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2018-08-04 10:34:54 -04:00
%% Virgil's LaTeX Environment macros
% All of the macros and packages Virgil uses to make LaTeX experiences more pleasant
% For debugging during document creation
%% Packages that often need to be turned ON/OFF
% We need amssymb for the symbol \lessgtr. However, it likes to conflict with other stuff ):
\usepackage{amssymb} % AMS symbols. Disabled because it likes to conflict with other stuff.
% Decimal point alignment of numeric cells
%% End Packages that often need to be turned ON/OFF
%% Figure out what to do with these later
%Remove space to the vertical edges:
%% Adds pretty caligraphy fonts
% add ifthen powers
% add color powers
%% Fonts + text options
\usepackage{ lmodern } % I prefer this over times
%\usepackage{ times } % default
\usepackage{parskip} % more skipping options
% Support non-english characters
%\usepackage{bookman} % a nice text font
%% Enable Graphics
\usepackage{graphicx} % Takes the ``[draft]'' option in \document class
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.eps,.png,.jpg} % search for .pdf, then .eps, then .pngs, then .jpg
% look in these subdirectories for graphics referenced by \includegraphics
% each entry must end with a /
%% Bibliography options
% natbibspacing availabe at:
%% Math and Symbol packages
\usepackage{amsmath, mathtools} % you always want this
\usepackage{amsthm} % for theorems
% enables bold greek letters in math mode using the \bm{...} command. Supersedes package `amsbsy'.
%% Enables blackboard-bold letters
%\usepackage{bbold} % for \textbb{}
%\usepackage{bbm} % blackboard bold with \mathbbm{}
%\usepackage{, wasysym} % lots of fancy symbols
%% Better page-formatting options
\usepackage{afterpage} % better-behaved page-formating
%\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Change header and footer on any page
%% Better Math
\usepackage{array} % replacement for eqnarray. Must be BEFORE \usepackage{arydshln}
\usepackage{units} % for \nicefrac{\alpha}{\beta}
%% Prettier tables
\usepackage{booktabs} % for much better looking tables
\usepackage{arydshln} % For dashed-lines in tables
%%%%% Adds a downward line "closing" what's inside the square-root.
% New definition of square root:
% it renames \sqrt as \oldsqrt
% it defines the new \sqrt in terms of the old one
\setbox2=\hbox{\vrule height\ht0 depth -\dimen0}%
%% More customizable Figures
\usepackage{float} % necessary for fancy positioning
%\usepackage{wrapfig} % wrap text around your figures
%\usepackage{subfig} % supercedes subfigure
% provides the capability to rename Figure -> Fig. throughout document
% supercedes \usepackage{caption}.
%\usepackage{boxedminipage} % for floating boxes. Haven't used this much.
%% More customizable Lists
% Better symbols custom enumerative lists, define any symbol you'd like
%% Custom Symbols
% \xspace at the end of custom macros never fucks up spacing.
% example of best practice: \newcommand{\apples}{\textsf{AppLeS}\xspace}
%% Text formatting
% for different styles of underlines
% \usepackage{ulem} \normalem % \normalem is to keep \emph{} italics instead of underlined.
\newcommand{\redwuline}[1]{ {\color{red}{ \uwave{\textcolor{black}{#1}} } } }
\newcommand{\orangewuline}[1]{ {\color{BurntOrange}{ \uwave{\textcolor{black}{#1}} } } }
% In-line lists. I've never used this but here's the package for it
%\textbf{\itshape Inline lists}, which are sequential in nature, just like enumerated
%lists, but are \begin{inparaenum}[\itshape a\upshape)]
%\item formatted within their paragraph;
%\item usually labelled with letters; and
%\item usually have the final item prefixed with `and' or `or',
%\end{inparaenum} like this example.
%% For prettier citations and hyperlinks
%\usepackage[pdftex, colorlinks=true,
% bookmarksnumbered=true,
% bookmarksopen=true,
% bookmarksopenlevel=3,
% pdfstartview=FitV,
% linkcolor=blue,
% citecolor=blue,
% urlcolor=black,
% ]{hyperref}
% bookmarksnumbered=true,
% bookmarksopen=true,
% bookmarksopenlevel=3,
% pdfstartview=FitV,
% linkcolor=blue,
% citecolor=blue,
% urlcolor=black,
% ]{hyperref}
% if \url isn't defined yet, define it using the `url' package. Else do nothing
\ifthenelse{ \isundefined{\url} } { \usepackage{url} }{}
%% Special customizations that I like
% Makes the tables prettier
% SAVETREES - space saving options
% You'd probably want to put this right before your \documentclass{} in your .tex file
% options: normaltitle, normalmargins, normalsections, normallists, normalfloats, normalindent, , normalleading, normalbib, normalbibnotes
% use everything
%% For multi-line comments
\newcommand*{\bcomment}{ \begin{comment} }
\newcommand*{\ecomment}{ \end{comment} }
%\newcommand{\bCOMMENT}{ \begin{comment} }
%\newcommand{\eCOMMENT}{ \end{comment} }
%% Abbreviations you'll always want
\newcommand*{\TODO}[1]{{\centering {\sffamily \color{red} #1} \vskip10pt }}
\newcommand*{\todo}[1]{{\sffamily [{\color{red} #1}]}}
\newcommand*{\question}[1]{{\sffamily [{\color{blue} #1}]}}
\newcommand*{\new}[1]{ {\color{RoyalPurple} #1} }
\newcommand*{\fix}[1]{{\sffamily [{\textnormal{\color{red} #1}}]}}
% Cross references
% The following code defines how you make references to figures, tables, etc...
% It is defined in one place only, and can be modified for all references
% in the document at the same time.
% Instead of typing each time: "see Fig. \ref{myfig}" you can create a command
% \figref which will do the job. Then in text you only type \figref{myfig} and LaTeX
% will do the rest.