot, proposer):
self.contents = os.urandom(32)
self.parent_hash = parent.hash if parent else (b'\x00' * 32)
self.hash = sha3(self.parent_hash + self.contents)
self.height = parent.height + 1 if parent else 0
assert slot % NOTARIES == proposer
self.proposer = proposer
self.slot = slot
def min_timestamp(self):
return SLOT_SIZE * self.slot
class Sig():
def __init__(self, proposer, targets, ts):
self.proposer = proposer
self.targets = targets
self.hash = os.urandom(32)
self.ts = ts
genesis = Block(None, 0, 0)
class Node():
def __init__(self, _id, network, sleepy=False, careless=False, ts=0):
self.blocks = {
genesis.hash: genesis,
self.sigs = {}
self.main_chain = [genesis.hash]
self.timequeue = []
self.parentqueue = {}
self.children = {}
self.scores = {}
self.justified = {}
self.finalized = {}
self.ts = ts
self.id = _id
self.network = network
self.used_parents = {}
self.processed = {}
self.sleepy = sleepy
self.careless = careless
self.first_round = True
self.last_made_block = -1
self.last_made_sig = -1
def broadcast(self, x):
if self.sleepy and self.ts:
self.network.broadcast(self, x)
def log(self, words, lvl=3, all=False):
#if "Tick:" != words[:5] or self.id == 0:
if (self.id == 0 or all) and lvl >= 2:
print(self.id, words)
def on_receive(self, obj, reprocess=False):
if obj.hash in self.processed and not reprocess:
self.processed[obj.hash] = obj
if isinstance(obj, Block):
return self.on_receive_beacon_block(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, Sig):
return self.on_receive_sig(obj)
def add_to_timequeue(self, obj):
i = 0
while i < len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[i].min_timestamp() < obj.min_timestamp():
i += 1
self.timequeue.insert(i, obj)
def add_to_multiset(self, _set, k, v):
if k not in _set:
_set[k] = []
def change_head(self, chain, new_head):
chain.extend([None] * (new_head.height + 1 - len(chain)))
i, c = new_head.height, new_head.hash
while c != chain[i]:
chain[i] = c
c = self.blocks[c].parent_hash
i -= 1
for i in range(len(chain)):
assert self.blocks[chain[i]].height == i
def recalculate_head(self):
while 1:
descendant_queue = [self.main_chain[-1]]
new_head = None
max_count = 0
while len(descendant_queue):
first = descendant_queue.pop(0)
if first in self.children:
for c in self.children[first]:
if self.scores.get(first, 0) > max_count and first != self.main_chain[-1]:
new_head = first
max_count = self.scores.get(first, 0)
if new_head:
self.change_head(self.main_chain, self.blocks[new_head])
def process_children(self, h):
if h in self.parentqueue:
for b in self.parentqueue[h]:
self.on_receive(b, reprocess=True)
del self.parentqueue[h]
def get_common_ancestor(self, a, b):
a, b = self.blocks[a], self.blocks[b]
while b.height > a.height:
b = self.blocks[b.parent_hash]
while a.height > b.height:
a = self.blocks[a.parent_hash]
while a.hash != b.hash:
a = self.blocks[a.parent_hash]
b = self.blocks[b.parent_hash]
return a
def get_ancestor_at_slot(self, a, slot, strict=True):
while a.slot > slot and a.hash != genesis.hash:
a = self.blocks[a.parent_hash]
if a.slot == slot or strict is False:
return a
return None
def is_descendant(self, a, b):
a, b = self.blocks[a], self.blocks[b]
while b.height > a.height:
b = self.blocks[b.parent_hash]
return a.hash == b.hash
def have_ancestry(self, h):
while h != genesis.hash:
if h not in self.processed:
return False
h = self.processed[h].parent_hash
return True
def on_receive_beacon_block(self, block):
# Parent not yet received
if block.parent_hash not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, block.parent_hash, block)
# Too early
if block.min_timestamp() > self.ts:
# Add the block
self.log("Processing beacon block %s" % to_hex(block.hash[:4]))
self.blocks[block.hash] = block
# Is the block building on the head? Then add it to the head!
if block.parent_hash == self.main_chain[-1] or self.careless:
# Add child record
self.add_to_multiset(self.children, block.parent_hash, block.hash)
# Final steps
self.network.broadcast(self, block)
def on_receive_sig(self, sig):
if sig.targets[0] not in self.blocks:
self.add_to_multiset(self.parentqueue, sig.targets[0], sig)
# Get common ancestor
anc = self.get_common_ancestor(self.main_chain[-1], sig.targets[0])
max_score = max([0] + [self.scores.get(self.main_chain[i], 0) for i in range(anc.height + 1, len(self.main_chain))])
# Process scoring
max_newchain_score = 0
for c in sig.targets:
self.scores[c] = self.scores.get(c, 0) + 1
if self.scores[c] == NOTARIES * 2 // 3:
self.justified[c] = True
c_minus_one_epoch = self.get_ancestor_at_slot(self.blocks[c], self.blocks[c].slot - EPOCH_LENGTH)
if c_minus_one_epoch and c_minus_one_epoch.hash in self.justified:
self.finalized[c_minus_one_epoch.hash] = True
if self.blocks[c].slot > anc.slot:
max_newchain_score = max(max_newchain_score, self.scores[c])
if max_newchain_score > max_score:
self.main_chain = self.main_chain[:anc.height+1]
self.sigs[sig.hash] = sig
# Rebroadcast
self.network.broadcast(self, sig)
def tick(self):
self.ts += 0.1
self.log("Tick: %.1f" % self.ts, lvl=1)
# Make a block?
slot = int(self.ts // SLOT_SIZE)
if slot > self.last_made_block and (slot % NOTARIES) == self.id:
self.broadcast(Block(self.blocks[self.main_chain[-1]], slot, self.id))
self.last_made_block = slot
# Make a sig?
if slot > self.last_made_sig and (slot % EPOCH_LENGTH) == self.id % EPOCH_LENGTH:
sig_from = len(self.main_chain) - 1
while sig_from > 0 and self.blocks[self.main_chain[sig_from]].slot >= slot - EPOCH_LENGTH:
sig_from -= 1
self.broadcast(Sig(self.id, self.main_chain[sig_from:][::-1], self.ts))
self.last_made_sig = slot
# Process time queue
while len(self.timequeue) and self.timequeue[0].min_timestamp() <= self.ts:
self.on_receive(self.timequeue.pop(0), reprocess=True)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from networksim import NetworkSimulator
from ghost_node import Node, NOTARIES, Block, Sig, genesis, SLOT_SIZE
from distributions import normal_distribution
net = NetworkSimulator(latency=300)
notaries = [Node(i, net, ts=max(normal_distribution(60, 60)(), 0) * 0.1, sleepy=i%4==0) for i in range(NOTARIES)]
net.agents = notaries
for i in range(10000):
for n in notaries:
print("Local timestamp: %.1f, timequeue len %d" % (n.ts, len(n.timequeue)))
print("Main chain head: %d" % n.blocks[n.main_chain[-1]].height)
print("Total main chain blocks received: %d" % (len([b for b in n.blocks.values() if isinstance(b, Block)]) - 1))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import random
#positions = {genesis.hash: 0, beacon_genesis.hash: 0}
#queue = [
for b in n.blocks.values():
if b.height > 0:
if isinstance(b, Block):
G.add_edge(b.hash, b.parent_hash, color='b')
for s in n.sigs.values():
G.add_edge(s.hash, s.targets[0], color='0.75')
cache = {genesis.hash: 0}
def mkoffset(b):
if b.hash not in cache:
cache[b.hash] = cache[b.parent_hash] + random.randrange(35)
return cache[b.hash]
pos={b'\x00'*32: (0, 0)}
for b in sorted(n.blocks.values(), key=lambda b: b.height):
x,y = pos[b.parent_hash]
pos[b.hash] = (x + (random.randrange(5) if b.hash in n.main_chain else -random.randrange(5)), y+10)
for s in n.sigs.values():
parent = n.blocks[s.targets[0]]
x,y = pos[parent.hash]
pos[s.hash] = (x - 2 + random.randrange(5),
y + 5)
finalized = {k:v for k,v in pos.items() if k in n.finalized}
justified = {k:v for k,v in pos.items() if k in n.justified and k not in n.finalized}
unjustified = {k:v for k,v in pos.items() if k not in n.justified and k in n.blocks}
sigs = {k:v for k,v in pos.items() if k not in n.blocks}
edges = G.edges()
colors = [G[u][v]['color'] for u,v in edges]
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=finalized.keys(), node_size=25, node_shape='o',node_color='g')
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=justified.keys(), node_size=16, node_shape='o',node_color='y')
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=unjustified.keys(), node_size=10, node_shape='o',node_color='0.75')
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=sigs.keys(), node_size=5, node_shape='o',node_color='0.75')
blockedges = [(u,v) for (u,v) in edges if G[u][v]['color'] == 'b']
otheredges = [(u,v) for (u,v) in edges if G[u][v]['color'] == '0.75']
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=otheredges, width=1, edge_color='0.75')
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=blockedges, width=2, edge_color='b')
# plt.savefig("degree.png", bbox_inches="tight")
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from networksim import NetworkSimulator
from pos_node import Node, NOTARIES, Block, genesis
from ghost_node import Node, NOTARIES, Block, genesis
from distributions import normal_distribution
net = NetworkSimulator(latency=12)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user