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% make in the latest NIPS format (as of this writing, 2017)
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.eps,.png,.jpg} % search for .pdf, then .eps, then .pngs, then .jpg
% look in these subdirectories for graphics referenced by \includegraphics
% each entry must end with a /
\newcommand*{\red}[1]{ \color{red} #1}
% this is for environments \subfigure and \subtable
% These packages are FORBIDDEN
%\usepackage{lmodern} % messes up \textsc
%\usepackage{cite} % messes up NIPS
%\usepackage{fullpage} % messes up NIPS
%\usepackage{natbib} % messes up NIPS
\usepackage{array} % replacement for eqnarray. Must be BEFORE \usepackage{arydshln}
\usepackage{units} % for \nicefrac{\alpha}{\beta}
\usepackage{amsthm} % for theorems
% text looks a little better
\usepackage{textcomp, marvosym} % pretty symbols
\usepackage{booktabs} % for much better looking tables
% for indicator functions
% For automatic capitalizaton of section names, etc.
\Addlcwords{is with of the and in}
\Addlcwords{of the}
% for pretty Euler script
% \usepackage[mathscr]{euscript}
% \usepackage{bold-extra}
\usepackage{float} % for \subfloat
%% More customizable Lists
% Better symbols custom enumerative lists, define any symbol you'd like
% \usepackage{enumitem}
%% Custom Symbols
% \xspace at the end of custom macros never screws up spacing.
%% Abbreviations you'll always want
\newcommand*{\TODO}[1]{{\centering {\small \sffamily \color{red} #1} \vskip10pt }}
\newcommand*{\todo}[1]{{\small \sffamily [{\color{red} #1}]}}
\newcommand*{\q}[1]{{\small \sffamily [{\color{blue} #1}]}}
\newcommand*{\fix}[1]{{\sffamily [{\textnormal{\color{red} #1}}]}}
% Cross references
% The following code defines how you make references to figures, tables, etc...
% It is defined in one place only, and can be modified for all references
% in the document at the same time.
% Instead of typing each time: "see Fig. \ref{myfig}" you can create a command
% \figref which will do the job. Then in text you only type \figref{myfig} and LaTeX
% will do the rest.
% for \sout{} for strikeout
% \usepackage[normalem]{ulem}
% for better manipulation of tables
% Misc symbols that I like